
  • 网络volcker;Paul Volcker;Walker;volker
  1. 我对保罗.沃尔克(PaulVolcker)及其同事所做的杰出工作和提出的实用性建议表示感谢。

    I am grateful to Paul Volcker and his fellow Commissioners for their excellent work – and practical recommendations .

  2. 正如美联储前主席保罗•沃尔克(PaulVolcker)曾建议过的,对银行业和证券系统来说,可能需要一个庞大的清债信托公司(ResolutionTrustCorporation)式的解决方案。

    As Paul Volcker , former Fed chairman , has suggested , an enormous Resolution Trust Corporation-style approach for the banking and securities system may be required .

  3. 而在其它地方,银行业对像沃尔克规则(VolckerRule)这样限制自营交易的监管规则进行了反抗。

    Elsewhere , banks have fought regulations such as the Volcker rule curbing proprietary trading .

  4. 沃尔克法则2009年由美国总统奥巴马(Obama)提出,目的是降低金融系统风险。

    The Volcker rule was proposed by President Obama in 2009 as a way of mitigating risk in the financial system .

  5. 沃尔克有时候作为白宫经济复苏顾问委员会(EconomicRecoveryAdvisoryBoard)主席为美国总统奥巴马(BarackObama)提供咨询。

    Volcker , an occasional adviser to President Barack Obama as Chairman of the President 's Economic Recovery Advisory Board , said the U.

  6. 分隔自营交易与有保险保护的银行业务的沃尔克规则(volckerrule)尚未落实。

    The Volcker rule that separates proprietary trading from insured banks has yet to be put into practice .

  7. 在原版的《多德-弗兰克法案》(Dodd-Franklegislation)中,沃尔克规则只有10页,可美国货币监理署(OCC)公布的最新版本有298页,涵盖了400个主题的1300多个问题。

    In the original Dodd-Frank legislation , the rule was ten pages long .

  8. 有些人则认为,欣茨只不过是在大敲警钟沃尔克规则将禁止所谓的“流交易”(flowtrading)而这根本就是危言耸听。

    There are others who think Hintz is merely sounding an alarm that the Volcker Rule will prevent so-called " flow trading " that has no business being sounded at all .

  9. 这部分交易同时面临监管和市场的不利因素,包括禁止银行自营交易的“沃尔克规则”(volckerrule)。

    The division faces regulatory as well as market headwinds , including from the Volcker rule the ban on proprietary trading .

  10. “沃尔克规则”(volckerrule)草案允许对冲活动,但禁止银行将自身资金用于投资。

    Hedging activity is allowed under a draft of the Volcker rule , which otherwise bans banks from investing their own money .

  11. 这家公司表示,在这些所谓的本金交易中,大部分都符合2013年12月份颁布的《沃尔克规则》(VolckerRule)的要求。

    Goldman says much of these so-called principal transactions will still be allowed after the Volcker rule , which was finalized in December .

  12. 美联储前任主席保罗•沃尔克(PaulVolcker)于1979年至1982年在美国尝试了这种做法。

    As chairman of the Federal Reserve , Paul Volcker tried that experiment in the US between 1979 and 1982 .

  13. 美国还单方面出台了沃尔克规则(VolckerRule),迫使银行剥离自营交易,同时欧洲正在出台针对资产管理公司的规则。

    The US is also unilaterally introducing the Volcker rule , forcing banks to shed proprietary trading , while Europe is introducing rules for asset managers .

  14. 高盛吃惊地发现,白宫方面反而出台了一项被称作沃尔克法规(VolckerRule)的措施,它会使高盛一项有利可图的业务受到损害。

    They weren 't. Instead , they were surprised by a measure dubbed the Volcker rule , which would damage one of Goldman 's lucrative businesses .

  15. 沃尔克规则(volckerrule)并不是一个好的替代方案,它虽然禁止商业银行从事自营交易(proprietarytrading),却允许银行将资本金暴露在风险之中。

    The Volcker rule , which prohibits banks from engaging in proprietary trading but allows them to put their principal at risk , is not a good substitute .

  16. 潘伟迪还告诉读者们,他支持所谓的沃尔克法则(Volckerrule),这项法则将限制银行以自有资金对股票和债券进行投机。

    Pandit also told the audience he supported the so-called Volcker rule , which would restrict banks from speculating on stocks and bonds with their own capital .

