
ɡǔ shì tiáo zhěnɡ
  • correction of stock market
  1. 贵金属价格急剧下跌导致整个地区的股市调整。

    The sharp falls in precious metals have triggered a regional correction .

  2. 消费者能够承受一次大幅度的股市调整。

    Consumers can withstand a large correction .

  3. 雪上加霜的是,随着股市调整的溢出效应蔓延至企业信贷以外,不同资产类别的传统关联也被打破。

    To add insult to injury , conventional correlations among asset classes broke down as the spillover of the equity market correction spread beyond corporate credit .

  4. 不过他表示,若股市调整30%,将仅对消费产生适度影响,而对银行资产负债状况的影响将很大,但可以控制。

    However he said a correction of as much as 30 per cent would have only a moderate effect on consumption and that the impact on banks ' balance sheets would be significant , but manageable .

  5. 在欧元区,到今年年底,经济将接近零增长,因为财政紧缩,股市调整,以及主权、企业债券及银行间流动性利差的上升都将造成重大破坏。

    In the eurozone , growth will be closer to zero by the end of this year , as fiscal austerity and stock market corrections , along with rises in sovereign , corporate and interbank liquidity spreads , take their toll .

  6. 上海股市的调整尚未引发投资者逃离避险的举动。

    The Shanghai correction has yet to spark a flight from risk .

  7. 美国股市经过调整后将继续走强,但将多一些理智和真实,少一些狂热和泡沫。

    The stock markets . once adjusted , will remain to be strong , with more sense and reality . less fanaticism and superficiality .

  8. 股价下跌和交易量下降进一步表明,政府已在不引发股市大幅调整的情况下,成功为股市降温。

    The share price decline and more modest trading are a further indication that the authorities have managed to take the steam out of a stock market without causing a dramatic correction .

  9. GoldSeek.com的这个标题发出了红色警报。在评估另外20名专家跟踪的20种周期之后,它总结道:“很多周期表明股市的调整或崩溃已经临近……未雨绸缪是很重要的。在‘窗口’关闭之前,你仍有一些时间!”

    That 's the headline flashing red warnings . After reviewing 20 cycles tracked by 20 other experts , GoldSeek.com concluded : ' There are many cycles that suggest a stock-market correction or crash is near ... Preparation is important . You still have a little time remaining before the ' window ' closes ! '

  10. 其他分析师表示,股市的温和调整,将为内地股价的中期持续上涨创造条件。

    Other analysts say a modest correction would create the conditions for a sustainable medium-term rise in mainland share prices .

  11. 中国股市已开始调整,主要股指已从高位下跌15%。

    The Chinese stock market has already begun to correct the main stock indexes have fallen 15 per cent from their highs .

  12. 研究结果表明短期内股市对利率调整具有一定的敏感性、滞后性,但从长期来看利率变动与股市指数存在显著的负相关关系。

    The findings are that the interest rate policy has the sensitivity effect , the time-lag effect in short time and has negative effects on the stock market in a long time .

  13. 股市正陷入向下调整格局中。

    The stock market is headed for a downward correction .

  14. 但是分析师在股市大跌之后做出调整的幅度和速度让预测这项行为本身变得十分可疑。

    But the magnitude and velocity at which strategists adjust their estimates after stocks crash renders the practice of oddsmaking suspect .

  15. 在最初的下跌后,日本股市承受住了1987年的全球市场崩盘,但上海股市自2月份调整以来,却一直对全球信贷危机视若无睹。

    And while Japan rode out the 1987 crash after an initial fall , the Shanghai market has been oblivious to the global credit crunch since its February correction .