
jūn hénɡ zhí
  • equilibrium value
  1. 我们将个体的适应度评价指标设置为算法分类能力的敏感度和特异度的均衡值F1-measure,这有利于寻找出对分类器各种性能指标相均衡的特征组合。

    We will individual fitness function is set to Fl-measure , equilibrium value of the sensitivity and specificity , this will help to find out balanced the performance of the classifier with all parameters .

  2. 利润率正缺口较为明显的行业是金融业,高于均衡值22%。

    The obvious gap of profit margin is in the financial sector , 22 % higher than the equilibrium value .

  3. 多人微分对策Pareto最优解的最优均衡值算法

    An Optimal Equilibrium Payment Algorithm for Pareto Optimal Solutions of Many-person Differential Games

  4. 引入多人微分对策的最优均衡值和最优均衡解概念。

    The conceptions called optimal equilibrium payment and optimal equilibrium solution for many-person differential games are introduced .

  5. 虽然在不同情况下均衡值不同,但均低于目前的实际价格。

    Though there is different equilibrium under different combination , they are all lower than the current price .

  6. 基于密度泛函理论的硬度均衡值与稀土氧化物超导性的关系

    Study on the Correlation between Equalized Hardness Based on the Density Functional Theory and Superconductivity of Rare Earth Oxide

  7. 运用中国的统计数据测算的结果表明,在不同的参数值范围,边际消费倾向可能出现如下几种情形:收敛于均衡值;

    With Chinese statistic data , the calculation result shows that , within the scopes of different variables , the marginal consumption tendencies may be tilted to : contraction to equilibrium value ;

  8. 运用博弈论研究这两种协调合同在同时博弈和序贯博弈两种情形中的最优决策,探究合同参数对模型均衡值的影响,对比两种合同协调方案的有效性。

    Game theory is used to solve the optimal decisions of these two contracts in the simultaneous game and sequential game . This paper also explores the influence of contract parameters on contracts equilibrium .

  9. 接着讨论了模型参数和政府政策对以上均衡值的影响,特别讨论了政府债务政策对经济的影响,这也是其他相关文献没有讨论的;

    Given this , we study the effect of model parameter and government policy on these values . Especially we investigate the effect of government debt policy on them , which is not shown in related literature before .

  10. 本文主要工作如下:1.分析软件漏洞产生的原因,软件漏洞市场结构,以及软件漏洞市场参与者的行为特征,构建软件发布时间和漏洞数量之间的博弈模型,并求出最优均衡值。

    By analysis of formation reasons of software vulnerabilities , market structure and behaviors of the market major participants , the game model has been constructed between the software release time and the number of vulnerabilities and optimal equilibrium has been equated . 2 .

  11. 本文利用n维长方体的几何模型引进了一类新的平均值概念&(m,k)均衡平均值Bm~k并建立了均衡平均值间的序关系链(9)。

    In this paper , a new notion about the ( k , m ) equilibrium mean B : have produced from geometrical model of the n - dimensional cuboid , and the inequality chain between these mean have proved .

  12. 多目标分层规划问题的最优均衡宽容值序列算法

    Tolerance Payment Sequence Algorithm of Optimal Equilibrium for Multi-objective Stratified Programming Problems

  13. 重力广义地形改正值和均衡改正值的一种计算方法

    Calculation of generalized topographic and isostatic gravity corrections

  14. 重力勘探范畴中的校正很多,均衡异常值的正、负及高、低首先与地壳的浅部构造&山区、沉积盆地以及盆地中的隆起、凹陷相对应。

    Many corrections are required in gravity prospecting . The positive , negative and high or low isostatic anomalies correspond to the shallow crustal structure such as mountain range , depositional basin and the uplift or depression of the basin .

  15. 根据非均衡度值的预测结果,成都市未来三年的非均衡度值仍然很小,说明未来一段时间可供消费者选择的住房仍然不多,僧多粥少的现象还会继续加剧。

    According to the predicted results of the non-equilibrium value , Chengdu next three years ' non-equilibrium value will be still small , showed future period of time the housing choices for consume is not still many , the phenomenon of " short supply " will continue to intensify .

