
  • 网络material retardation;materially retarded
  1. 加拿大CITT实质性阻碍案例判解之分析

    The Interpretations on the Case of the Material Retardation of CITT in Canada

  2. 实质性阻碍在反倾销法中占有越来越重要的地位。

    Material retardation is getting more and more important in antidumping law .

  3. 论反倾销立法中的实质性阻碍损害标准

    On the Standard of Material Retardation in Antidumping Law

  4. 实质性阻碍国内产业的建立是反倾销损害认定的一种具体情形。

    Material retardation to a domestic industry is a specific situation of identifying the damage in the process of antidumping .

  5. 从实质性阻碍客体之认定和实质性阻碍因素之认定两个方面对实质性阻碍案例解释进行分析。

    The case is interpreted from two respects , determination of the objects and determination of the elements of the material retardation .

  6. 如果公司上下团结一致,为共同的目标而奋斗,那么任何反对意见都不会造成实质性的阻碍。

    When companies come together for a common goal , resistance to the change can spell disaster .

  7. 研究表明,平均成本影响型壁垒的存在对国际服务贸易的发展起着实质性的阻碍作用,这种阻碍作用对一国经济是十分有害的。

    Our studies reveal AC-typed barriers to trade in services pose a negative effect on international trade , and they also cast shadows upon a country 's economy .

  8. 笔者认为,反倾销的目的在于消除倾销行为及其对国内产业造成的实质性损害或损害威胁,或者对国内产业的建立造成的实质性阻碍;

    The author indicates that , the purpose of the antidumping is to prevent and remove dumping behaviors , and to eliminate the substantial injury or the threat of injury thus caused to the domestic industry .