
  • 网络eliza;Elisa;Eliza Doolittle;Elisha
  1. 上周二,在电视与流行文化交汇的一个奇异时刻,ABC台的新喜剧《自拍》(Selfie)中出现了这样一幕:两个同事——伊莉莎(Eliza)和卡莫尼克(Charmonique),聊起影星芮妮·齐薇格(RenéeZellweger)。

    Last Tuesday , in a strange moment of network television-pop culture syzygy , the new ABC comedy " Selfie " included a scene in which two colleagues , Eliza and Charmonique , were discussing the movie star Ren é e Zellweger .

  2. 伊莉莎向下望,除了海水外什么也看不见。

    Eliza looked down , and could see nothing but sea .

  3. 皇后见到伊莉莎时,非常生气。

    When the queen saw eliza , she was very angry .

  4. 伊莉莎洗脸时,整个脸变成褐色,丑死了。

    When Eliza washed her face , it became brown and ugly .

  5. 伊莉莎简直不敢相信,这根本是疯了。

    Eliza couldn 't believe it . It was crazy .

  6. 国王和伊莉莎从此过着幸福、快乐的日子!

    The king and Eliza lived happily ever after .

  7. 几天之后,皇后将伊莉莎送到一栋简陋的农舍去。

    A few days later the queen sent Eliza to a poor farmhouse .

  8. 挂在伊莉莎伯身上的宝石已成了商标。

    They shone on her Iike a brand mark .

  9. 很明显,伊莉莎现在还不能被当作公爵夫人。

    Clearly Eliza will not pass as a duchess .

  10. 于是,伊莉莎被带到一个阴冷、黑暗、又没有窗户的牢房里。

    Then she was taken to a cold and dark cell without windows .

  11. “这就是你们的土地吗?”伊莉莎问。

    Is this your land ? @ asked eliza .

  12. 老婆婆带伊莉莎来到河边。

    The old woman led Eliza to the river .

  13. 伊莉莎又看看他,没有说话,也没有动。

    Eliza again looks at him , speechless , and does not stir .

  14. 她看上去很棒,伊莉莎评价。

    She looks great , Eliza commented .

  15. 女儿的名字叫做伊莉莎。

    The daughter 's name was Eliza .

  16. 她坐在长榻上伊莉莎旁边饱看她一顿。

    She sits down on the ottoman beside Eliza , devouring her with her eyes .

  17. 要算伊莉莎伯泰莱和李察波顿。

    Were eiizabeth tayior and Richard burton .

  18. 你真美啊,伊莉莎!

    You are very beautiful , Eliza !

  19. 你每天都跟伊莉莎打招呼对吗?

    Every day , you greet Eliza , do you not ? I sure do .

  20. 夏恩掉到水里,伊莉莎跑到一半也停了下来,大叫道:快点,夏恩。

    Shane fell into the water . Eliza stopped running , Come on , Shane , she shouted .

  21. 第二部分分析导致伊莉莎和自然悲剧的原因。

    The second part focuses on exploring the causes that lead to the tragedies of Elisa and nature .

  22. 伊莉莎改变自己的语言使之足够标准来符合上层社会的要求。

    Eliza changes her language , making it standard enough to meet the requirements of the upper class .

  23. 伊莉莎向老婆婆道别后,便沿着河边走下去。

    Then Eliza said goodbye to the old woman , and walked along the side of the river .

  24. 他和伊莉莎之间的冲突以及他的疾病给他带来的恐惧对他的影响很大。

    The differences and conflicts between Gant and Eliza and the great terror caused by his disease affect Gant greatly .

  25. 首先论述了甘特和伊莉莎,因为有些评论家称,在小说的所有人物中他们是最孤独的。

    Gant and Eliza are discussed for , according to some critics , they are the loneliest characters in the novel .

  26. 你在这工作的时间里,伊莉莎有没有问过你怎么样?

    And in the entire time that you 've worked here , has Eliza ever once asked how you are doing ?

  27. 你真美啊,伊莉莎!这是莉莎玛丽普莱斯利第三度结婚,她的二度梅是嫁给着名的流行歌手麦可杰克森。

    This is Lisa Marie Presley 's third marriage . She married the well-known pop star Michael Jackson in her second marriage .

  28. 达茜、卡罗琳、伊莉莎和阿丽克西斯,克拉克一家的这四个孩子是公认的世界首例同卵四胞胎婴儿。

    Darcy , Caroline , Elisha and Alexis Clark - thought to be the first quads in the world born this way .

  29. 经过几次试音和试镜后,夏恩和伊莉莎即将参加一个名为“勇气十足”的实境电视节目。

    After several auditions and screenings , Shane and Eliza were going to be on a reality TV show . The show was called Double Dare .

  30. 辟克林对伊莉莎小声说话,指给她女客衣帽间。一个衣帽间里的女人发现一件衣服变紧了,她会认为自己长胖了。

    Pickering whispers to Eliza and points out the ladies'room . When a woman tries on clothing from her closet that feels tight , she will assume she has gained weight .