
  1. 《基础会计学》课程不能仅仅教授手工记帐的原理,还应该突出计算机记帐的原理,因为越来越多的单位正在将会计信息系统应用到会计实务中。

    The course of 《 Fundamental Accounting 》 should teach not only recording principles by hand , but also principles of computerized accounting . Because more and more units are using accounting information system .

  2. 会计信息系统的应用对审计环境、审计线索、审计内容、审计技术和手段等产生了很大的影响,也带来了新的审计风险。

    The introduction of accounting information system has a great impact on audit environment , audit trail , audit contents , audit technology and methods , and also brings about new risks for auditing .

  3. 本文根据可拓学理论,提出可拓设计的概念和方法框架,并给出在会计信息系统中的应用实例。

    The basic concept and method of extension design are proposed in this paper according to the extenics theory , and a practical example applied to the accounting information system is given .

  4. 视图在会计信息系统设计中的应用

    Application of view to Accounting Information System

  5. 会计电算化系统存在的安全风险包括无纸化过程中存在的风险,网络环境下存在的风险以及会计信息系统应用软件自身的问题。

    The security risks of E-accounting system include the risk without the paper , the risk in the net environment and the problem of its own application software .