
  1. 北京是六朝古都,已经形成了独具特色的京味文化。

    Beijing is the capital of6 dynasties and have formed its own very unique culture .

  2. 老舍是中国现当代文学史上以京味文化性格而著称的名家、大家。

    Lao She is a famous author known for " Jingwei " cultural personality in Chinese Modern and Contemporary literature history .

  3. 随着政治、经济、社会文化的历史变迁,老北京城的京味文化也有一个发展、变化和逐渐淡化的过程。

    With the changes of political , economic and cultural environment , Beijing-style city culture also proceeded through evolvement of development , changing and fading .

  4. 北京书写总是带着强烈的地域语言特色,京味语言文化是北京文化价值体系的一部分,上海书写并不如此看重语言的文化穿透性,上海展示的是丰富多彩的题材内容和形态技巧。

    Peking-writing always comes with strong regional language feature . Peking-characteristic language literature is a part of Peking literature value system .

  5. 茶馆文化是极具中国京味特色的文化。

    Tea culture is a special form of culture with a decidedly Beijing touch about it .

  6. 论文第一部分讨论80年代京味小说的文化内涵,即北京文化的差异性表现为作品的何种构成因素,以及这种建立在传统与现代框架中的书写方式的内在矛盾。

    The first part of the paper discusses the cultural connotation of characteristic Beijing novels in 1980s , namely , what consisting factors in the novels represented the differences of Beijing and the interior dilemma of this writing method , which is built upon the frame of tradition and modernity .

  7. 当代京味小说与北京文化精神

    On Contemporary " Beijing Flavour Novels " and the Beijing 's Cultural Spirit