
  • 网络Birding;Sapeornis
  1. 才没人会鸟你咧。

    No one 's paying attention to you .

  2. 常出现于海岸、河口、湖泊、港口地带,基隆港为目前最容易观察、亲近和欣赏的地点,也因此,老鹰为基隆市野鸟学会之会鸟。

    Keelung Harbor offers a excellent spot to observe eagles , which explains why the Wild Bird Society of Keelung chooses eagle to the bird of the Society .

  3. 轿车的声音会代替鸟的声音

    The sound of cars will replace the sound of birds .

  4. Kip会喜欢鸟桌的!

    Kip would have liked the birds !

  5. 你什么意思,你会听到鸟叫?

    What do you mean , you 'll hear the birds ?

  6. 你会捉鸟吗?不,我不会。

    Can you catch the bird ? No , I can 't.

  7. 或它会变成鸟这样的文字概念来感觉。

    Or from the literary idea that it will become a bird .

  8. 别那样做!不然会把鸟惊飞的。

    Don 't do that ! You 'll frighten the birds away .

  9. 感染严重时,则会损害鸟的健康。

    A severe infection can be very detrimental to the health of the bird .

  10. 然而猫是不允入内的,因为这会对鸟群构成威胁。

    Cats are also forbidden because they pose a threat to the bird population .

  11. 漂亮的羽毛会使鸟美。

    Fair feathers make fair fowls .

  12. 反正早起的虫儿会被鸟吃掉,那就睡晚一点吧。

    Since it 's the early worm that gets eaten by the bird , sleep late .

  13. 一次不要试图拔出太多的羽毛,或则你会撕裂鸟的皮肤。

    Don 't try to pluck too many feathers at once or you 'll tear the skin .

  14. 我记得我常常会追鸟,把小鸟抓起来,放在笼子里当宠物。

    I recalled that I used to chase young birds , catch them and put them in the cage as pets .

  15. 说来好笑,我一直以为我会穿着鸟服摔死在大峡谷谷底。

    Funny -- I always thought I 'd be found dead in a bird suit at the bottom of the Grand Canyon .

  16. 当一只成熟的鹦鹉允许在家庭中很自由的活动,那么很大可能会使鸟变得过度的警惕或选择一个突然神秘地区域进行周围攻击。

    A maturing parrot allowed a great deal of liberty in the home might become hyper-vigilant or aggressive around a suddenly and mysteriously selected territory .

  17. 他可能会在蓝鸟队哪一场出赛&托瑞说。

    Mussina could pitch a game in toronto , Torre said .

  18. 知更鸟是一种灰白色的会唱歌的鸟。

    A mockingbird is a kind of gray songbird .

  19. 不要弄出声响,不然的话你会把那些鸟吓跑的。

    Don 't make any noise or you 'll scare the birds away .

  20. 飞得越远越好亲爱的上帝,把我变成一只会飞的鸟吧

    Dear God , make me a bird so I can fly far .

  21. 会说话的鸟!长翅膀的孩子!这对我可是一课。

    Talking birds ! Children with wings ! This is a lesson for me .

  22. 它那茂密如发的枝叶里,夏天会筑起知更鸟的安乐窝。树--乔埃斯·基尔默我想我永远也不会看到象一棵树那样优美的诗篇,

    I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree ;

  23. 它那茂密如发的枝叶里夏天会筑起知更鸟的安乐窝,

    A tree that may in Summer wear A nest of robins in her hair ;

  24. 如果没有一家表示接受,这场僵局可能会危及歌鸟董事会的稳定,并可能会导致未来出现纷争。

    If none do , the stand-off threatens to destabilise the board and lead to future flare-ups .

  25. 现有的大的问题是:这些钟是如何工作的,它们又会安置在鸟体的什么部位。

    The big questions is how these work and where they are located in the bird 's body .

  26. 亲爱的上帝,把我变成一只会飞的鸟吧

    Dear God , make me a bird so I can fly far , far , far away from here .

  27. 你或许只会注意到鸟、树和花,它们很漂亮,

    You could just pay attention to the birds and the trees and the flowers and that would be fine ,

  28. 误食牛油果的皮和核会令宠物鸟心脏痛楚,最引发终心脏衰竭。

    The skin and pit of avocados have been known to cause cardiac distress and eventually heart failure in pet birds .

  29. “会说话的鸟!长翅膀的孩子!这对我可是一课。从今以后,我要过得好点儿,”他说。

    Talking birds ! Children with wings ! This is a lesson for me . From now on , I 'm going to live a better life , 'he said .

  30. 但是它们易感染鸡败血性支原体,它会让雀鸟行动迟缓并显示出结膜炎的症状,也叫传染性结膜炎。

    But they are susceptible to infection with something called Mycoplasma gallisepticum , a bug that leaves them lethargic and sporting a bad case of conjunctivitis , otherwise known as pinkeye .