
  • 网络The Golden Age;Elizabeth The Golden Age
  1. 垄断者有时能够利用它们的规模和现金流造就真正的创新——回想一下贝尔实验室(BellLabs)的辉煌年代。

    Monopolists can sometimes use their scale and cash flow to produce real innovations - the glory years of Bell Labs come to mind .

  2. 20世纪是科学技术和人类文明取得空前发展的辉煌年代。

    The 20th century is a resplendent age with an all-time development of technology and civilization .

  3. 和自己的辉煌年代相比,成龙的动作慢了不少,尽管闪避和疾驰的动作还是那么灵活优雅。

    Mr. Chan has slowed considerably since his glory action years , even if he still dodges and darts with elastic grace .