
hóng xì tǒng
  • Macro system;macrosystem
宏系统[hóng xì tǒng]
  1. 宏系统环境下,随着融合教育理念的推广和普及,我国各地融合教育的改革将逐步推进。

    In the macrosystem , with carrying out and popularizing the concept of inclusive education , the reform of preschool inclusive education in our country is pushing step by step .

  2. 两个最广泛使用的文本宏系统是C预处理器和M4宏处理器。

    The two most widely used textual macro systems are the C preprocessor and the M4 macro processor .

  3. Scheme有几个宏系统,但是syntax-rules是其中最标准的。

    There are several macro systems for Scheme , but syntax-rules is the standard .

  4. 在Lisp中使得这种方法非常简单的特性是宏系统。

    The Lisp feature that makes this trivially easy is its macro system .

  5. Clojure是一种LISP语言,并且具有强大的宏系统。

    Clojure is a LISP and comes with a powerful macro system .

  6. ACCESS中利用宏实现系统的多用户分角色登录

    The Implementation on the System of Role-based Multi-user Logon in ACCESS by Macro

  7. 面向分布式虚拟制造的宏PDM系统

    Macro-PDM System For Distributed Virtual Manufacturing

  8. 针对宏控制系统脱靶量时滞和高精度跟踪问题,提出了基于Kalman预报的跟踪控制方法。

    Based on Kalman predictor , a tracking control is proposed for the high precision and the target-missing delay problems of macro control system .

  9. 没有syntax-case宏的系统通常也会有其他类似的系统可以使用。

    Those that do not have syntax-case usually have other , similar systems available .

  10. 专家系统的一种新模型&宏专家系统

    A New Model of the Expert System & Macro Expert System

  11. 宏专家系统模型及其在冲模设计中的应用

    Macro Expert System and It 's Application in Die Design

  12. 宏支付系统处理的交易金额大,需要较强的密码安全机制来,需要较高的交易处理成本。

    Macropayment system deals with large transaction amount , needs strong security mechanisms and high transaction processing costs .

  13. 实验分析了宏驱动系统的稳定性,提出了有效的改善其稳定性的方法。

    According to the stability analysis of macro positioning system , an effective method of improving the stability analysis has been designed .

  14. 经过实例验证,使用本文设计的宏指令系统编制而成的宏程序,完全可以在开放式数控系统上正确运行。

    After example validating , the macro program wrote with macro instruction system designed in this dissertation can run well in open NC system .

  15. 第二,建立并辨识得到宏定位系统六阶模型的参数,模型误差小于1.6%。

    Secondly , the establishment and identification by the macro positioning system given sixth-order model parameters , provides a model error of less than 1.6 % .

  16. 宏控制系统为方位、俯仰两轴常平架结构,实现快速粗跟踪,同时隔离粗平台的剩余摇摆误差,稳定光电系统的视轴。

    The macro-control system is used to achieve a fast tracking , while isolating the remaining swing error of primary platform and stabilizing the LOS optical tracker .

  17. 然后,研制了宏微系统的耦合阻尼器,完成了宏微系统的搭建、调试和性能测试,并就宏微系统控制模型的有效性和耦合阻尼的作用效果进行了实验验证。

    Then , the coarse-fine stage with damping oil damper has been developed , and the validity of coarse-fine system model and the action effect of coupling damp has been tested through experiments .

  18. 基于进给系统的摩擦补偿,分别运用谱分析法和最小二乘法辨识出宏平台进给系统的频域响应及Z传函。

    Based on the friction compensation , the model of frequency response and the z transfer function are estimated by using spectral analysis and least square estimation algorithm respectively .

  19. RSAB&一个新的宏单元布线系统

    RSAB & A New Routing System for Macro Cell Layout Design

  20. 光刻机掩模台宏动定位系统的控制器设计

    Controller Design of the Macro-motion Positioning System for Lithography Stencil Stage

  21. 微细电火花加工用宏微驱动系统

    Macro and Micro Servo System Developed for Micro-EDM Machining

  22. 梳齿谐振器宏模型的系统级应用

    The System Lever Application of Comb Resonator Macromodel

  23. 第三章分析了宏、微系统的控制特性。

    In chapter three , the character of micro and micro positioning subsystem is analysed .

  24. 用于光刻机模拟运动的精密工件台宏动定位系统研制

    Design and Manufacture on Precision Positioning System of Wafer Stage for a Simulated Macro-motion System of Lithography

  25. 在移动通信网络中,主体部分主要由宏蜂窝基站系统来提供全面的网络覆盖。

    In the mobile communication network , the main body is in the complete network coverage provided by macro-cell base station system .

  26. 针对宏微进给系统,利用弹性铰的微变形原理设计了宏微系统中的微动台。采用最小位能原理推导出一般弹性铰的二维刚度矩阵;

    For the system of macro micro-feed table , a micro-feed table in macro-micro dual system was designed by using of flexure hinge .

  27. 机械部分主要由花岗岩基座、宏微伺服系统、精密旋转主轴、微细电极的在线反拷及检测系统等部分组成。

    The mechanical part consists of granite basement , macro and micro servo system , precise rotary spindle , in-process fabrication and detection of micro electrode .

  28. 一小机械手附在一大机械手末端构成的系统称为宏微机器人系统。

    A small manipulator is attached at the tip of a large manipulator , this kind of system can be regarded as macro micro manipulator system .

  29. 宏分集对于CDMA系统前向容量的影响

    Effect of Macrodiversity on CDMA Forward - Link Capacity

  30. 器件宏模型是MEMS系统级仿真的关键。

    The macromodel extraction of MEMS device is one of key issues for system-level simulation .