
  • 网络Equilibrium output;balanced output
  1. 一个外来的出口冲击会减少经济体的均衡产出。

    An exogenous shock to exports will lower the equilibrium output of the economy .

  2. 因为均衡产出会增加,货币的需求会膨胀,利率会升高。

    Since equilibrium output will increase , the demand for money will expand and the interest rate will rise .

  3. 由于分工,企业家团队比单个代理人改善了均衡投入产出,弱化了搭便车行为,这部分的表现为投资的优化。

    The behavior of free riding is lessened , partly represented as the optimization of the investment .

  4. 而基本IT能力的网络外部性强度对行业中的领导企业的均衡市场产出、均衡收益能够产生正反馈效应,因此,领导企业的竞争优势来源则能够转化为需求方规模经济。

    Network externalities of basic IT capacity can produce positive feedback to market demand , equilibrium profit of leader , so that competition advantage origin of leader is demand economy of scale .

  5. 而当我们考虑消费者对消费具有短期非耐心,但又缺乏对未来行为的承诺能力的时候,均衡的产出税率与消费者有效的常时间偏好率成正比。

    When the model is modified to include a variable rate of time preference and lack in commitment ability , the Markov perfect equilibrium prefers a constant optimal tax rate nevertheless , being proportional to the constant effective rate of time preference .

  6. 本文设计了CPE-IHO(countablepartialequilibrium&input-holding-OutputModel)模型(又称为可计算局部均衡-投入占用产出两阶段模型)。

    The paper presents a countable partial equilibrium-input-holding-output model ( CPE-IHO Model ) .

  7. 货币供给的较小导致LM曲线向左平移,从而均衡利率上升,均衡产出下降。

    The fall in money supply leads to a left-ward shift in the LM curve , and an increase in the equilibrium interest rate and a decrease in equilibrium output .

  8. 区域最优经济结构是由国民经济各部门相互依存的关联关系技术矩阵所决定的,其均衡增长率和均衡增长产出结构分别等于非负矩阵的弗罗比尼斯特征根和相对应的弗罗比尼斯向量。

    The best regional economic structure depends on the relevant relationship and technology matrix among different national economic sectors . The equilibrium growth rate and structure are respectively equal to the latent root and eigenvector of Frobenius of non_negative matrix .