
  • 网络factor score
  1. 阅读组和空白组之间,各次级因素得分差异均无显著性。

    No difference was found between reading group and the control .

  2. 学校危险因素得分随年级升高而增长,保护因素得分随年级升高而降低;

    School risk factors scores increase and protective factors scores decrease with the adolescents ′ grade ;

  3. 该团队发现,在参与调查的所有国家中,环境因素得分最高,其中包括了解自己的工作要求。

    They found that across all countries , environmental factors scored highest , including knowing what was required of them at work .

  4. 次级因素得分显示其心理健康状况良好,适应能力较强;

    Analysis of secondary factors suggested that navy divers as a whole were excellent in psychological health and adapted well to the diving environment .

  5. 训练组新环境成长能力因素得分明显高于阅读组(4.35±1.22,P<0.05)。

    The score of maturity in training group was higher than that in reading group ( 4.35 ± 1.22 , P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 同时,在进行实际的分析研究时,不仅仅要从综合评价得分、各个因素得分来进行分析,还应当从各个具体的指标状况来进行分析研究。

    Meanwhile , when real analysis and research is conducted , not only comprehensive evaluation scores and each factor scores should be analyzed but also each real index should be analyzed and studied .

  7. 从劳动纠纷到反日抗议等各种问题导致中国城市整体宜居度排名下滑,抵消了其他因素得分上升可能带来的排名上升。

    Everything from labor disputes to anti-Japanese protests prompted a decline in the livability rankings for Chinese cities overall , cancelling out improvements in other factors that would have otherwise boosted their positions on the list .

  8. 从六个因素得分排序结果可以看出,除了外部市场得分明显较低以外,其他因素均具有超出国内平均水平的实力,对泸州整个白酒产业集群发展奠定了坚实的基础。

    According to the sorting , In addition to the score of " external market " was obviously low beyond , Other factors which are more than all the strength of the average domestic laid a solid foundation the luzhou liquor industry cluster .

  9. 结果发现,SCL-90各因素的得分与《生活经验问卷》得分呈负相关,实验组接受反省练习后,SCL-90各因素的得分变化显著。

    Results indicate that , the correlation between the score of every factor on SCL-90 and the score on Questionnaire of Life Experience is negative . The score of every factor on SCL-90 changes significantly after the experimental group finished their reflective practice .

  10. 考察市场化进程时,先对二级测度指标进行评价打分,然后按简单平均法分级计算出一级测度指标和测度因素的得分,最后计算出种业体系市场化指数。

    The marketization index of seed industry system can be got through evaluating and accounting each indicator in simple average .

  11. 虽然性别、学科、独生子女在总得分上并无显著差异,但在某个因素的得分上存在显著差异。

    Although gender , subject , the single child in total score shows no significant difference , in some factors score of appears significant differences .

  12. 通过比较这些因素的得分,得出它们的重要度等级依次为需求满足性,帮助可及性,感知可用性和大众认同度。

    By comparing the scores of these four factors , the importance sequence is as Needs Satisfaction , Support Availability , Perceived Usability and Public Acceptance .

  13. 家庭环境量表中文版评价家庭环境因素(得分越高反映该因素在各家庭环境因素中越被重视)。

    Family environments were evaluated with family environment scale-Chinese version ( FES-CV )( The higher score represented that the factor was stressed in the family environment ) .

  14. 4年兵在稳定性和适应与焦虑性因素上得分增加,忧虑性、敏感性和紧张性下降;

    The soldiers of 4 years had increased scores on emotional stability , and adaptation / anxiety , and decreased scores on apprehension , sensitivity and tension ;

  15. 并对影响因素与SAS得分进行了回归分析。

    Furthermore , it makes a regressive analysis of the influencing factors and SAS scores .

  16. 方法采用视觉保持测验(VRT)对112例ACI患者的认知功能损伤进行评测,并分析脑梗死灶数量、体积、位置等不同因素对VRT得分的影响。

    Methods After evaluating the cognitive impairment of 112 patients with ACI using the Revised Visual Retention Test ( VRT ), we compared the result of VRT test among different groups grouped by number , size and location of the cerebral infarction .

