
  • 网络Balance of Power Policy
  1. 从第三种力量到北大西洋联盟&战后初期英国均势政策的变化

    From the Third Force to NATO The Change of equipollence of the Britain after the World War ⅱ

  2. 中世纪的割据已经过时,均势政策在工业化时代是危险而又愚蠢的。

    The medieval jigsaw of nations is obsolete . The balance of power is dangerous foolishness in the industrial age .

  3. 1812年5月就任英国外交大臣的卡斯尔雷执行英国的欧洲均势外交政策,联合欧洲大陆的俄国、奥地利、普鲁士,打败了拿破仑帝国,恢复了欧陆的势力平衡。

    R. S. Castlereagh , British foreign affairs minister , carries out the British foreign policy of European equilibrium , unites Russia , Austria and Prussia , defeats Napoleon Empire and restores the balance of European powers .

  4. 英国均势外交政策的含义是英国为了维护霸主地位,依靠自己的经济和军事实力,使欧洲大陆的列强彼此牵制和相互争夺,防止一国称霸欧洲。

    Balance of power diplomacy in Britain means that Britain , based on its economic and military strength , drives fighting and containment among European powers to keep its hegemony and to prevent Europe from being dominated by one nation .