
  • 网络Warhol;Andy Warhol
  1. 正如沃霍尔和达米安·赫斯特这样的当代艺术家所理解的那样,评论家的赞誉和公众的关注深深地交织在一起。

    As contemporary artists like Warhol and Damien Hirst have grasped , critics ’ praise is deeply entwined with publicity .

  2. 今天,全世界都知道培根(FrancesBacon)和沃霍尔(ANDYWARHOL)。

    Today , the world knows Frances Bacon and Andy Warhol .

  3. 佳士得拍卖会的其他亮点还包括安迪•沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)、勒内•马格利特(RenéMagritte)及马塞尔•杜尚(MarcelDuchamp)的作品。

    Among other highlights at Christie 's were works by Andy Warhol , Ren é Magritte and Marcel Duchamp .

  4. 安迪沃霍尔基金会(AndyWarholFoundation)与我们接洽,想要对全部类别的藏品进行拍卖,包括严肃画作、纸上作品、照片以及宝丽来作品。

    The Andy Warhol Foundation came to us because they wanted to monetize their collection , including serious paintings , works on paper , photographs , Polaroids & the entire range .

  5. 菲利普斯之前预计这幅名为《四个玛丽莲》(FourMarilyns)的画作大概能以3000万美元的价格拍出。这是沃霍尔给这位女演员画的一系列肖像之一。

    Phillips had earlier expected to get about $ 30 million for ' Four Marilyns , ' one of a series of Warhol depictions of the actress .

  6. 收藏沃霍尔(ANDYWARHOL)作品和其他现代艺术品的贝尔周三表示,他们的报价是孤注一掷的。

    ' Our offer is all or nothing , ' Mr. Bell , who collects Andy Warhol works and other contemporary art , said Wednesday .

  7. 安:从某个时候开始,沃霍尔电影开始全部或大部分由你的朋友、工厂合作伙伴保罗•莫里西(PaulMorrissey)执导。

    NA : At a certain point the Warhol films began to be directed , wholly or largely , by your friend and fellow Factory worker Paul Morrissey .

  8. 如果著名的艺术大师、惜字如金的安迪•沃霍尔(ANDYWARHOL)也曾经有那么一次,在一个恰当、释放但秘密的时刻,决定进行一次表述清晰、真情流露的采访,又会如何?

    What if Andy Warhol , famously laconic art luminary , had decided just once , at the right , liberating yet confidential moment , to give an articulate , self-revealing interview * ?

  9. 早在60年代,布洛德夫人就见过安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)的坎贝尔汤罐头组图,不过没有买下。当时沃霍尔拥有一个自己的小画廊;

    Andy Warhol , whose Campbell 's Soup Can pictures Ms. Broad first saw ( but didn 't buy ) as early as the 1960s , has a small gallery of his own ;

  10. 从20世纪80年代起,这位艺术家变成了一位欲罢不能的买家。他的MurdermeCollection现在有3000多件作品,包括毕加索(Picasso)、沃霍尔(Warhol)、班克西(Banksy)和培根(Bacon)等诸多艺术家的作品。

    The artist has been a compulsive buyer since the 1980s , and his Murderme Collection now contains more than 3000 works by Picasso , Warhol , Banksy , Bacon and a host of others .

  11. 而投资者们可不认为在购买沃霍尔(Warhol)或巴斯奎特(Basquiat)的作品25年之后会损失约40%。

    Investors do not expect to incur a loss of about 40 percent a quarter century after buying a Warhol or a Basquiat .

  12. 虽然这部电影的底片已经遗失多年,看过这部电影的人也不多,不过能够确信的是,此部影片由沃霍尔及其合伙人约翰·班特库克(GregoryBattcock)共同完成,且完全未经过DC漫画公司(DCComics)授权。

    Few people have seen it , and all prints are thought to be long gone , but what we do know is that the detective was played by longtime Warhol collaborator , Gregory Battcock , and it was completely unauthorized by DC Comics .

