
  1. 主要实物工程量,投资完成及设计变更情况;

    Main physical work quantity , investment used and altered design .

  2. 关于建设工程招标投标中实行实物工程量清单法的探讨

    Discussion on application of work bill in kind method in construction bidding

  3. 对总体进度的评价,将投资量作为不同实物工程量的公度指标,同时用权重反映影响进度的各种因素,通过对不同实物工程的完成量分类加权来评价总体进度。

    Investment quantity in this method is taken as the commensurable index , weight is used to reflect the various influences on progress , and the weighted-average is adopted to evaluate the comprehensive progress for the completed quantities of various work quantities .