
jìn xiū
  • Continuing education;engage in advanced studies;take a refresher course
进修 [jìn xiū]
  • [engage in advanced studies] 一般指已工作的人为提高自己的政治、业务水平而进一步学习

  • 进修是急。——清· 刘开《问说》

进修[jìn xiū]
  1. 此外,挑选一些优秀人才去进修也是一个很好的方法。

    In addition , picking up some excellent people to take a refresher course is also a good measure .

  2. 她正进修,以提高自己的业务技巧。

    She 's doing a course to sharpen her business skills .

  3. 为提高学历而进修是促进事业发展的一个办法。

    Studying for new qualifications is one way of advancing your career .

  4. 他动身前往阿姆斯特丹学院去进修技艺。

    He went off to the Amsterdam Academy to improve his technique .

  5. 她现在正在进修,新的职业发展机会就摆在面前。

    She is now in further education with new career possibilities ahead of her

  6. 他们应当有更多的脱产进修的机会。

    They should be given more opportunities for mid-career studies .

  7. 我下了很大的工夫进修英文。

    I 've put a lot of work in improving my english .

  8. 之所以发生这一转变,是因为自2000年以来,政府实施了针对资助家庭条件困难儿童的的政策,同时还由于有很多贫穷的年轻人现在会留在学校参加A-level考试或决定上大学进修,所以他们会从教育资金中获益更久。

    The change is a consequence of policy since the early 2000s targeting money at disadvantaged children , and also because many poorer youngsters2 are now staying on for A-levels and university and so benefiting longer from education funding .

  9. 无所不知是不可能,但我们应该时刻准备着,不断地进修学习

    Omniscience is impossible , but we be ready at all times , constantly studied .

  10. 他想让我在本县的进修部继续求学,并想让我继续住在家里以节省开支。

    He wanted me to attend the extension in our county and save money by continuing to live at home .

  11. “专业学生”指的是那种已经拿到好几个学位,依然继续进修深造,而不是去从事和既得学位有关的职业的人。

    Professional student refers to a person who receives multiple degrees and keeps taking courses instead of holding a profession related to the degrees earned .

  12. 例如,换一种语言重新编写Web应用程序可能需要开发人员学习进修课程。

    For example , rewriting a Web application from one language to another may require educational refresher courses for developers .

  13. X字签证发给来中国留学、进修、实习6个月以上的人员;

    Visa X to aliens who come to China for study , advanced studies or job-training for a period of six months or more ;

  14. 我们有充足的决定信念能确保您在EF进修英语是最佳的最有用进步英语的方法。

    We 're confident that studying with EF is the best way to ensure that you learn English as effectively as possible .

  15. 目的:比较初级住院医师/进修生培训中Workshop教学与PowerPoint教学效果的差异,探讨Workshop教学的效果。

    Objective : To compare the differences between Workshop teaching and PowerPoint teaching being used in resident doctor / advanced doctor training , and to investigate effectiveness of Workshop teaching .

  16. BP称:据发现,在一段时间,少数已受过培训的员工没有在规定的期限内参加进修课程。这个问题已经解决。

    It was identified that at one point , a relatively small number of trained individuals had not attended a refresher course in the required time frame . This issue has since been addressed , BP said .

  17. 这三家上市银行的最大控股股东是直属央行的中央汇金投资(centralhuijininvestment),该公司也在尝试创建一个更主动的董事会,将其提名的董事送去海外进修。

    The largest controlling shareholder of the three listed banks , Central Huijin Investment , a company under the central bank , has also tried to create a more activist board , sending the directors it has nominated overseas for study .

  18. 进入2l世纪,各国都从终身教育的观点出发不断完善教师教育,而教师进修作为教师专业成长和教师自身发展的重要途径受到的关注尤其多。

    Every nation in the world has been perfecting their teachers education according to the notion of lifelong education since the coming of the 21st century .

  19. 一直行动迟缓的哈佛是首先采取行动的商学院之一,该院与欧洲工商管理学院(insead)联合推出了短期高管培训进修课程,着眼于企业面临的新问题。

    Harvard , historically slow to act , has been one of the first out of the blocks , along with INSEAD , to launch non - degree executive programmes looking at the new issues business face .

  20. 在苏塞克斯大学进修期间,我共收集整理了近200万字的研究资料。

    I collected nearly 2,000,000 words of research material in Sussex .

  21. 加强医院进修生培养努力提高教学效果

    Strengthening training of hospital 's advanced students and improving teaching results

  22. 我很懊恼,我但愿怙恃能让我欢愉地进修。

    I am worried and I hope I can study happily .

  23. 在美国一所有声望的大学进修后他取得了资格。

    He habilitated after his sabbatrical at a prestigious American university .

  24. 短期汉语进修班学生认知能力的发展

    Development of foreign students cognitive capability in the short-term in-service Chinese Teaching

  25. 提高认识全面开展进修教育

    Better understanding of the current situation for all-round development of Continuing Education

  26. 但我学会了自己部落的语言,还进修了一门护理课程。

    But I learned my language . I did a nursing course .

  27. 浅析某医院六年进修教育状况

    Analysis refresh training in one hospital in last six years

  28. 儿童口腔科进修医师培养的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration of Clinical Teaching for Refresher Doctors in Pediatric Dentistry

  29. 应该将这些内容列入他们的医学进修培训中。

    This should be included in their continuing medical education .

  30. 明年我希望去进修英文。

    I want to take an English course next year .