
  1. 一种修正单斜辉石晶体化学式计算的方法&穆斯堡尔谱在计算晶体化学式中的应用

    A modified calculation of crystal-chemical formula of clinopyroxene & the application of Mossbauer spectrum

  2. 熔体过冷度对透辉石晶体形貌、成分及过渡层性质的影响

    Effects of Undercooling Degree on the Morphology , Composition and Transition Layer of the Diopside Crystal

  3. 在析晶初始温度下进行热处理,析出β石英晶体,但晶体生长缓慢,结晶程度低;提高晶化温度,析出β锂霞石和β锂辉石晶体且晶体生长迅速。

    The main crystal phase is β - quartz but this crystal grows slowly at the initial crystallization temperature , while β - eucryptite and β - spodumene grow rapidly at higher heat treatment temperature .

  4. β-锂辉石的晶体化学性质及其低热膨胀性的结构解释

    The Crystal Chemistry of β - Spodumene and the Structure Explanation to It 's Low Thermal Expansion

  5. 应用探针分析所获化学成分(加以一定限制的),对辽宁宽甸新生代碱性玄武岩中3个巨晶单斜辉石进行晶体结构测定与修正。

    Based on the chemical composition by microprobe analysis , with some qualifications , the determination and refinement of the crystal structure of three megacryst clinopyroxenes occurring in the Cenozoic alkali basalt from Kuandian , Liaoning Province were carried out .

  6. 结果表明:随温度升高,玻璃中依次析出镁铝钛酸盐、β-石英固溶体、假蓝宝石、尖晶石、α-堇青石、α-石英、方石英、顽辉石等晶体。

    The results show that with the increasing temperature magnesium aluminotitanate ( MAT ), β - quartz solid solution ( β - QSS ), sapphirine , spinel , α - cordierite , α - quartz , cristobalite , enstatite are precipitated in glass in sequence .

  7. 一种略带桃色的淡紫色锂辉石,呈晶体形式,用作宝石。

    A pinkish lilac crystal form of the mineral spodumene that is used as a gemstone .

  8. 第一种类型的金红石(Rt(A))与石榴石和绿辉石共生,其晶体内部发育有极密集的晶体缺陷,调制结构和变形双晶。

    One type rutile ( Rt ( A )) associates with garnet and omphacite . The dense defects , modulated texture and regular oriented nanometer-size deformed twins are discovered .

  9. 碱性玄武岩中的某些巨晶单斜辉石&Ⅰ:晶体结构和晶体化学

    Some megacryst Clinopyroxenes from alkali basalt & ⅰ: crystal structure and crystal chemistry

  10. 辉石结晶釉析晶体的研究

    Study of crystal phase in pyroxene crystalline glaze