
  1. 论国有企业委托代理主体的行为目标与行为取向&兼论国有股权代表制度重构

    The Study on Agents ' Objectives and Behaviors of State-Owned Enterprises

  2. 毕竟,该行业仍是多数遗留的极少非国有股权的代表。

    After all , the industry still represents most of what little non-government owned equity is left .

  3. 公司控制权市场作用的发挥可以通过以董事会为代表的内部控制权市场完成,也可以通过以收购股权为代表的外部控制权市场完成。

    The usage of corporate control market can finished by board of directors representing internal control market or external control market be represented by purchasing equity .

  4. 戈沙尔格评估了225家私募股权公司,代表1000多支基金、逾万亿美元的承诺资本。

    Gottschalg evaluated 225 private equity firms , representing more than 1,000 funds with more than $ 1 trillion in committed capital .

  5. 接着,选取了股权试点典型代表的宝钢股份公司作为对股票期权及年薪制的实践情况进行分析,并对比总结了钢铁行业的四家重点国有控股上市企业的经营情况。

    Then I selected the Baoshan Iron and steel shares company as the practice of stock options and annual salary system to analyze and summary the situation .

  6. 引入增量丰富股权结构、组建代表股东利益的董事会、建立并完善国有出资人的代表机构、联合与重组抗地方政府干扰、通过市场竞争提供银行矫正的内源动力是可供选择的理想途径。

    That enriching the structure of shareholder , setting up standard directorate , uniting and recombining to resist the local government 's disturbing , absorbing impetus from market competition are the feasible perfect approaches .