  13. 有一个笑话是这样讲的,到30岁的时候,你必须得到第二件沃霍尔(Warhol)的作品。但我真的并不认为,他们的品味如此不经大脑或者差别如此细微。

    The joke is that you have to get your second Warhol by the time you are 30 , but I really don 't think the taste is that unconsidered or nuanced .

  14. 这里质地丰富的装饰品是新与旧的迷人结合——从文艺复兴时代的大理石碑文到安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)的丝网印画——在温暖的季节里,仅对房客开放的屋顶露台是喝开胃酒的好地方。

    The richly textured d é cor is an appealing mix of old and new - think artworks ranging from Renaissance-era marble inscriptions to Andy Warhol silk-screens - and the clubby rooftop terrace is a new hot spot for aperitivi in warmer months .

  15. 沃霍尔是布洛德艺术馆的最爱,布洛德夫妇拥有他的34幅作品(本次展出了10幅),此外还有他在正规波普艺术中的后继者杰夫·昆斯(JeffKoons)的作品,布洛德夫妇是昆斯作品最大的私人藏家。

    He is a Broad favorite ; they own 34 pieces ( there are 10 here ) , as is his successor in formally polished Pop , Jeff Koons , of whose works the Broads have the greatest number in private hands .

  16. 37岁的内特·洛曼(NateLowman)是一位纽约艺术家,他于2011年创作的《玛丽莲》(Marilyn)系列油画巧妙地结合了德库宁(deKooning)与沃霍尔(Warhol)的影响,2014年重新拍卖时,拍出了87万美元。

    Nate Lowman , 37 , is a New York artist whose 2011 " Marilyn " paintings , which cannily combine echoes of de Kooning and Warhol , resold for as much as $ 870000 at auction in 2014 .

  17. 沃霍尔的助理、诗人杰拉德·马兰(GerardMalanga)住的地方与鲍伊家只有三个街区之隔,他们也有些共同的朋友。马兰加说,和无数人一样,自己也从未在街头巷角遇到过大卫·鲍伊。

    Gerard Malanga , the poet and Warhol associate , who lived three blocks from Mr. Bowie and had friends in common , described himself as " one of the millions who never encountered David on the street or anywhere . "

  18. 信标能检测出参观者是站在沃霍尔(Warhol)的画作前,还是卡蒂尔-布雷松(Cartier-Bresson)的摄影作品前,然后像数码讲解员一样,输出一系列与作品相关的信息,包括音频、视频讲解和评论等。

    The beacons can detect whether they 're standing at a Warhol print or a Cartier-Bresson photograph and , like a digital docent , can beam them a rich feed of information about those works , including audio talks , videos and reviews .

  19. 沃霍尔所描述的那个未来时代正在朝我们走来吗?

    Are we nearing the future time that Warhol was describing ?

  20. 15年前,已故沃霍尔的作品并不受赏识。

    The late Warhols were not appreciated 15 years ago .

  21. 在那趟旅途中,鲍伊还参观了沃霍尔的工作室——“工厂”。

    On that trip , Mr. Bowie visited the Factory ;

  22. 此次拍卖的7件沃霍尔作品中有4件流拍。

    Four of the seven Warhols on offer went unsold .

  23. 他把沃霍尔与提香相提并论。

    He put Warhol on a par with titian .

  24. 他们把沃霍尔和提香相提并论。

    They put Warhol on a par with titian .

  25. 问:你怎样复制了沃霍尔的行程安排?

    Q. How did you replicate Warhol 's itinerary ?

  26. 答:沃霍尔博物馆送给我一份很棒的礼物——他的收据。

    A. I had an amazing gift from the Warhol museum - his receipts .

  27. 安:安迪•沃霍尔,谢谢你。

    NA : Andy Warhol , thank you .

  28. 这本书没有出现在沃霍尔的行李中。所以我表示怀疑。

    It didn 't turn up in Warhol 's artifacts so I doubt it .

  29. 雷纳克隆发表了一本关于沃霍尔的专著。

    Rainer crone published a monograph on warhol .

  30. 你妈看起来还像安迪沃霍尔吗?

    Your mum still look like Andy Warhol ?