
  1. 婚姻是因为爱情,爱情是盲目的。所以,婚姻是为瞎子所设的会所。

    Marriage is Love , Love is blind , therefore , Marriage is an institution for the Blind ( Anonymous )

  2. 我寻求爱情,其次是因为爱情解除孤寂

    I have sought it , next , because it relieves loneliness

  3. 写的是我们因为爱情所作出的愚蠢牺牲。

    It 's about the foolish sacrifices we make for love .

  4. 我寻求爱情,首先因为爱情给我带来狂喜,

    I have sought love , first , because it brings ecstasy

  5. 因为爱情,青春是亲昵的,生命是甜美的。

    And Youth be dear , and Life be sweet to Love .

  6. 跟踪不仅仅是因为爱情上的痴迷。

    Well , there 's more to stalking than just romantic obsession .

  7. 因为爱情、婚姻和家庭这一主题,在今天,仍然广为人们所关注,悲剧也时有发生。

    Today , people still pay attention to love , marriage and family .

  8. 而发生的所有事情和所有人做出的牺牲都是因为爱情。

    All that happens and every sacrifice that is made is all for love .

  9. 我们备受折磨,是因为爱情继续。

    We 're tormented because love goes on .

  10. 放轻松点,因为爱情的种子会长出漂亮的花朵。

    Take it easy , because then the seed of love will blossom into something beautiful .

  11. 你没有感受到爱情是因为爱情根本就不存在。

    Don Draper on love-The reason you haven 't felt it is because it doesn 't exist .

  12. 红玫瑰将永远是最流行的花儿,因为爱情永不过时。

    Red rose is going to remain the most popular flower because love never goes out of style .

  13. 徘徊在厨房,祈祷大厅,因为爱情麻木带来的忧郁越陷越深。

    hang around the soup kitchens and the prayer halls , sinking ever deeper into a melancholy love stupor .

  14. 情人眼神中闪现出的神采不一定就是你的幻觉,因为爱情可以使瞳孔扩大。

    That special sparkle in the lover 's eyes need not be fantasy , for love may make the pupil grow larger .

  15. 我们身边经常会看到这样的一对:他们因为爱情走到了一起,却在多年后分开了。

    Very often , we find that two people who come together out of love grow apart as the years go by .

  16. 我最后的亲人.孤独一次又一次把我包围.都是因为爱情这个阴狡诈的商人,他出售给我的每个甜蜜的小时,我现在都要用数千个小时的悲伤来偿还!

    but each hour of happiness the treacherous trader , Love , sold me i have paid a thousand hours ofo grief !

  17. 将我放在心上如印记,带在你臂上如戳记。因为爱情如死亡壹般坚强。

    Set me as a seal upon thine heart , as a seal upon thine arm : for love is strong as death .

  18. 该剧因为爱情戏份太多,对周莹奋斗的故事描写太少而受到批评,其豆瓣评分为7.2分。

    The drama got 7.2 points on Douban , receiving criticism for having too much romance and too few of Zhou 's struggles .

  19. 对实际上没有感觉的爱情,千万别去假装,因为爱情并非是我们能够掌控的东西。

    Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel , for love is not ours to command . ( Alan Watts )

  20. 比如见证了其他人的恋爱关系和人们相互影响的部分&无论是因为爱情或者友情,或者其他任何一种感情。

    Like in witnessing other people 's relationships and the way that people interact-whether out of love or friendship , or whatever it is .

  21. 因为爱情是如此的不可预知和惊心动魄,它就像魔术一样治愈你,而你值得。

    Because love as wildly unpredictable and terrifying as it is , it is every bit just as magical , healing , and worth it .

  22. 我曾经追求过爱情,其次是因为爱情可以摆脱孤寂——置身于那可怕的孤独之中,那令人战栗的感觉,有时会掠过世界的边缘,把人带到寒气袭人且没有生命的无底深渊。

    because it relieves loneliness-that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss .

  23. 因为爱情是残忍的极致,人们认为悲苦、甜蜜、心痛、快乐的爱情到最后总是美的。

    Because love is the ultimate cruel , it was felt that misery , sweetness , heartache , happiness always love to the last United States .

  24. 我知道,我想你明白何谓爱,whoever:无论谁无论你和谁在一起,pretty:相当因为爱情非常美好。

    Lily : I know that , and I want you to know what love is ... whoever you 're with , because it 's pretty great . -

  25. 没有人一辈子因为爱情而活,即使有,也就如同所有的梦境变成了现实,也会变为可怕。

    No one can live for love all the time , if so , it just like all the dreams come to the world which will be fearful .

  26. 孤独一次又一次把我包围。都是因为爱情这个阴狡诈的商人,他出售给我的每个甜蜜的小时,我现在都要用数千个小时的悲伤来偿还!

    Desolation after desolation has swept over me ; but each hour of happiness the treacherous trader , Love , sold me I have paid a thousand hours of grief !

  27. 我寻求爱情,其次是因为爱情可以排解孤独一那是一颗震颤的心,就好比在世界的边缘,俯瞰那冰冷死寂、毫无生气的深渊。

    I have sought it , next , because it relieves loneliness-that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss .

  28. 我寻求爱情,首先因为爱情给我带来激情,它如此强烈以致我经常愿意为了几小时的欢愉而牺牲生命中的其他一切。

    I have sought love , first , because it brings enthusiasm-enthusiasm so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy .

  29. 但是这种理想的行为不是消极的,因为爱情持续不断要求索回的总体性,正好就是时间以不可抗拒的力量撕碎和隐藏的那种总体性。

    But this ideal act is not a passive one , for the totality which love has to continually reclaim is precisely the totality which time so convincingly appears to fragment and hide .

  30. 我曾经追求过爱情,首先是因为爱情可以给我带来狂喜,这种狂喜竟如此强烈,以至于我常常会为了体验几小时爱的欢娱,而宁愿牺牲生命中的其他一切。

    I have sought love , first , because it brings ecstasy - ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours of this joy . I have sought it , next ,