
  • 网络Volpe;Wolpe;Volpp
  1. 沃尔普说,这种激励方式对短期的体重减少特别有效,但是一旦停止金钱激励,体重又开始反弹。

    Volpp said the incentives were highly effective at producing short-term weight loss , but when the money stopped flowing , the weight began to creep back on .

  2. 沃尔普说:“我们想建立一套现在就能给予他们回报的奖励机制。”他的研究成果已刊载在《美国医学会杂志》上。

    " We wanted to create a reward system which gave them rewards in the present ," said Volpp , whose study appears in the Journal of the American Medical Association .