
  • 网络queen elizabeth;Queen Elizabeth II
  1. 伊丽莎白女王于1952年加冕。

    Queen Elizabeth was crowned in 1952 .

  2. 他模仿伊丽莎白女王挥手致意。

    He gave his imitation of Queen Elizabeth 's royal wave

  3. 伊丽莎白女王

    Elizabeth R.

  4. 关于女王的电视专题片《伊丽莎白女王》创下了收视纪录。

    ' Elizabeth R ' , a TV portrait of the Queen , had record viewing figures .

  5. 伊丽莎白女王的衣服是紫色的,但普通人是不允许穿这种颜色的。

    Queen Elizabeth Is clothes were purple , but ordinary people were not allowed to wear the color .

  6. 大家发现伊丽莎白女王非常喜欢这部剧,还经常发现剧中的历史BUG。

    It has emerged that Queen Elizabeth loves the show and is constantly spotting historical mistakes 。

  7. 伊丽莎白女王时代的诗人GeorgeHerbert描写了具体细节(nutsandbolts)的重要性。

    The extreme importance of nuts and bolts was expressed by the Elizabethan poet , George Herbert .

  8. 伊丽莎白女王(queenelizabeth)捕捉到了这一情绪:她尖锐地问道,为何没有一个人(尤其是经济学家)预测到危机的来临。

    Queen Elizabeth captured the mood when she asked pointedly why no one ( in particular economists ) had seen the crisis coming .

  9. 即使八十多岁了但是伊丽莎白女王还是在圣诞节的时候及时拥抱了web2.0的世界。

    She may be an octogenarian but Queen Elizabeth has joined the Web2.0 jamboree just in time for Christmas .

  10. 这位女士的穿着最先出现在伊丽莎白女王的晚期肖像中,这个时间大约是1580年,之后这种款式在整个James的王朝都甚为流行。紧身胸衣非常的长,同时又非常收束。

    This lady shows the dress which first appeared in the later portraits of Queen Elizabeth about 1580 and remained fashionable in the reign of James I. The bodice is very long , pointed and stiff .

  11. 有些消息灵通的女士会跑到伦敦去买合意的文胸,比如Rigby&Peller内衣店,据说伊丽莎白女王和LadyGaga都是他们的客户。

    Some in-the-know women traveled as far as London lingerie stores like Rigby & Peller , whose clients are said to include both Queen Elizabeth and Lady Gaga .

  12. 许多商业大厦在Scarsdale,譬如Harwood法院(被显示以上),特点村庄一次仿制伊丽莎白女王的半木料半灰泥的出现。

    Many of the commercial buildings in the villages of Scarsdale , such as Harwood Court ( shown above ), feature an imitation Elizabethan half-timbered appearance .

  13. 就好像历史上的乔治六世和他的弟弟爱德华八世,后者为了傲慢的美国新娘WallisSimpson而不惜退位,这点另他的嫂嫂,也就是后来的伊丽莎白女王很厌恶——现在这样的戏码又上演了。

    It 's as if the painful history of George VI and his brother , Edward VIII - who abdicated for the love of his brash US bride , Wallis Simpson , to the disgust of his sister-in-law , later Queen Elizabeth - is being played out all over again .

  14. 乔丹在他的慈善史书上提到,16世纪,一位名叫爱德华迪林(edwarddering)的著名清教徒牧师执著地反对英国伊丽莎白女王时代的济贫法律,理由是它们容易削弱富人必须为贫穷承担的道德责任。

    In the 16th century , Jordan records in his history of philanthropy , a noted Puritan divine named Edward dering consistently opposed the poor laws of Elizabethan England on the grounds that they tended to weaken the moral responsibility that wealth must bear for poverty and need .

  15. 总督代表着国家元首伊丽莎白女王二世。

    The governor-general represents Queen Elizabeth II as head of state .

  16. 白金汉宫称,伊丽莎白女王二世对这一决定也表示赞同。

    Buckingham Palace said Queen Elizabeth II also supported this decision .

  17. 最终她死去,二十四岁的伊丽莎白女王即位登上英国的历史舞台。

    But she had died and Elizabeth became queen at twenty-four .

  18. 伊丽莎白女王缅怀自己的柯基。

    Queen Elizabeth is mourning the death of her last corgi .

  19. 目前是伊丽莎白女王执政第66年。

    Queen Elizabeth 's reign is currently in its 66th year .

  20. 伊丽莎白女王的确有时也喜欢喝杜松子酒和杜本内。

    Queen Elizabeth does like to drink Gin and Dubonnet sometimes .

  21. 这不该是欢迎伊丽莎白女王回家的方式!

    This is not the way to welcome Queen Elizabeth home !

  22. 最后当然是伊丽莎白女王本尊

    Last of all , of course there was Queen Bess herself ,

  23. 四十年来伊丽莎白女王与凶恶的整个外部世界斗争。

    For forty years she 's battled with the world .

  24. 他们为当了王太后的伊丽莎白女王举行了一个茶话会。

    They gave a tea party for Queen Elizabeth the queen mother .

  25. 作为立法机关的一员,伊丽莎白女王不能投票。

    Queen Elizabeth cannot vote because she is part of the legislature .

  26. 他们想杀我。因此他们给伊丽莎白女王写信。

    They want to kill me.And so they wrote to Queen Elizabeth .

  27. 对于联合国的宗旨和价值理念,伊丽莎白女王给予了充分的肯定。

    She praised the UN 's aims and values .

  28. 伊丽莎白女王写信给马里伯爵。

    Queen Elizabeth wrote to the Earl of Moray .

  29. 1973年10月20日,歌剧院由伊丽莎白女王宣布对外开放。

    Sydney Opera House was opened by Queen Elizabeth on 20th October 1973 .

  30. 他们在温莎城堡受到了伊丽莎白女王的接待。

    They were hosted by Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle after their arrival .