
  • 网络macroeconomic theory
  1. 现代宏观经济理论界泰斗罗伯特卢卡斯(RobertLucas)谴责了批评者们的无知,他解释称,不可预知事件的经济后果是不可预测的。

    Robert Lucas , doyen of modern macroeconomic theory , decried critics for their ignorance , and ex ­ plain ­ ed that the economic consequences of unpredicted events were unpredictable .

  2. 宏观经济理论主要包括供求理论、成本收益理论、区位政策理论等,微观特征理论主要介绍了Hedonic价格模型,为后文特征分析提供理论基础。

    Macroeconomic theory including supply and demand theory , cost-benefit theory , policy location theory , the theory focuses on the microscopic characteristics of Hedonic price model for the later theoretical basis for feature analysis .

  3. 本文在宏观经济理论的假设条件下,运用数学推导构建出理论模型,运用现代计量经济学中的VAR模型、脉冲响应函数和面板数据模型,比较深入地分析了货币政策的行业非对称效应。

    Based on the related macroeconomic theory hypothesis conditions , use VAR model , impulse response function and panel data model to analysis monetary policy industry asymmetric effects .

  4. 文章在宏观经济理论基础上通过对黑龙江省总需求的理论、逻辑描述和计量经济学的实证分析,表明当黑龙江省的消费每增加1%,则黑龙江省的GDP相应增加0.88%;

    Based on the theory of macro economy and the empirical study of the theory of total demand of Heilongjiang Province , logical description and quantitative economics , it is indicated that every 1 % growth of consumption of Heilongjiang Province is accompanied by 0.88 % increase in its GDP ;

  5. 宏观经济理论研究的进展和趋势

    TRENDS The Development and the Tendency of the Theoretical Studies of Macro-economics

  6. 黄土高原综合开发治理的宏观经济理论及政策

    Macroeconomic Theory and Policy for Comprehensive Development and Control of the Loess

  7. 西方宏观经济理论的过去、现在和将来

    The Past , Present and Future of Western Macroeconomic Theory

  8. 结构式乘数及其对凯恩斯主义宏观经济理论的发展

    Structural Multiplier and Its Development to Keynesian Macroeconomics

  9. 如何调节外部经济失衡、实现内部与外部经济均衡正成为宏观经济理论与政策的热点课题。

    Realizing the balance of internal and external economics becomes a heated topic of study .

  10. 事实上,这大概是我们这个时代最具影响力的宏观经济理论。

    It is , in fact , probably the most influential macroeconomic theory of our time .

  11. 承诺策略也在现代宏观经济理论和政策的发展中扮演了关键的角色。

    Commitment strategies have also played a key role in the development of modern macroeconomic theory and policy .

  12. 按照主流经济学的宏观经济理论,要通过各种渠道拉动内需。

    According to macroeconomic theory of mainstream economics , numbers of measures should be taken to stimulate the domestic demand .

  13. 另一方面,中国的宏观经济理论尚不能承担向宏观经济政策提供支撑的任务,面临严峻的挑战。

    On the other hand , China 's macroeconomic theory is not enough to support macroeconomic policy , and faces great challenges .

  14. 宏观经济理论研究的核心问题之一是通货膨胀对社会经济发展与政治稳定的影响。

    The impact of inflation over the social economic environment of a country is one of the core questions in macroeconomic theory .

  15. 政策制定者面对的不仅仅是货币危机,同时还有银行业危机和宏观经济理论危机。

    Policymakers are confronted not only by a currency crisis but also by a banking crisis and a crisis in macroeconomic theory .

  16. 本文就知识经济对西方经济学中的微观经济理论和宏观经济理论的挑战进行一些探索。

    Therefore , knowledge economy presents to the western economics the challenges of which this paper discusses the macro-economic theory and the micro-economic theory .

  17. 在宏观经济理论中,货币政策的效力指的是货币政策对实际产量、就业等实际变量的变化具有作用。

    In macro-economic theory , efficiency of monetary policy refers to the effect of monetary policy on real variables such as real output , employment etc.

  18. 本文以宏观经济理论和国际金融为理论指导,以一种新的测算方法来计算人民币均衡汇率。

    Based on the theory of macro-economic and international finance , this thesis applied a new method to measure the equilibrium exchange rate of RMB .

  19. 在中国经济学理论研究的发展中,宏观经济理论的讨论和分析是一个相当活跃而又成果甚丰的领域。

    Theoretical discussion and analysis on macro-economics has always been a lively as well as fruitful area in the theoretical studies of economics in China .

  20. 国民收入核算体系是宏观经济理论中的基本概念,卫星账户体系充当其补充说明成分。

    The satellite accounts system work as a supplement system for the national account system and the national accounting is the statistical language of macroeconomic theory .

  21. 尽管经济刺激计划有充分的宏观经济理论依据,但联邦收入和支出不断增加的结构性不平衡令投票者心惊胆寒。

    While the stimulus package had a sound macroeconomic rationale , the growing structural imbalance between federal revenue and spending scares the hell out of voters .

  22. 我们用来理解经济体经历繁荣、萧条、通胀和增长的宏观经济理论,在全球金融危机中暴露了不足。

    Macroeconomic theory , our understanding of how economists experience booms , busts , inflation and growth , was found wanting in the global financial crisis .

  23. 本文以宏观经济理论为理论指导,设计了一种全新的方法来计算我国合理的城乡收入差距。

    Based on the theory of macro-economic , this thesis applied a new method to measure the rational income difference between urban and rural in China .

  24. 通过对货币经济背景下资本主义经济关系的剖析,马克思和凯恩斯分别建立了自己的宏观经济理论体系。

    With the analysis of capitalist economic relations under the background of monetary economy , Marx and Keynes respectively founded their own systems of macroeconomic theory .

  25. 本文介绍了一种基于内生货币供给的宏观经济理论及其模型要点,并在此理论基础上对市场经济中财政政策中的收支政策进行了分析。

    Introducing a macroeconomic theory and model based on inner monetary supply , the paper analyses the fiscal revenue and expenditure policy in the market economy .

  26. 宏观经济理论和分析的微观基础的基本内容和如何构建微观基础,一直是重要的经济理论问题。

    What is the microeconomic foundation of macroeconomic theory and analysis methods ? How to construct it ? All these are the important problems in economic theory .

  27. 货币需求理论是整个货币经济观念的重心,也是宏观经济理论的重要组成部分,同时也是中央银行宏观控制的决策依据。

    The theory of money demand is the key point of monetary research , the important part of macroeconomics and the base of macro-control by central bank .

  28. 经济学家在各自的假定前提下,分别建立起自己的消费理论与模型,为宏观经济理论研究与实证分析莫定了坚实的基础。

    Economists in a separate premise build their consumption theories and models , which has laid a solid foundation for macroeconomic research and empirical analysis of macroeconomic theory .

  29. 文章主要运用优位经济效益、规模经济效益等宏观经济理论,从系统分析的观点,论述了海峡西岸经济区的功能定位和发展措施。

    Applying the theory of economic efficiency of prominent locations and of scale , the article expounds the functional orientations and measures of development of the economic area from a systematic perspective .

  30. 微观基础的基本含义包括微观个体行为应该具有的行为规则、宏观经济理论建立的微观结构、宏观经济分析模式与微观经济个体行为之间的相容性等。

    The basic contents of microeconomic foundations are the action rule of individuals , the microeconomic structure , and the consistency between the macroeconomic analytical framework and individual behaviors , and so on .