
  • 网络equilibrium analysis
  1. 这是对均衡分析方法的错误运用,应该加以纠正。

    This is actually a misuse of the equilibrium analysis method and should be corrected .

  2. 金融市场的一般均衡分析方法

    A General Equilibrium Analysis of Financial Market

  3. 二维非平稳信号的小波谱均衡分析方法

    Spectrum equalization based on wavelet transform for 2D non-stationary signal

  4. 岩溶地区水库渗漏的水均衡分析方法

    Water balance method for reservoir leakage in karst region

  5. 由于完全成熟稳定的经济环境在现实中并不存在,所以均衡分析方法总是存在局限性;

    Chapter two analyzes the limitation of equilibrium analysis method and the present capital structure choice theories .

  6. 该部分通过局部均衡分析方法,研究保有环节房地产的税收归宿问题。

    The part through the method of partial equilibrium analyzes the issue of owning real estate tax incidence .

  7. 现代期则运用一般均衡分析方法对土地税的动态归宿问题进行了初步探讨。

    In the modern period , economists discussed elementarily the dynamic incidence of land tax by general equilibrium analysis .

  8. 本文使用金融工程组合分解和无套利均衡分析方法,先将结构化产品分解为债券和期权合约,再运用常见的方法和技术模型对其定价。

    In this paper , with the use of financial engineering techology and no-arbitrage analysis , we divided into bonds and options contracts .

  9. 正式制度的一般均衡分析方法和非正式制度的博弈论方法,提供了研究产权制度变迁不同侧面的具体研究方法。

    General equilibrium theory about the formal institutions and game theory about the informal institutions provide a specific research methods about property right system changes .

  10. 举例介绍纯策略纳什均衡分析方法和混合策略纳什均衡分析方法在电力市场中的应用。

    The application of pure strategy Nash equilibrium analysis and mixed strategy Nash equilibrium analysis in electricity market is also investigated using two separate examples .

  11. 采用一般均衡分析方法、可计算一般均衡模型方法、比较分析方法,通过对各样本国数据的检验分析,验证本研究提出的理论模型,进行模拟实验。

    Examining the theoretical model this paper proposes through analysis of the data using approaches of general equilibrium analysis , calculable general equilibrium model and comparative analysis .

  12. 在理论假设的基础上,运用局部均衡分析方法,分析绿色贸易壁垒对进口国产生的经济效应。

    On the basis of theoretical assumptions , the paper analyzes the economic impact of green trade barriers on importing country with a partial equilibrium analytical method .

  13. 在分析林业三大效益的规模经济问题时,运用非线性均衡分析方法,并通过建立模型论证了林业三大效益达到最大化即均衡状态时所必需的条件。

    And it uses the analysis method of nonlinear equalization , and analyzes the condition under which the maximization of three benefits of forestry can be achieved .

  14. 第三部分主要运用局部均衡分析方法,分析绿色壁垒的作用机理、小国条件下绿色壁垒对进口国的影响和绿色标准的国别效应。

    The third part uses partial equilibrium analysis to explain the mechanism , effect for import countries under small country 's condition and country effect of green standard .

  15. 运用公司战略的价值均衡分析方法,引入品牌效应因素,通过分析其与企业能力、市场费用之间相互影响、相互制约的变化关系,建立动态价值预期模型。

    Based on the Value Equilibrium Analysis of corporate strategy , this model was used to analyze the complex relationship among brands , enterprise 's capacity and marketing expenses .

  16. 无套利原理在众多的财务理论中的广泛应用,使得基于无套利原理的无套利分析方法与均衡分析方法一道成为公司理财学的基本分析方法。

    With no arbitrage principle used in more corporate finance theory research , no arbitrage analysis becomes a basic analysis method in corporate finance , just as equilibrium analysis .

  17. 第二章运用进化博弈论的均衡分析方法研究了个体选择进行企业家人力资本投资的进化稳定均衡模型。

    In chapter two , we give an evolutionary stable equilibrium model of the individuals choose to be an entrepreneur in applying equilibrium analysis method of evolutionarily game theory .

  18. 传统的区位理论基于一般均衡分析方法为厂商寻找最佳区位,忽略了制度、技术创新以及经济政策方面的作用。

    The traditional location theory is based on general equilibrium analysis and seeks the best location for firms . It neglects the role of institution , technological innovation and economic policy .

