
  • 网络Laboratory Testing;laboratory test;lab test
  1. 某战区HIV初筛实验室检测质量管理现状与分析

    The current condition and analysis of the " HIV " Screening laboratory testing quality administration for certain military region

  2. 当可以获得实验室检测的时候,也可以使用监测CD4细胞水平的方法。CD4细胞水平是患者免疫系统健康程度的一个指标。

    Monitoring of CD4 cell levels an indicator of the health of a patient 's immune system is also used when laboratory testing is available .

  3. HIV抗体可疑标本实验室检测结果分析

    Analysis on Laboratory Surveillance of HIV Antibody Suspected Samples

  4. 实验室检测结果:血液及肛拭标本伤寒杆菌培养阳性。血清肥达氏试验特异性O抗体阳性,H抗体阳性。

    The laboratory result was : the typhoid bacterium were isolated from case samples O and H antibody were positive .

  5. 去年,美国律师协会(theAmericanBarAssociation)认为:利用犯罪嫌疑人的资料来建立数据库的作法应该被禁止,犯罪实验室检测数据库中DNA的行为应当被起诉。

    Last year , the American Bar Association recommended that suspect databases be banned and that labs that use them be prosecuted .

  6. 其中有333名摊贩进行了实验室检测,使用单因素和多因素logistic回归分析性病易感

    333 stallholders took laboratory test of STD / HIV . Univariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis were

  7. 方法对某HIV流行地区人们作病史询问及血清实验室检测。

    Methods ELISA was applied to detect HGV-Ab and HIV-Ab in villagers who were interviewed in HIV epidemic region .

  8. 广东省各类SARS病例标本实验室检测结果与临床诊断结果比较

    Comparison of results between laboratory examination and clinical diagnosis for SARS patients ' specimens

  9. 方法通过实验室检测和现场观察,利用单因素分析和正交实验方法确定水温、pH、粒度、接触时间、再生剂浓度对蛇纹石降氟容量的影响。

    Methods Determine the effect of each factor to defluoridation capacity of Serpentine by the methods of single factor analysis and orthogonal experiment .

  10. 采用ELISA法对该人及50名其他接触者的血清样本进行的实验室检测均呈阴性。

    Laboratory tests by ELISA method of serum samples for this and50 other contact were found to be negative .

  11. 结论本研究建立的RT-PCR和real-timePcR方法可以用于人感染高致病性禽流感病毒H5N1临床标本的实验室检测。

    Conclusion The established RT-PCR and real-time PCR methods can be used for laboratory detection of suspected human H5N1 cases .

  12. 新型甲型H1N1流感的实验室检测特征及分析

    Characterization and Analysis of Laboratory Detection of the Novel A / H1N1 Influenza

  13. 实验室检测已经确认感染了甲型H5N1禽流感病毒。

    Laboratory tests have confirmed infection with avian influenza A ( H5N1 ) virus .

  14. 成都市首例学校聚集性甲型H1N1流感疫情实验室检测结果分析

    Laboratory Detection of First School Aggregation Epidemic of A / H1N1 Influenza in Chengdu

  15. 实验室检测已经证实感染了H5N1病毒,两位病人均曾接受过抗病毒治疗。

    Laboratory tests have confirmed H5N1 virus and both patients were treated with antiviral medications .

  16. 实验室检测证实这两起病例中都存在H5N1型禽流感病毒。

    Laboratory tests confirmed the presence of the H5N1 avian influenza virus in both cases .

  17. RhD阴性供者健康状况实验室检测方法的选择

    Choice of RhD negative detection methods in laboratories for healthy persons

  18. 12月13日,对患者样本进行初步实验室检测,结果为H5N1阴性。

    On13 December , initial laboratory tests on samples from the patient tested negative for H5N1 .

  19. 临床关于HSV(-Ⅱ)四种实验室检测方法的比较

    Comparison of four laboratory detection methods for infection of HSV_ ( - ⅱ) in clinical specimens

  20. 经位于班吉的巴斯德研究所国家实验室检测,3例为黄热病IgM阳性。

    Three cases were positive for yellow fever IgM at the National Laboratory in the Institute Pasteur of Bangui .

  21. 猪瘟感染确诊的主要依据是对CSFV的实验室检测。

    The detection of CSFV is essential to diagnose CSF .

  22. 目的解决RT-PCR检测HCVRNA方法的重复性较差问题,使其成为常规实验室检测方法。

    Objective To solve the poor reproducibility of RT & PCR method in detection of HCV RNA in order to make it a routine laboratory assay .

  23. 白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)的实验室检测技术

    Detection methods of white spot syndrome ( wssv ) in laboratory

  24. 通过报告和实验室检测15岁以下儿童的所有急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例监测野生脊灰病毒;

    Surveillance for wild poliovirus through reporting and laboratory testing of all acute flaccid paralysis ( AFP ) cases among children under fifteen years of age ;

  25. 经实验室检测和临床应用证明,用于预防ND和NIB效果好。

    Through laboratory examinations and clinical application , it is proved that the bigeminal vaccine has a good results for prevention of ND and NIB .

  26. 目的分析肾活检及相关实验室检测结果,探讨儿童狼疮性肾炎(LN)病理类型与临床表现的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between the pathological classification and clinical manifestations of lupus nephritis ( LN ) in children by renal biopsy and laboratory examination .

  27. 目前实验室检测证实这些猪流感病毒A(H1N1)对奥司他韦和扎那米韦敏感。

    Laboratory testing on these swine influenza A ( H1N1 ) viruses so far indicate that they are susceptible ( sensitive ) to oseltamivir and zanamivir .

  28. 应用乙肝抗原与白-百-破抗原配制成Al(OH)3吸附四联疫苗,经实验室检测HBsAg能完全被吸附,对小白鼠的免疫效果较单价乙肝疫苗明显增强。

    Al ( OH ) 3 absorbed tetravalent vaccine was prepared with DPT and plasma derived hepatitis B vaccine HBsAg . The detection showed that HBsAg could be completely absorbed . Compared with HB vaccine .

  29. 方法:所有人选的STD患者及男女性罪错者,采用匿名问卷方式,然后应用RWB或ELISA法对其进行HIV抗体和其他有关性病的实验室检测。

    An anonymous questionnaire was carried out and then following thd examination of HIV antibody by RWB or ELISA , and laboratory tests for other STD.

  30. 方法对本院确诊6例MLD患儿临床与实验室检测资科进行分析。

    Methods : The analysis was done in 6 patients with MLD according to the clinical and experimental data .