
  1. 这幅画作是当代艺术家崔如琢创作的《山色苍茫酿雪天》(SnowyMountain),周一在香港君悦酒店(GrandHyattHongKong)举行的保利(Poly)拍卖会上拍出。

    The painting ' Snowy Mountain ' by contemporary artist Cui Ruzhuo was sold at a Poly Auction event Monday at the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong .

  2. 最后,崔如琢表达了中国艺术家要继续努力发扬光大中国艺术和中国艺术市场的希望。

    Cui expressed the hope that Chinese artists could continue their efforts to shine a light upon Chinese art and the country 's art market .

  3. 72岁的艺术家崔如琢再次荣登最畅销中国在世艺术家榜榜首,其作品在去年的公开拍卖中卖出了1.2亿美元。

    Seventy-two-year-old artist Cui Ruzhuo once again topped the list of the Best-Selling Living Chinese Artists with sales at public auctions last year reaching 120 million dollars .

  4. 在接受第一名的奖项时,崔如琢指出,考虑到中国令人瞩目的经济增长,很奇怪没有一名中国艺术家登上世界顶级艺术家名单。

    Accepting the award for the top spot , Cui pointed out that considering the impressive economic growth China has accomplished , " it is strange that no Chinese artist has made it into the list of the world 's top artists . "