
  • 网络schedule of reinforcement;reinforcement schedule;QA&E
  1. 强化程序的一种。有机体作出的正确反应中只有部分得到强化的练习方式。

    A schedule of reinforcement in which every occurrence of the selected behaviour is reinforced .

  2. 强化程序是对行为进行激励的方法,各类强化程序对人们形成固定的行为序列具有不同的作用。

    The schedule of reinforcement is a way to motivate behavior , and all types of schedule of reinforcement play different roles in helping people form a fixed sequence of behavior .

  3. 汽车后桥强化程序载荷谱

    Strengthened Program Load Spectrum of Automobile Rear Axle

  4. 侦查意识的培养、锻炼要强化程序意识、事实意识、实效意识;

    The cultivation and exercise of detection consciousness should be strengthened the signification of program and fact .

  5. 菊淀粉型六聚糖对鼠强迫性游泳和低速率差式强化程序的影响

    Effect of inulin-type hexasaccharide on forced swimming tests in mice and rats and DRL 72 s in rats

  6. 巴戟天水提物对大鼠低速率差式强化程序和小鼠强迫性游泳的影响

    Effects of an aqueous extract of Morinda officinalis How on DRL 72 s in rats and the forced swimming test in mice

  7. 结论··:固定比率强化程序下吗啡辨别效应-剂量曲线为阶跃式,与大鼠吗啡辨别模型相似;

    Conclusion : The dose - response curves of morphine discrimination in pigeons under a FR reinforcement schedule is quantal and similar to that of rats ' .

  8. 合理调解会计准则变迁过程中价值冲突在于强化程序控制,并赋于经济主体一定会计准则选择权。

    The reasonable mediation of value conflict in accounting norms changes lies in strengthening process control and giving a certain amount right to select for economic principal part .

  9. 陶瓷复合挺柱的应用效果除了取决于陶瓷材料的微观组织结构性能外,还取决于挺柱陶瓷镶块工作表面的加工质量及配对凸轮表面的强化程序。

    Result of application of the ceramic-metal composite tappet rod depends not only upon structural property of microstructure of the ceramic material , but also upon processing quality of working surface of the tappet rod ceramic chip as well as the hardness of matching cam surface .

  10. 针对强化程序抽象能力,培养学生的数据抽象能力,如何把知识生动、有趣地传输给学生,除了受到教学内容的限制,选择合适的教学方法也是至关重要的。

    In view of the strengthened procedure abstract a - bility , raises student 's data abstract ability , how is vivid the knowledge , interesting transmits gives the student , ex - cept receives the course content the limit , chooses the appropriate teaching method also is very important .

  11. 强化调控程序在羽毛球教学中的应用研究

    An Applied Study on Emphasizing Adjustment Procedure in Badminton Teaching

  12. 要强化听证程序对行政决定的作用。

    The function of hearing procedure must be emphasized when we make administrative decision .

  13. 这种数据结构约束的弱化要求根据需要强化应用程序逻辑中的约束。

    This weakening of the data structure constraint requires the strengthening of constraints within the application logic as necessary .

  14. 对当事人陈述进行以充实程序规则为核心的制度化分析有利于强化其程序功能。

    Analyzing party 's statement in system as the method of proof , is in favor of the exertion of it 's procedure function .

  15. 审判局限性的存在,以及强化当事人程序主体地位的理念,使得民事诉讼在一定范围内允许当事人订立诉讼契约成为必要。

    It is necessary to allow the litigants to sign a litigation contract to some extent because of the limitation lies in judgment and the aggrandizement of litigant 's procedure subjective position .

  16. 从优化用人机制、强化决策程序、规范财务管理等方面提出了防范国有资产流失的四点对策。

    And from optimizing personnel using system , intensifying decision making procedure , normalization of financial management and other aspects four countermeasures are proposed to prevent and control the state owned assets loss .

  17. 政府监管部门和国有农产品公司一直在设法通过多种方式来应对这一问题,比如加强工厂检查、进行大规模的实验室检测、强化执法程序,乃至起诉和处决违法人员,但食品安全丑闻仍旧时有发生。

    Government regulators and state-owned agriculture companies have tried to tackle the problem in a number of ways - increasing factory inspections , conducting mass laboratory tests , enhancing enforcement procedures , even with prosecutions and executions - but food safety scandals still emerge too often .

  18. 此外,还必须对相关配套制度进行改革和完善:强化审前程序,对诉讼要件进行审查;加强ADR制度的利用,以分流案件;抑制恶意诉讼和滥诉现象的发生。

    In addition , it is necessary to reform and improve the related system such as to strengthen the pre-trial procedures , to examine the lawsuit elements , to reinforce the use of ADR systems in order to divert the case and to prevent the malicious prosecution and excessive prosecution .

  19. 强化对侦查程序的监督;

    To strengthen the supervision of the procedure of investigation ;

  20. 第五部分:强化统一审议程序,是提高地方立法质量的保证。

    Part V : strengthening unified consideration procedure is the guarantee to improve the local legislation quality .

  21. 首先,增加程序性辩护这种辩护方式,使得公权力机关违反程序法的行为成为辩护对象,有助于进一步强化刑事诉讼程序的独立价值和地位,维护刑事诉讼程序的尊严。

    First , the behaviors of the public authority institution which violate the procedural law become the defense object .

  22. 因此,我国调解制度必须控制法院的利益驱动,规范法院的调解行为,强化当事人的程序选择权和程序决定权。

    Therefore , the mediation system in China needs to control the benefit-driven behavior of the court and regulate the mediation behavior of the court .

  23. 我今天的主题是,关于国际会计师联合会、关于我们强化准则制定程序的措施、以及关于你们最近的这些行动的重要意义。

    The focus of my comments today is on IFAC , on our initiatives to strengthen our standard-setting processes , and on the significance of your most recent actions .

  24. 因此,有必要对办案程序的重要性加以剖析,强化遵照法定程序办案意识,提高治安执法水平。

    So , it is necessary to analyze the importance of legal procedure and intensify the consciousness of observing legal procedure for improving the level of carrying out rule by security law .

  25. 故此,必须采取推行美德教育、重塑公民的美德伦理,强化法治与程序建设,培育民间组织和第三部门等多元并举的行动策略来提升社会资本存量,从而最终加快和谐社会建设进程。

    These have restricted the social harmony . Hence , the action tactics like ethics education , rule of law construction and the third sector cultivation is needed to accelerate the harmonious society formulation .

  26. 缓解执行难、执行乱是一个长期过程,方法也多种多样,但建立和强化对执行程序的监督机制来予以改善,有着显著的重要性和现实性。

    Ease for the implementation difficulties and the implementation chaos has a long process and a variety of methods , but to establish and strengthen the monitoring mechanism on the implementation of procedures to be improved , has a significant importance and reality .

  27. 随着网络能力的强化,可编程序控制器实现的控制功能和控制范围都在扩大,如何实现PLC的远程网络控制是一个值得关注的问题。

    With the enhanced network capacity , control functions and scope are extended for PLC . The remote control of PLC network has received great attention recently .

  28. 强化民事第一审程序:原理、路径与方法

    Enforcement of Civil Procedure of First Instance : Principle , Route and Method

  29. 方法:采用双杆、固定比率食物强化型辨别实验程序。

    METHODS : Two lever and a fixed-ratio schedule of food presentation reinforcement program were used in discrimination test session .

  30. 有时候,她的离奇幻想会强化周围的自然程序,直到它们似乎变成她的历史中的一部分。

    At times her whimsical fancy would intensify natural processes around her till they seemed a part of her own story .