
ɡèn ɡǔ
  • from time immemorial
  • since ancient times up to now
亘古 [gèn gǔ]
  • [since ancient times up to now] 整个古代;终古

  • 亘古通今,明鲜晦多。--鲍照《清河颂》

  • 集中什九从军乐,亘古男儿一放翁。--清. 梁启超《读陆放翁集》

  1. 然而一切有权力的人都容易滥用权力,这是亘古不变的一条经验,有权力的人们使用权力一直到遇有界限的地方才休止。

    However , just as the proverb goes , all who own power tend to abuse it , which is an experience unchanged from time immemorial , and people possessing power use it only to stop where the limits are set .

  2. 它们亘古不变,不可摧毁,所以是永存不朽的。

    They are imperishable and indestructible and thus eternal .

  3. 人与自然的关系问题亘古未绝。

    The relation between man and nature is a problem forever .

  4. 翻滚亘古汹涌绿焰

    Everything is in the eternal flame of thy green raging waves

  5. 追求有效是教育教学亘古不变的主题。

    Pursue " effective " is education teaching everlasting theme .

  6. 没有什么太多的无奈,就已被亘古冰封。

    Not any too many helplesses , already through ancient times ice-bound .

  7. 但是清醒健康的人都知道,太阳亘古常新。

    But alert and healthy natures remember that the sun rose clear .

  8. 它们亘古不变,那是神圣的领域。

    They are unchanging , that 's the heavenly sphere .

  9. 这些计量标准普遍通用、亘古不变,而千克的参照标准则不然。

    Those standards are universal and unchanging - unlike the official kilogram .

  10. 创造价值是所有企业亘古不变的追求。

    Create value is the constant pursuit of all enterprises .

  11. 你的宝座从太初立定。你从亘古就有。

    Thy throne is established of old : thou art from everlasting .

  12. 你要很贤惠,这是亘古不变的女性美德。

    You must be kindly , which is the unchanged virtues of female .

  13. 持久和平,是人类亘古不息的梦想。

    Enduring peace is an everlasting dream for mankind .

  14. 追求有效,是教育教学理论和实践研究的亘古不变的主题。

    Meanwhile pursuing the eternal theme of effective teaching theory and practice research .

  15. 坚持认为事物会亘古不变

    Keep on thinking things will always be the same

  16. 这将是贯穿我们整个课程的,一个亘古不变的主题。

    And this really is going to be a recurring theme throughout the course .

  17. 我的见解年夜略变化了,但我是精确的这一实情却亘古巩固。

    My opinions may have changed , but not the fact that Iam right .

  18. 爱是亘古的长期的灯塔,它定睛望着风暴却兀不为动。

    Love is the eternal and lasting lighthouse , which watches the storm unswervingly .

  19. 而地面上,人们与之搏斗的故事也是亘古不变。

    And from the ground , the personal stories of struggle are a constant .

  20. 有权力就易滥用,这是亘古不变的真理。

    When power is available , it is a common practice to abuse it .

  21. 总之,变比亘古不变强。

    In conclusion , better change than never .

  22. 上主,求你忆及你的仁慈和恩爱,因为它们由亘古以来就常存在。

    Remember your compassion , O Lord , your unfailing love from of old .

  23. 许多观念、想法与时俱移,不可能亘古不变。

    Our ideas and views are not static but will change with the times .

  24. 我亘古的力量完好如新,

    My oldest force is good as new ,

  25. 亘古至今,绘画作为一种时代精神的产物,它是人们的主观思想、理性认识和审美观念在实践的客观反映。多年来,它的形成和发展深受一个民族哲学思想的影响。

    The formation and development of a painting is deeply influenced by national philosophical ideology .

  26. 古典的醇厚与雅致,在文化的积淀中升发出亘古的韵味。

    The classical fragrant and elegance raise its remote taste in the deposition of culture .

  27. 你是我亘古不变的归宿。

    To you I 'll always return .

  28. 中华民族的强大凝聚力不是亘古不变的,而是在历史的发展中变动不一。

    The Chinese national cohesion is not constant , but changing with the historical development .

  29. 在社会发展的历史长河中,利益是人类亘古不变的话题。

    In the course of social development , interests are the constant topic people concern .

  30. 可它们那神秘的光芒却亘古永存。

    But always exist with mysterious light .