  17. 无论有什么优点,巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)总统单方面宣布限制自营交易的沃尔克规则的做法,都令人震惊,尽管有些人对政治推动力的重现表示欢迎。

    Whatever its merits , President Barack Obama 's unilateral announcement of the Volcker rule on proprietary trading was a shock , though some welcomed the renewed political impetus .

  18. 科里根联系了美联储前任主席保罗•沃尔克(PaulVolcker),此人当时担任一家著名投资公司的董事长。

    Corrigan had contacted Paul Volcker , former chairman of the Federal Reserve Board and now chairman at a prestigious investment banking firm .

  19. 两三年前,美国总统奥巴马(Obama)邀请他加入他的金融改革团队后,沃尔克发起了一场改革,将银行自营交易业务与存款业务分离。

    A couple of years ago , President Obama invited him into his financial reform team , where he launched a crusade to split up banks ' proprietary trading businesses from deposit taking .

  20. 摩根士丹利和摩根大通也在游说监管机构,希望后者把大宗商品“远期”合约从禁止银行从事自营交易的沃尔克规则(volckerrule)中剔除出去。

    Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan are also lobbying regulators to carve out " forward " commodity contracts from the Volcker rule , which bans banks from proprietary trading .

  21. 沃尔克的新自传撰写人威廉·希尔伯(WilliamSilber)对其在公共服务的长期贡献深表敬佩。

    This long record of public service earns the admiration of William Silber , his new biographer .

  22. 在美国,沃尔克规则(­VolckerRule)加大了银行用自有账户交易(即所谓自营交易)的难度。

    In the US , the ­ Volcker rule has made it more difficult for banks to trade on their own account , a practice known as ­ proprietary trading .

  23. 未来几个月将出台的新法规很可能会砍掉它们大块的利润&特别是争议不断的沃尔克法则(VolckerRule)。

    New regulations are set to roll out in the coming months that threaten to kill off a large chunk of their profits & most notably , the controversial Volcker rule .

  24. 米尔顿·弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)认为沃尔克的货币主义没做到位,而许多里根政府人士则对他的民主党身份抱有质疑。

    Milton Friedman saw him as insufficiently monetarist , and many in the Reagan White House regarded him with suspicion as a Democrat .

  25. 该团体正在对旨在限制大银行自营交易的沃尔克规则(volckerrule)的实行发表评论,并试图为一种新型互助银行创造出一种架构。

    The group is drafting comments on implementation of the Volcker rule limiting proprietary trading in large banks , and trying to invent a structure for a new kind of mutual bank .

  26. 所谓的“沃尔克规则”(volckerrule)禁止银行从事自营交易,并限制他们投资或“资助”对冲基金和私人股本。

    The so-called " Volcker rule " would ban banks from trading on their own account and limit their ability to invest in or " sponsor " hedge funds and private equity .

  27. 外国金融机构正就沃尔克规则(VolckerRule)向美国监管机构发出如潮的抱怨,这加大了该规则可能被修改得温和一些的几率。沃尔克规则旨在禁止银行从事自营交易。

    US regulators are facing a flood of foreign complaints about the Volcker rule aimed at banning proprietary trading at banks , increasing the chances that the measure may be watered down .

  28. 同经济学家艾尔弗雷德·基辛格(HenryKissinger)相似,沃尔克穿梭于世界各地安抚国际同盟,尽管当时尼克松对国际经济满不在乎。

    Like an economic Henry Kissinger , Mr Volcker shuttled around the world to placate foreign allies in the face of Nixon 's marked indifference to international economics .

  29. 根据沃尔克规则(VolckerRule),到明年夏天,在美国控股零售银行的公司,在行为方面将受到严格限制。

    Under the Volcker rule , companies that control retail banks in the US will be subject to stringent requirements on what they can do once the rule is brought in next summer .

  30. 昨天是金融公司和行业机构就拟议的沃尔克规则提出意见的截止日期。沃尔克规则因美联储前主席保罗沃尔克(PaulVolcker)而得名。

    Yesterday was the last day for financial companies and industry bodies to comment on the proposed rule , named for Paul Volcker , the former Federal Reserve chairman .