
  • 网络Utility;Utility category;utility class
  1. Spring是一个最近应用比较广泛的开源框架,它为J2EE的开发提供强有力的基础架构,同时又提供丰富的实用类。

    Spring was a widely used open source framework . It provides powerful base frame for exploring J2EE platform . Meanwhile , it also provides rich utility classes .

  2. 也有使WSDL文档变得易于读取和解析以及将WSDL4J对象的内容作为XML文档写出的实用类。

    There are also utility classes that make it easy to read and parse a WSDL document , as well as write out the contents of the WSDL4J objects as an XML document .

  3. 您还需要使用一个实用类在提要中创建相应的URL。

    You also need a utility class for creating appropriate URLs in your feed .

  4. 实用类MetaPropertyElementBuilder用于在XML代码中构建一个

    The utility class MetaPropertyElementBuilder is used to build a

  5. 创建数据类和一个实用类来获取EntityManager实例。

    Create data classes and a utility class for getting an EntityManager instance .

  6. 关于closures的创造性使用的例子是,检查PawelTurlejski的实用类,它提供与Groovy类似的阵列方法(见参加资料)。

    For an example of the creative use of closures , check out Pawel Turlejski 's utility class , which provides Groovy-like array methods ( see Resources ) .

  7. 文中重点讨论了通信层的重要性,从基本的编码类到消息类再到实用类的设计和实现方法均作为详细讨论。

    This article focuses on the importance of communication layers , the designation and implementation are discussed in detail , from the basic coding class to the message class and utility class .

  8. 这还不利于域类的设计,因为这个实用类现在必须位于对象层次结构的顶层,不允许您使用继承来整合常见行为。

    It also hurts the design of your domain classes because this utility class must now sit at the top of your object hierarchy , not allowing you to use inheritance to consolidate common behavior .

  9. 一种实用回转类零件CAPP开发工具

    A practical CAPP developing tool for rotary parts

  10. 标准实用程序类,如Hashtable和Vector也影响Java程序性能。

    The standard utility classes such as Hashtable and Vector also affect Java program performance .

  11. jar:包含订户和发布方实用程序类的JAR文件。

    WASv5WSNTExtensions . jar : A JAR file containing the utility classes for subscribers and publishers .

  12. 实用工具类(utilityclasses)在几乎任何适当规模的C++项目中都是必需的,但是不存在满足此需求的标准方法。

    Utility classes are necessary in almost any C + + project of reasonable dimensions , but there is no standard way to approach this requirement .

  13. 一个附加的实用程序类在进行检查时会产生一些小麻烦,它会让HTML文档通过检查(即使那些文档没有XML必需的结束标记)。

    One extra utility class implements a bit of fuzziness in the checking to get HTML documents to pass ( even without having all the closing tags XML requires ) .

  14. 将两台服务器共享的登录模块和实用工具类部署到这两台服务器的lib目录。

    Shared Login modules and utility classes , used by both servers , are deployed in the lib directory of both servers .

  15. util&字符串操作、cookie管理、数据操作、延迟动作支持和回调支持等任务的实用程序类

    Util & Utility classes for such tasks as string manipulation , cookie management , data manipulation , deferred action support , and callback support

  16. Wicket框架提供的实用工具类可以测试内容渲染、导航和数据流。

    The framework provides utility classes that can be used for testing content rendering , navigation and data flow .

  17. jar:包含WebSphereApplicationServerV5.1所需的实用程序类的JAR文件,可以创建并访问SOAP消息中WS-Addressing消息的信息头。

    WASv5WSAExtensions . jar : A JAR file containing the utility classes that WebSphere Application Server V5.1 needs in order to create and access WS-Addressing message information headers in SOAP messages .

  18. 该自定义中介原语使用一个名为PolicyQueryTest的Java实用工具类,其中封装了上面介绍的注册中心代理代码

    The custom mediation primitive uses a Java utility class called PolicyQueryTest , which encapsulates the registry proxy code explained above

  19. 因为每个服务实用程序类所需调用的URN名和方法名都将是唯一的,所以它们都有其自己的实现。

    Each service utility class has it own implementation , since the URN name and method name each needs to invoke will be unique .

  20. 现在这个插件的核心功能已经实现并经过测试,您应该创建一个方便的服务,以一种Grails友好的方式公开这两个实用程序类。

    Now that the plug-in 's core functionality is implemented and tested , you should create a convenience service that exposes the two utility classes in a Grails-friendly way .

  21. 例如,如果连接的是Oracle数据库,那么名为NVL的实用程序类函数返回NVL;如果连接的是DB2,那么返回COALESCE。

    For example , a utility class function called NVL would return NVL if the database connection is with Oracle , and COALESCE if the DB connection is with DB2 .

  22. JNDIREFNAMES是一个实用程序类,它拥有引用的各种类型的值。

    JNDIREFNAMES is a utility class that holds the values of various types of references .

  23. 请特别注意清单中的以下代码行:(1):UrlArguments类是一个小型实用工具类,它将URL参数解析为散列表对象。

    Pay particular attention to these lines in this listing : ( 1 ): The UrlArguments class is a small utility class that parses the URL arguments into a hashtable object .

  24. 这个方法使用GWTJSON实用程序类解析JSON字符串,把详细的职员数据存储在应用程序对象EmployeeItemData中(这个对象包含在类成员treeItem中)。

    This method uses GWT JSON utility classes to parse the JSON string , and stores the detailed employee data in an application object EmployeeItemData , which is contained in class member treeItem .

  25. 您可以在JMSCustomBindingClasses项目中找到它们的源文件和其他的实用工具类。

    You can find their source files and the other utility classes in the JMSCustomBindingClasses project .

  26. 不过,NLTK提供了一组由更高的层所依赖和使用的系统化的接口,而不只是简单地提供实用的类来处理加过标志或加过标签的文本。

    But NLTK provides a set of regularized interfaces that are relied on and utilized at higher levels , in addition to simply providing convenient classes to hold tokenized and tagged texts .

  27. 因为它们有权访问整个解析树(除去实际方法主体),所以Doclet提供了一个简便机制来编译有关代码的实用程序类或报告。

    Since they have access to the entire parse tree ( minus the actual method body ), Doclets provide a handy mechanism to compile utility classes or compile reports on the code .

  28. 我已经将名为EmailSubscriber的实用工具类包括在本文的示例代码中,该示例代码摘要了某些复杂的内容。

    I have included a utility class called EmailSubscriber in the sample code for this article , which abstracts some of the complexity .

  29. 如果该表不存在,则它调用数据库初始化代码ResourcesDatabaseInitializer,该代码在此示例中是初始化数据库的实用程序类。

    If the table doesn 't exist , it invokes the database initialization code , ResourcesDatabaseInitializer , which in this example is a utility class that initializes the database .

  30. 在发现新添加的服务之后,您就可以更新IDynamicServiceRegistry类从而为新发现的服务添加条目,并对相应的服务实用程序类进行编码了。

    After discovering the newly added service , the IDynamicServiceRegistry class can be updated to add an entry for the newly found service and corresponding service utility classes can be coded .