
dòu shì
  • fighter;warrior;militant
斗士 [dòu shì]
  • (1) [militant]∶与敌人英勇斗争的人

  • 激进党的斗士

  • (2) [warrior]∶表现勇敢、刚毅或好斗的人

斗士[dòu shì]
  1. 这位斗士相信自己仍然可以恢复从前的一些魔力。

    The fighter believes he can still regain some of his old magic .

  2. 这个一丁点儿大的小姑娘从一开始就显露出真正的斗士本色。

    From the start it was clear this tiny girl was a real fighter .

  3. 他可谓是一个斗士,当然想赢。

    He is something of a fighter , and will certainly want to win .

  4. 他率领着一队可畏的斗士。

    He fronted a formidable band of fighters

  5. 他自认是一位追求更高的新闻和广播标准的斗士。

    He has set himself up as a crusader for higher press and broadcasting standards .

  6. 那位作家是世界和平的伟大斗士。

    That writer is a great champion of the world peace .

  7. 然后两个斗士跪下,向上帝祈祷。

    Then the two fighters kneel and pray to God .

  8. 没有哪一代人比你们这一代更有能力成为伸张正义、重塑世界的斗士。

    No generation has been better positioned to be warriors17 for justice and remake the world .

  9. 当一个爸爸坐下来,为他的儿子读故事,这本最应该是一天中最放松,最亲密,最亲切柔软的时刻,反而变成了这种角斗士般关于意志的争斗;

    And what should have been the most relaxing , the most intimate , the most tender moment of the day , when a dad sits down to read to his son , became instead this kind of gladiatorial battle of wills , a clash between my speed and his slowness .

  10. 母亲(Mother)/他者(Other):《女斗士》中的对抗叙事策略

    Mother / other : the counter narrative strategy in The Woman Warrior

  11. Miller告诉Michel她是一名斗士。

    Miller told Michel she is a fighter .

  12. 在这些努力中,他与其他反伪科学斗士联合了起来,这包括科学家卡尔•萨根(CarlSagan)、斯蒂芬•杰伊•古尔德(StephenJayGould)以及魔术师詹姆斯•兰迪(JamesRandi)。

    In these endeavours he joined other campaigners against pseudoscience , including scientists Carl Sagan and Stephen Jay Gould and the magician James Randi .

  13. 如今,昔日的海盗出现在南欧,而不是北欧;维京海盗时期贪婪的沿海劫掠者现在变成了投资银行的高管和交易员;茶党(TeaParty)斗士的狂热来自他们对自身正义的确信。

    Today , the Danes are in the south of Europe , not the north ; the greedy coastal raiders of Viking times are now the officers and traders of investment banks ; the Tea Party warriors enjoy the fanaticism that comes from the certainty that they are right .

  14. 对于MMA斗士的面部整形包括对骨折的接骨,从身体其它部位取骨的骨骼移植,和用人造材料对骨骼缺失部位进行填充。

    Reconstruction may include the use of bone grafts , taking bone from other parts of the body to repair the facial bones , or fill in smaller areas of missing bone with prosthetic materials and implants .

  15. 即使作为一个作家,n.m.仍将自己看作是一个战斗者,斗士。

    Even as an author , n.m.considered himself a battler , a fighter .

  16. 将自己描述为“政治斗士”的安倍,选择了一个主要由保守人士组成的内阁,并让鹰派人物麻生太郎(taroaso)留任外交大臣一职。

    Mr Abe , who describes himself as " a politician who fights " , has chosen a cabinet dominated by conservatives and kept the hawkish Taro Aso in his previous post as foreign minister .

  17. 安德鲁·科莫(AndrewCuomo,纽约州州长)在纽约成功地争取到同样的立法,显现出了他的勇气和远见。一向以无畏的斗士自称的克里斯蒂就在纽约州隔壁,恐怕也该有同样的作为。

    Andrew Cuomo showed courage and foresight in fighting successfully for such legislation in New York . Christie , who fancies himself a dauntless brawler , should do the same in the state next door .

  18. 以色列前领导人沙龙(ArielSharon)上周六去世。在他的长期职业生涯中,他曾是著名的斗士、犹太人定居点的捍卫者,最终还提倡对巴勒斯坦人采取更缓和态度。

    Former Israeli leader Ariel Sharon , who through his long career was a renowned warrior , champion of Jewish settlements and , eventually , an advocate of a more conciliatory approach toward Palestinians , died Saturday .

  19. 美国科技专家伊桑祖克曼(ethanzuckerman)称他为“一名斗士,坚信自己站在正义的一方,抵制恶势力”。

    Ethan Zuckerman , an American technology expert , says he is " a crusader , who feels strongly he is on the side of right , and against the forces of evil " .

  20. G.A.柯亨(G.A.Cohen)是当代享誉西方的左翼政治哲学家,同时也是分析马克思主义学派的奠基人和社会主义平等主义的斗士。

    G.A.Cohen is not only a renowned contemporary Western left-wing political philosopher , but also the founder of Analytical Marxism School .

  21. 该防御线东北方是被称为“自由斗士(Peshmerga)”的库尔德人民兵组织,他们渴望收回二十多年前被萨达姆侯赛因夺走的土地。

    To the east and north stand Kurdish forces , known as the Peshmerga , keen to reclaim land taken from them by Saddam Hussein more than two decades ago .

  22. 上面写着“铁笼角斗士大赛”

    It says ," battle of the lron cage gladiators . "

  23. 李汉俊是批判基尔特社会主义的最早斗士

    Li Hanjun & the First Fighter to Criticize the Guild Socialism

  24. 肥胖斗士在日本,法律不允许人们肥胖。

    Fat fighters You are forbidden to be fat in Japan .

  25. 只有这样坚韧的材料,才能创造出成功的斗士。

    Only out of such rugged fibre were successful fighters fashioned .

  26. “角斗士”的票已经告罄。

    The tickets for " Gladiator " have been sold out .

  27. 在罗马没有角斗士墓,没有墓碑。

    There are no Gladiator tombs in rome , no gravestones .

  28. 电影<<角斗士>>的制作者发现了一件有趣的事。

    The makers of the film Gladiator discovered an interesting thing .

  29. 他成了一个著名的反对皇家特权的斗士。

    He made his name as a fighter against Royal privilege .

  30. 菲律宾的棍棒斗士,手下不留情地打。

    The stick fighters of the Philippines , pulling no punches .