  19. 为此,文中引入了混合策略的概念,并以改进的遗传算法为基础,提出了一种适用于输电投资博弈的均衡分析方法,为投资者的进一步决策提供了依据。

    In this part the concept of mixed strategies is introduced , and an equilibrium analysis method is proposed , which is based on improved genetic algorithms and suitable for transmission investment decision making .

  20. 本文采用经济学理论中的局部均衡分析方法,对目前电力市场交易中普遍采用的电力库与双边交易下可能形成的电力市场均衡,包括均衡价格与均衡数量形成进行了比较分析。

    In this paper , the writer taking local equilibrium analysis methods of economics , gives comparative analysis on the equilibrium of electricity market , including equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity in the power pool and bilateral exchange model .

  21. 于是,以菲利普斯曲线的成长生涯为典型案例,讨论了未来经济学应具有的理论性质和品格,并探讨了博弈均衡分析方法成为未来经济学的基本研究方法的可能性。

    Based on the typical growth of " Philips Curve " , this paper discusses the theoretical nature and character future economics possess , advances what future economics ' methodologies are supposed to have as their content and features .

  22. 第三,作者在研究过程尽量突破新古典的静态均衡分析方法,运用复杂系统分析方法,结合真实的企业案例研究企业知识的非线性运动,本文还结合山西汾酒案例对这个模型进行印证。

    Third , the author tries to breakthrough the new classical static equilibrium analysis methods in the research process , and uses the complex analysis method with the real business case to study the nonlinear dynamic movement of enterprise knowledge .

  23. 本文以消费者最优资产选择模型为基础,采用局部均衡分析方法探讨了通货膨胀、股市收益波动、消费者风险偏好对储蓄存款需求的影响。

    On the basis of partial equilibrium , an asset portfolio model is provided to analyze the impact of interest rate , inflation , the volatility of stock market return and consumer 's risk preference on the demand for savings deposit .

  24. 其次,通过对法经济学分析范式的系统研究,本文得出如下结论:法经济学的基本研究方法主要包括边际分析方法、均衡分析方法以及效率分析方法。

    The second , by systematic research into the law and economics analysis paradigm , there is the following conclusion : the fundamental research methods of law and economics mainly include marginal analysis method , balancing analysis method , and efficiency analysis method .

  25. 现代金融理论,因为不能通过经济学家用资本市场历史数据对它进行的经验检验,而动摇了主流经济学的均衡分析方法在现代金融理论中的主导地位,导致了现代金融理论的理论危机。

    Modern financial theory shake the leading station of equilibrium analysis method of the main stream in modern financial theory , and led to a crisis in theory , for the modern financial theory could not work in the experiential inspection with historical data of capital market by economists .

  26. 最后,运用均衡分析的方法对我国证券市场投资者的风险厌恶系数进行粗略的估计。

    At the last part of this article , the equilibrium analysis method will be introduced to assess the risk-averse coefficient of investors in Chinese security market .

  27. 用经济学的方法尤其是采用博弈论和一般均衡的分析方法来分析“无理由退货”中厂商的利益函数以及它们的策略互动,可以看出厂商从事这种行为的动机。

    We can see their motives by analyzing the manufacturers ' interest function and their tactical interaction with e-conomic methods as the game theory and general equilibrium .

  28. 本文考察了我国可转换债券市场结构、条款设计和外部条件的特殊性,利用无套利均衡分析的方法,以基准股票价格为驱动因素建立了有针对性的可转换债券定价模型。

    Present thesis develop a stock-based pricing model with exogenous credit risk that accounts for almost all convertible bonds on Chinese market , which have soft put and soft call provisions .

  29. 第三部分是有关农业补贴的规范研究的经济学基础,用局部均衡的分析方法分析了几种主要的农业补贴的经济效应,并介绍了农业补贴的一般理论,作为发达国家农业补贴政策的理论解释。

    Part Three establishes the economics foundation of the normative analysis on agricultural subsides , exploring the economic effects of several common agricultural subsidy policies by using the method of partial equilibrium .

  30. 第三部分和第四部分主要运用局部均衡的分析方法,分析企业社会责任贸易壁垒化的经济效应,详细阐述其在短期及长期对出口额、产业发展及福利的不同效应。

    The third part and the fourth part mainly apply the theory of partial equilibrium analysis to study the mechanism of the trend to trade barrier of corporate social responsibility . Elaborate on its short-term and long-term affect on exports , industry and welfare .