
  • World of Warcraft;WOW;Dota
  1. 线上游戏《魔兽世界》的众多玩家因游戏开发商要求他们使用真名来发表评论而气愤不已。

    Users of online game World of Warcraft have reacted furiously to plans by its developers to force them to post comments using their real names .

  2. 凭借神奇的地域和多样的超自然怪物,《魔兽世界》为多用户在线角色扮演游戏立下了新标杆,如今又衍生出了有史以来最成功的游戏改编电影。

    With its fantastical realms and motley cast of supernatural miscreants , World of Warcraft broke new ground in multiplayer online role-playing computer games , and has now spawned the most successful computer game movie adaptation of all time .

  3. 在网络世界里,声誉的价值已不是什么新事物:想想亚马逊上的星级评价、eBay上的超级卖家或者游戏魔兽世界里的声誉等级,所不同的只是如今我们从各类数字服务中获取这些数据的能力。

    The value of reputation is not a new concept to the online world : think star ratings on Amazon , PowerSellers on eBay or reputation levels on games such as World of Warcraft . The difference today is our ability to capture data from across an array of digital services .

  4. 这是我的一篇在魔兽世界插件中使用3D模型的文章。

    That 's it for my article on using3D models in World of Warcraft Addons .

  5. 曾经相对简单的操控界面如今已有点像游戏魔兽世界(WorldofWarcraft)的繁忙屏幕。

    The dashboard , once a study in relative simplicity , vaguely resembles a busy screen from world of Warcraft .

  6. 斯诺登提供的2008年的文件显示,美国国安局和英国政府通讯总部(GCHQ)旗下机构在诸如《魔兽世界》(WorldofWarcraft)和《第二人生》(SecondLife)之类的大型多人网络游戏中安插了特工。

    Documents provided by Snowden from 2008 say that the NSA and the UK 's GCHQ agencies planted agents inside MMOs like World of Warcraft and Second Life .

  7. 全球第二大的wiki,就是《魔兽世界》wiki,里面大约有8万篇文�

    Second biggest wiki in the world , with nearly 80000 articles , is the World of Warcraft wiki .

  8. 一个skype账户售价12美元,甚至在线角色扮演游戏《魔兽世界》(worldofwarcraft)的一个账户,也可以卖到10美元。

    A Skype account cost $ 12 and even an account for the world of Warcraft online role-playing game could be sold for $ 10 .

  9. 暴雪娱乐公司(BlizzardEntertainment)就目睹旗下《魔兽世界》(WorldofWarcraft)的付费玩家数量从今年2月份的960万减少到3月份的810万。

    Blizzard Entertainment ( ATVi ) has seen itsworld of Warcraft game subscribers shrink from 9.6 million to 8.1 million from February to march of this year .

  10. 动视暴雪(ActivisionBlizzard)开发的《魔兽世界》(WorldofWarcraft)在注册用户和最高同时在线人数方面仍然排名榜首。

    World of Warcraft by Activision Blizzard , Inc. ( ATVI ) still tops the list with the most registered players and peak simultaneous online users .

  11. 我离开E3以后就一直幻想着魔兽世界已经被装在了自己的机器上。

    I left E3 drolling with dreams of having this installed on my machine where I could poke at it for hours .

  12. 我几天前去eBay上看了一眼,我想看看魔兽世界怎么样,就搜索了一下,发现了6000个商品

    I dove onto eBay a couple of days ago just to see what was gong on , typed in World of Warcraft , got 6000 items .

  13. Lua是一个流行于很多游戏中的脚本语言,如魔兽世界、战争黎明和孤岛惊魂。

    Lua is a scripting language popular among games such as World of Warcraft , Dawn of War , and Far Cry .

  14. 当《魔兽世界》也过时的时候,商店里摆放的MMO游戏又会是什么?

    What is in store for the future of the MMO genre when WoW becomes the next dated MMO ?

  15. 琼斯在接受2P游戏网的采访时谈到了该电影的制作进程以及《魔兽世界》中的角色。

    While he talked about the progress of the film during an interview with 2P , Jones also discussed characters in " WOW . "

  16. 我将为魔兽世界设计任务。暴雪的多人线上角色扮演游戏(以下都称MMORPG)以著名的魔兽系列为基础。

    Specifically , I will be designing quests for World of Warcraft , Blizzard 's MMORPG based on the popular Warcraft series .

  17. 2011年,中国游戏公司网易(NetEase)创始人丁磊(WilliamDing)开设了一家养猪场,并开始在线销售猪肉,购买者可用兑换券支付。网易是《魔兽世界》(WorldofWarcraft)在中国的运营商。

    William Ding , founder of NetEase , the Chinese gaming company that operates World of Warcraft in the territory , opened a pig farm in 2011 and began selling pork online in exchange for vouchers .

  18. 在讨论魔兽世界之前,我们先来看看RaphKoster的言论。

    Before we get to World of Warcraft though , let 's pause to learn from Raph Koster .

  19. 各种形式的黄金中国都喜欢:储备货币、首饰、投资,甚至是“虚拟黄金”《魔兽世界》(worldofwarcraft)等在线游戏中当作货币使用的网络商品。

    China loves gold in all its forms : as a reserve currency , jewellery , an investment even gold that is not real at all , or " virtual gold " , the Internet commodity used as currency in online games such as world of Warcraft .

  20. 只有在这个RPG最终版本的手册中将会对世界上的其他地方有详细的描述,也就是说,直到魔兽世界(WoW)的时期,这个RPG才会包括全部的信息。

    Only when the final book for the RPG comes out will the rest of the world be detailed , and that is when the RPG will be contain all the information up to WoW 's time .

  21. 我们在开发魔兽世界过程中的一个基本理念就是除去其他MMORPG中产生过度挫折感的元素,使得游戏充满乐趣。

    One of the fundamental philosophies we have had throughout the development of World of Warcraft is to remove overly frustrating elements from other MMORPGs and make the game FUN .

  22. IGNPC:尽管魔兽世界拥有非常出色的美工,很多玩家注意到游戏中的贴图和多边形质量较差。

    IGNPC : Although WoW has fantastic art direction , many players have noted the relatively low texture resolutions and polygon counts .

  23. 我们还认为网易是购买服务器,价值约RMB250M从当地供应商,这可能是用于运行魔兽世界。

    We also believe NTES is purchasing servers worth about RMB250M from local vendors , which may be used to run WoW .

  24. 因此,我研究了一些像《魔兽世界》这样的游戏

    So , I looked at games like World of Warcraft ,

  25. 你对魔兽世界社区有什么看法?

    What is your opinion of the World of Warcraft Community ?

  26. 魔兽世界副本很快你们的心脏都会停止跳动!

    Soon the heart of your world will beat no more .

  27. 任务将在魔兽世界中扮演重要的角色。

    Quests will play a significant role in World of Warcraft .

  28. 请说明你是如何从你魔兽世界金币的工作经验中获益的。

    Please state how you have benefited from your work experience .

  29. 你认为魔兽世界的成功是可复制的吗?

    Do you think the success of World of Warcraft is repeatable ?

  30. 暴雪式幽默会在魔兽世界中到处可见。

    Blizzard humor is spread all throughout World of Warcraft .