  16. 因此,政府可以以江苏房地产市场的非均衡度值指标为参考依据,采取相应的财政政策、金融政策、法律政策和行政政策来促进江苏省房地产健康、稳定、可持续的发展。

    Therefore , the degree of disequilibrium provides the reference for the governmental macroeconomic regulation , which may help indicators take appropriate fiscal policy , monetary policy , legal policy and administrative policies to promote real estate market of Jiangsu Province to be healthy , stable and sustainable development .

  17. 变抽头六相整流系统均衡电抗器临界值的确定

    Determination of Equilibrium Reactor Critical Value in a Six-Phase Rectifier with Tap-Changer

  18. 用这个系统可以计算自由空间重力异常,布格重力异常和均衡重力异常值。

    With this system one can compute the values of free-air gravity anomaly , Bouguer gravity anomaly and isostatic gravity anomaly .

  19. 结果显示,应用不同的变量会对均衡汇率失调值产生大小不等和方向各异的影响。

    It was found that the selection of variables will affect the size and direction of the misalignments of equilibrium exchange rate .

  20. 在林班的水平上,经营目标方程包括两个组成部分:净现值和均衡木材收获值。

    On the compartment level , the objective function includes two components : Net Present Worth and Even Flow of the timber harvest .

  21. 用微观经济学经典的均衡、最大值和效率的概念,对技术合同中的技术需求方和技术提供方的优化条件作了分析。

    The optimumized conditions for technique demanding side and providing side in technical contract are analysed with classic balance , maximum and efficiency concept in micro economics .

  22. 层次信任模型的结构可以避免查找信息洪泛,但仍然存在上层节点失效易导致管理信息丢失,节点负载不均衡,信任值计算片面等问题。

    Hierarchical structure of trust model avoids flooding to search information . But there are still some problems such as : the failure of upper node easily lead to management information lost , the node load is not balanced , and the trust value is one-sided and so on .

  23. 1993年非均衡达到了最大值;

    1992 . In 1993 , it reached maximum .

  24. 同时,为了改善图像的质量,使用了模板平滑和梯度锐化、拉普拉斯锐化技术来实现图像的增强以及直方图均衡算法和二值化方法。

    Meanwhile template smooth , grads sharpen and La-place sharpen methods are used to implement image 's enhancement and to improve quality .

  25. 理性预期认为蛛网模型具有唯一的均衡,这一均衡值由模型的参数决定。

    Rational expectation considers the CobWeb model has unique equilibrium that determined by parameters of model .

  26. 根据不同整流相数和不同负载型式下均衡回路电压的特点,导出了均衡电流平均值计算的统一公式。

    Voltage for various numbers of phases and for different kinds of loads , a generalized formula for calculating the average value of circulating current is derived .

  27. 研究内容如下:1.对传统生态足迹模型进行了改进(1)对均衡因子进行了调整,通过求取四组常用均衡因子的平均值来降低计算的误差。

    The contents and results are as follows : 1 . Improvement of traditional ecological footprint model ( 1 ) The equilibrium factor was adjusted , reduce the error of calculation by calculating average value of four commonly used equilibrium factor .

  28. 第二阶段,以第一阶段估算的均衡汇率和实现均衡汇率的各目标建立计量模型,得到均衡汇率精算值。

    Secondly , according to all objectives of EER , to establish econometric model to get the actuarial value of EER on the base of the computed EERs in the first phase .

  29. 地壳均衡模型能最好地适应地球内部物质密度不均匀的实际情况,均衡异常值比空间异常值更小,变化更平缓且与地形无关。

    Crustal isostatic model can best fit to the situation of density inhomogeneity of the earth .

  30. 研究表明,Nash合作博弈均衡时的订货数量、存货水平、全国性(或地方性)广告水平、渠道成员各自期望利润以及系统期望利润都要大于Stackelberg主从博弈均衡时的相应值。

    The results show that , ordering quantities , the stocking level , the national or local advertising rate , the respective expected profits of channel members , and the system expected profits at Nash co-op equilibrium are higher than those at Stackelberg equilibrium .