  17. 美国大学生的角色紧张高于中国大学生,而中国大学生在生存焦虑和社交恐惧因素上的得分高于美国大学生。

    The role stress of American students was higher than that of Chinese students .

  18. 不同专业学员在家庭影响和学校特点这两个因素上的得分具有显著差异。

    Significant difference in the factor scores of family influence and characteristics of university was found between cadets of different majors .

  19. 方法:随机抽取在医院工作1年以上的护士进行问卷调查,对问卷中每项按3分量表记录工作满意度得分,比较各因素累加加权得分即为护士工作满意度得分。

    Method : Nurses who has over 1 year job experience , had been selected randomly for inquiry investigation , satisfactory degree had been compared with different factors .

  20. 不同性别的学生在电脑游戏成瘾总分以及五个因素上的得分存在显著性差异,且男生高于女生。

    Gender difference existed among the total score as well as five factors of computergames scores . Also the score of male students were higher than the female students .

  21. 基本研究结论如下:1、合训学员在16项人格因素上的得分都处于中间状态(3-7分),没有出现偏激人格的现象。

    The conclusions are as follows : 1 . The 16 PF scores of these cadets are in the middle ( from 3 to 7 ) with no morbid personality .

  22. 影响南京高校教师工作积极性八大因素的满意度得分从高到低依次是:工作本身、工作环境、人际关系、职称评定、领导管理、经济报酬、工作绩效和培训晋升。

    Analysed the different preferences for the eight factors , the order is : work itself , working environment , interpersonal relationships , job title assessment , leadership management , economic rewards , job performance and training for promotion .

  23. 城乡高职生应对方式在自责、退避维度上差异显著,来自城镇的高职生在自责和退避因素上的得分要显著低于来自农村的高职生。

    Urban and rural students to respond to significant difference on dimension of self-accusation , retreat , in the era of higher vocational students from town and retreat factors scores were significantly lower than that of students from the rural areas .

  24. 各组间单变量方差分析显示,女干部与普通女学生在各因素上的得分均无显著差异,男干部与普通男生在各因素上的得分只有强迫因子达到显著性水平;

    The univariate analysis indicated that there was insignificant difference in the average scores of the factors between female student cadres and female common students , and only the score of obsession-compulsion was significantly different between male student cadres and male common students .

  25. 利用多因子综合评价模型计算得出准则层五个因素的健康指数得分,珠海、中山和江门三市的分别为:0.8348、0.7779和0.7574。

    City health comprehensive values of Zhuhai and Zhongshan and Jiangmen are respectively 0.8348 , 0.7779 and 0.7574 .

  26. 评价结果显示,经理层治理状况总体偏低,且行业间和各主、子因素指数间的得分有较大差异。

    The appraisal result shows the overall condition is a little lower and there is big difference among industries and sub-index .

  27. 运用模糊综合评价的思路,根据各评价因素的权重及得分,计算出比选方案的技术分数。

    By fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method , according to the weights and scores of the evaluation factors , then calculate the technical scores of alternative option .

  28. 对于这59人,我们看三个不同的因素:场均得分(标准计分法),生涯总得分(考虑到职业生涯寿命),生涯真实投篮命中率(考虑得分效率,无论是近距离得分,远距离得分还是罚球频度)。

    For each of the 59 , we looked at three different factors : career points per game ( the standard barometer for scorers ) , career points ( giving credit to longevity ) and career true shooting percentage ( giving credit to efficiency , whether earned with close-range shots , long-range buckets or free-throw frequency ) .

  29. 结果家庭经济条件好的群体在敢为性、外向性因素及心理健康因素上得分上明显高于家庭经济条件差者群体(P≤0.05,P≤0.01);

    Results The scores of factors such as social boldness , extroversion and mental health in the soldiers with better family financial situations was significantly higher than that in the soldiers with the worse situations ( P ≤ 0.05 or P ≤ 0.01 ) .

  30. 对厦门市四类中学(高中)入学考试分别进行Q型与R型因素分析,并计算因素得分。

    In this paper , the authors made Q - model and R - model analyses of the scores of the entrance examination of four sorts of middle schools in Xiamen , and calculated the factor scores as well .