
  • 网络Mvo
  1. 大家斗一斗情况。

    Let 's pool our information and size up the situation .

  2. 不跟你斗一场我是不会放弃他的!

    Because I will not give him up without a fight !

  3. 决心斗一场吧,他想。

    Gird yourself for the battle , he thought .

  4. 我有一种感觉,咱俩注定是要斗一辈子的。

    I get the feeling that you and I are destined to do this forever .

  5. 人总是不能服气于命运,总想与它斗一斗。

    Man always can 't submit to the fate , and always wants to struggle with it .

  6. 早盘又是游资行情,何不斗一斗困在五指山下的“孙猴子”呢?

    It was small-cap quotes in the morning market , why not tease that Monkey King under the troubles ?

  7. 在我的学校里,我们常为了比尔·海利、埃尔维斯·普莱斯利和汤米·史提尔孰优孰劣的问题虚斗一场。

    In my school , we used to have playground fights about the relative merits of Bill Haley and Elvis Presley versus Tommy Steele .

  8. 但是这一次清算斗争是事出有因的,必得清一清,算一算,斗一斗,争一争。

    But this time there is good cause for the struggle to settle accounts , there must be an accounting , there must be a settlement , there must be a fight , there must be a struggle .

  9. 刁斗是一位富有思想、智慧和哲思的杰出小说家。

    Diao Dou is a distinguished novelist with rich thoughts , wisdom and thinking .

  10. 小麦每斗卖一块钱。

    Wheat brings one dollar a bushel .

  11. 然而,新7大奇迹只有古罗马斗兽场一个是在欧洲。

    However , only one European site , the Colosseum , was picked for the new seven wonders .

  12. 看到她我的心会更加的痛,一个跟我妈妈斗了一辈子的女人。

    See her my heart meeting especially painful , one and my mother have fought against woman for lifetime .

  13. 抓斗,挖斗任何一种具有两个铰接夹爪用来挖泥或铲土的设备差不多要在同时使挖泥机,驳船和索斗铲各就各位。

    Any of various devices with two hinged jaws , used for dredging or digging . We should have the dredge , barges and draglines in place about the same time .

  14. 由于赌博电玩数量较多,民警请来大型挖掘机,巨大的挖斗轻轻一敲,数台赌博电玩就成了碎片。

    As the large number of gambling games , the police brought in a large excavator , a huge bucket gently knock , several sets of gaming consoles has become pieces .

  15. 等到雪花融化、春雨绵绵,喀布尔每个孩子的手指上,都会有一些横切的伤口,那是斗了一个冬天的风筝留下的证据。

    By the time the snow melted and the rains of spring swept in , every boy in Kabul bore telltale horizontal gashes on his fingers from a whole winter of fighting kites .

  16. 但他很快就招架不住了,一则是与行者斗了一日,力倦神疲;二则是见八戒的钉钯凶猛,于是败阵就走。

    But very soon , he could barely parry the blows of Pig Bajie without the strength to hit back because he 'd fought Monkey King for a whole day and was therefore tired out .

  17. 与此形成鲜明对比的是,希拉里克林顿和巴拉克奥巴马在能够想像的到的最激烈和公开的环境下缠斗了一年多&而这只是为了能够进入最终大选。

    Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama , by contrast , have spent well over a year in the most testing and public circumstances imaginable & and that was just to get to the final five months .

  18. 萨普特牵着马在等我。几秒钟后我们就已经在回去的路上了。我们一边骑着马,一边大笑。因为我已经和迈克尔公爵的杀手斗了一场,而且只用了一张茶桌!

    Sapt was waiting with the horses and seconds later we were on our way home . And , as we rode , we laughed because I had fought Duke Michael 's dangerous men-with a tea-table !

  19. 你们也打不过我们;昨天你们五个人也没斗过葛雷一个。

    And you can 't fight us — Gray got away from five of you .

  20. 曾有一位学者说道:“如若天下文采共有十斗,曹植一人独占八斗。”

    One scholar said of him : " Heaven gave the world ten decalitres of talent , and Tsau Jr alone has eight of them . "

  21. 抽烟斗是他的一个癖好。

    Smoking a p | pe is one of her little peculiarties .

  22. 要想救出村长,小悟空必须和白将军斗智斗勇一番。

    In order to save the Village Chief , Goku must match strength and wits against General White .

  23. 空斗墙作为一种承重结构,在南方部分地区,特别是偏远农村地区较为常见。

    Row-lock cavity wall is a load-bearing structure and is often used in parts of south China , especially remote rural areas .

  24. 刁斗是上一世纪最后十年活跃于中国文坛的晚生代作家与60年代出生的作家中的代表性人物。

    The last century the last ten years " Latest Generation " writers and " 60s births " writers been active in the Chinese literary world and Diao Dou is a representative figure of them .

  25. 介绍了虹吸式雨水排水系统的各支管阻力降平衡和不同高度雨水斗接入同一立管的计算方法,并对有关限定条件进行了分析和讨论。

    Introduction was given to the calculation method for balance of pressure drop of each branch in siphon rainwater drainage system and the solving measures in designing the connection of rainwater hopper with different height into the same vertical pipe . Some finite conditions were also analyzed and discussed .

  26. 肯德基用鱼肉假冒黄金蟹斗引发网络骂声一片。

    Crab meat in KFC dish raises stink on the Net .

  27. 介绍高锰钢斗齿焊接的一种新方法。

    A new method of welding high Mn steel bucket teeth was introduced .

  28. 空斗墙砌体作为一种特殊的砌体结构,由于其造价低廉,我国很多农村地区建房都采用这种结构。

    As a special masonry structure , cavity wall masonry is well accepted in rural areas of our country due to its low cost .

  29. 《野火春风斗古城》是一部中国近现代歌剧,并在中国歌剧史上占有重要地位。

    " Struggles in the old-Line city " is a Chinese Modern and Contemporary opera , which plays an important role in Chinese opera history .

  30. 反铲单斗液压挖掘机是一种应用十分广泛的工程机械,在矿业、建筑业等领域中占有重要的地位。

    Hydraulic excavator with an adverse bucket is a kind of machinery which is used widely , it plays an important role in mining and construction industry .