
  1. 可转换债券是同时具有股票性质和债券性质的金融工具,发行可转换债券的公司承诺在规定的期限内,债券持有人有权将债券转换为公司的股票;

    Convertible bond is a financial tool with both stock and bond character .

  2. 近代洋务股份制企业股票性质与股权状况

    A Preliminary Study about the Nature of Stocks and the Situation of Stockholders ' Right of the Enterprises in Westernization Movement

  3. 一直以来,学者都没有停止对于股票市场性质的研究和市场走势的预测。

    All along , the scholars have not stopped the nature of the stock market trend forecasting and market research .

  4. 关于经理股票期权性质的争论主要集中在两个问题上:它是负债还是权益;它应不应该费用化。

    The argument about the nature of ESO mainly focuses on two issues : one is whether it is a liability or an equity , and the other is whether it should be turned into expense .

  5. 但是,在采用期权定价模型进行计量时,又要结合经理人股票期权的性质做一些修订。

    At the same time , we should do some modification on the stock option pricing model according to the nature of ESO .

  6. 股票期权的法律性质与法律调整

    The Legal Property and Legal Adjustment of the Executive Stock Option

  7. 股票价格塑性性质的计量经济模型及实证检验

    Econometrical model of stock price plasticity property and empirical examination

  8. 为了进一步明晰股份转让的效力基础,本章还对股票及股票交易的性质做了分析。

    For the further discussion of the basis of stock transfer force , the writer research the character of stock and stock bargaining in the third chapter .

  9. 质押股票被视为股票权益的性质发生了变化。

    A pledge of shares is regarded as a change in the nature of interest in the shares .

  10. 在简要介绍股票期权的几种确认观的基础上引出对股票期权的性质探讨,然后对股票期权的初始确认标准、确认期间及初始时点进行分析。

    In this part , the recognition criteria , recognition period , initial recognition time of stock options are probed into .

  11. 第一章介绍了股票期权的概念,并将之与相关概念进行了比较与辨析,还比较分析了股票期权与其他股权激励制度的异同,最后详细讨论了股票期权的法律性质。

    Chapter one : This chapter introduces the conception of stock option , contrasts and differentiates it with other related conceptions , and then discusses its legal nature in detail .