
  • 【地名】【越南】Hoi An
  1. 会安的棕榈树,让我联想到《现代启示录》的轰炸场面。

    Palm trees remind me the bombing scenes in Apocalypse Now .

  2. 越南顺化&会安2006国际雕刻邀请展

    2006 Shunhua & Huian International Sculpture Invitational Exhibition in Vietnam

  3. 我知道她会安坐在火炉旁的角落里。

    I knew she 'd ensconce herself in the corner by the fire .

  4. 亲爱的,别担心,我会安安全全到家的

    Oh , honey , don 't worry . I 'll get home safely .

  5. 越南的会安古镇,妇女们在街头市场上贩卖新鲜农产品。

    Women sell fresh produce at a street market in the old town of Hoi An , Vietnam .

  6. 中国一度是人们以为世界会安渡信贷危机而不致陷入衰退的希望所在。

    China was once central to hopes that the world could muddle through the credit crisis without a recession .

  7. 最后,你会安坐在自己的家里,让小企鹅与你分享绿色生活小贴士。

    Finally , you return to your home where Little Penguin will share with you some tips on green living .

  8. 会安市至少有10个热门旅游饭店接到命令,将客人转移至内陆地区。

    At least ten popular tourist hotels in the town of Hoi An , were ordered to move their guests inland .

  9. 会安作为历史上的商埠,地方菜肴口味独特,受到来自东亚和东南亚地区的影响已有几百年历史。

    This longtime trading port city offers a distinctive regional cuisine that blends centuries of cultural influences from East and Southeast Asia .

  10. 会安古城是15世纪到19世纪东南亚的一个贸易港,是一个特殊的保存完好的例子。

    Hoi An Ancient Town is an exceptionally well-preserved example of a South-East Asian trading port dating from the 15th to the 19th century .

  11. 如果有一天你不想听任何人说话,打电话给我。我保证会安安静静的。

    If one day you don 't want to list to anyone * Call me I promise to be there for you , And I promise to be very quiet .

  12. 至19世纪初,会安港逐渐衰落,后被其北部的岘港所取代。

    Hoi An at the acme of itssplendour from the beginning of the19th centuries , Hoi An was onthe wane , and then was replaced by Da Nang to its north .

  13. 会安有众多烹饪课程班,游客可以学习如何制作五香猪肉面,这是本地最具特色的菜肴。

    Hoi An hosts a number of cooking classes where tourists can learn to make cao l ? u or braised spiced pork noodle , a signature dish of the city .

  14. 会见商业伙伴时,他的言行举止依然带有当警察时的审慎做派,会安安静静、心无旁骛地点头,仿佛正在犯罪现场询问目击证人。

    In meetings with business partners , he retains the deliberative demeanor of a police officer , nodding his head intently in silence , as if interviewing a witness at a crime scene .

  15. 西方国家对中国学生有一种成见:一个典型的中国学生,会安安静静地坐在课堂里,从来都完成作业,并且在赢得数学和理科类课程的全班最高分。

    In Western countries there is a stereotype about the typical Chinese student who sits quietly in class , always does his homework and can achieve at the top of his class in math and science courses .

  16. 由于越来越多的游客到访会安,当地涌现出多种游览活动,让游客可以离开老城区,骑摩托、自行车、或者搭乘皮划艇和摩托艇参加。

    Due to the increased number of tourists visiting Hoi An a variety of activities are emerging which allow guests to get out of the old quarter and explore by motorbike , bicycle , Kayak or motorboat .

  17. 除了晒日光浴和冲浪,美溪海滩附近还有很多历史遗迹,包括公交车程只有10分钟的会安港,这里有保存完好的商铺和小巷静待你来游览。

    Sunbathing and surfing aside , there are a host of historical sites situated close by including the port of Hoi An which is only 10 minutes away by bus and offers wonderfully preserved merchant houses and small alleyways to explore .

  18. 岘港是越南第三大城市,北连顺化(3小时车程),南接会安(30分钟车程),对那些想要从游客密集区寻求片刻安宁的人们来说,这里是一个完美落脚点。

    The third largest city in Vietnam , Da Nang is in close proximity to Hue - 3 hours North and Hoi An - 30 minutes South , which makes it a perfect stop point for those who need a break from touristy areas .

  19. 1999年,联合国教科文组织宣布将会安古镇列入世界文化遗产。会安古镇保存完好,呈现出东南亚15到19世纪商埠的样貌。建筑物风格独特,既有本地特色,也有外来影响。

    In 1999 , the old town was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO as a well-preserved example of a Southeast Asian trading port of the 15th to 19th centuries , with buildings that display a unique blend of local and foreign influences .

  20. 你会在安卓或者iOS上装谷歌地图这个应用软件吗?

    Will you leverage the Google Maps app on Android or iOS ?

  21. 新用户接下来几天就可以在GooglePlay(Google为安卓设备开发的在线应用程序商店)中下载安卓支付应用,运营商AT&T、T-Mobile和VerizonWireless新上市的支持近场通讯(NFC)技术的安卓手机也会预装安卓支付。

    For new users , Android Pay will be available for download on Google Play in the next few days , and will come preinstalled on new NFC-enabled Android phones from AT & T , T-Mobile , and Verizon Wireless .

  22. 哦,我晓得他为什么会不安了。

    Oh , I see why he 'd be upset .

  23. 她担心如果告诉他,他可能会不安。

    She was afraid he might be upset if she told him .

  24. 我笑笑,说她一定会平平安安的。

    I smiled and said that I was sure she was just fine .

  25. 尽管查理是个好学生,要考试时他还是会不安。

    Having to take a test disturbs Richards , even though he is a good student .

  26. 要是我们告诉报馆,他们会伤害安或者她的孩子。

    If we go to the papers they might hurt Ann or do something to her baby .

  27. 如果谷歌被认为偏好于摩托罗拉的产品,其他的手机的制造商可能会放弃安卓。

    If it is seen to favour Motorola 's products , other device makers might abandon Android .

  28. 他的全人会完全安安静静地伏在上帝的手下;

    In such a condition , our whole being lies perfectly still under the hand of God ;

  29. 指的是堕落的犹太人,违法了摩西五经,会与安条克狼狈为奸。

    That is , the bad Jews who have violated the Torah will be in cahoots with Antiochus .

  30. 撒谎者面对发问者/原告会不安,他可能会将头或身体转向一边。

    A liar is uncomfortable facing his questioner / accuser and may turn his head or body away .