
  1. 高职教育实习实训基地的建设与设想

    The Construction and Thought of Practical Training Base of Higher Education

  2. 高职专业实习实训基地建设之我见

    On Construction of Practical Bases for Higher Vocational Majors

  3. 对高职教育实习实训基地建设的概念和资源共享内容进行了界定与阐述;

    The study has defined and expatiated the concept and resources sharing of practice and training ;

  4. 加强师资建设,让品牌教师支撑品牌专业发展;开展校企合作,共建校内实习实训基地;

    In addition , teaching staff construction and cooperation between schools and enterprises should be strengthened .

  5. 创办具有前瞻性实习实训基地,为创新能力的培养提供有力的保障。

    A practical base being perspective would be established and offered the effective guarantee for cultivation of innovative ability .

  6. 明确提出:水利综合实习实训基地的建设是可行的,而且是必要的。

    It shows that there was not only feasibility , but also necessity to build a practicing and training base .

  7. 新建地方本科院校必须科学制订专业教学计划,提升实践教学地位,加强实习实训基地建设,强化实践教学师资队伍建设。

    We must make teaching plan , promote the status of practice teaching , and strengthen the construction of practice bases and practice teaching team .

  8. 校内化工实习实训基地是集实习、实训、模拟、设计、中试放大、检测等功能于一体的开放型校内实践教学基地。

    The intramural chemical training base of is an exoteric teaching base with the functions of practice , operation training , simulation , design , pilot-scale experiment detection etc.

  9. 结合河北工程大学电气与信息工程学院实习实训基地的教学、训练实践,对电子工艺训练的内容、实施过程及方法进行了有益的探索。

    Based on practice base 's teaching and training of our school , this paper gives beneficial exploration on the content , process and method of the electronic technic training .

  10. 改革的总体目标是建立投资主体多元化、功能多样化、产学研一体化的专业实验室和实习实训基地;

    The global object of the reform is to build professional labs and bases for practice and training with multivariate subjects of investment , diversified functions and production , teaching and research integration .

  11. 其中,可行性方面主要包括社会需求分析、人才培养目标、加强双师型教师队伍和实习实训基地建设、职业资格证书制度改革。

    Among them , the feasibility aspect mainly includes the social requirement analysis , personnel training target , strengthen the " double type " teachers and practice base construction , occupation qualification certificate system reform .

  12. 拟订与双证要求相吻合的教学计划、强化教师队伍的双师素质、加强实习实训基地建设及改革课程考核方式,是确保双证书制顺利实施的主要措施。

    Taking " double certificate " system successfully should follow some measures : making relative teaching plans , strengthening construction of " double-qualified " teaching staff , improving construction of practicing basis and reforming assessment models .

  13. 通过对中国海洋大学产学合作实践的研究,总结成功实施这一模式的保障条件,并从组建校外专家委员会,建立实习实训基地,利用企业资源办学等方面论述实施产学合作的基本思路。

    The article summarizes the conditions to implement the pattern according to the practice on the cooperation of industry and school in China Ocean University , expounds the basic idea to implement the cooperation of industry and school .

  14. 本文结合我院林业、园林、旅游等专业的办学特点,探讨利用校内、校外实习实训基地,加强实践教学,培养合格的高职实用型人才。

    This article discusses the topic of how to foster qualified higher vocational practical talents by utilizing experimental bases in and out of the campus and strengthening the practical teaching method , taking into consideration the features of these majors as forestry , gardening , tourism and so forth .

  15. 汽车运用工程专业实验室实习及实训基地建设设想

    Some Tentative Ideas about the construction of the Experiment Laboratory and the Practice Base in the Automobile Applied Engineering Speciality

  16. 普通师范高等专科教育转制为高等职业技术教育后,实习、实训基地的建设非常重要,这是由高职教育特点决定的。

    After teachers ' college changes into a higher vocational college , the construction of practical bases becomes very important that is decided by the characteristic of vocational education .

  17. 法医学教学应随着时代的发展而发展,应用计算机多媒体技术于教学中能够弥补传统教学的不足;建立实习、实训、实验基地是对课堂教学的必要补充;

    The teaching of forensic medicine should develop with the times , and be applied the multi-media technique , which can counteract the weakness of the traditional teaching .