
  • 网络environmentalist
  1. 那项裁决对环境保护论者来说如同一记闷棍。

    That ruling comes as a blow to environmentalists

  2. 而环境保护论者则指责美国试图转移话题。

    Environmentalists accuse it of trying to sidetrack the issue .

  3. 印度总理曼莫汉辛格(manmohansingh)召集了一些环境保护论者、科学家和决策者,组成了这个小组,帕乔里是其中一员。

    Pachauri is part of a group of environmentalists , scientists and policymakers convened by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh .

  4. 环境保护论者会愿意看到铁路货运系统的发展。

    Environmentalists would lie to see the expansion of the rail freight system .

  5. 部长暗示说某些最主要的环境保护论者所作的可怕预言是有所夸张的。

    The minister suggested that the dire prophecies of certain leading environmentalists were somewhat exaggerated .

  6. 这帮环境保护论者反对一切。

    This breed of environmentalist opposes everything .

  7. 它不仅影响我成为一位素食者,并且让我成为一位环境保护论者与人道主义者。

    It did not just inspire the vegetarian in me but also the environmentalist and humanitarian .

  8. 我们也要真诚地看待激进的环境保护论者关于我们使用汽油能力的批评。

    And we could look honestly at the impact of radical environmentalism on our ability to drill for oil .

  9. 环境保护论者通常是依靠他们散文的力量来改变同时代人的思想和行为。

    Environmentalists have traditionally relied upon the power of their prose to transform the thoughts and behavior of their contemporaries .

  10. 我们从上世纪70年代的石油危机里能学到什么教训呢?为什么环境保护论者也要分担针对过高的石油价格的指责呢?

    What we learned from the oil crisis of the1970s , and why environmentalists share the blame for high gas prices .

  11. 她认为,拉尔夫•瓦尔多•爱默生和亨利•大卫•梭罗等早期美国环境保护论者都被误读为了荒野崇拜的信奉者。

    She argues that early American environmentalists , such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau , have been misread as its champions .

  12. 环境保护论者说,油价上涨可能正是使得美国上班族的出行习惯发生新革命的导火索。

    The oil price rise might just have been the trigger to ignite a new revolution in the travel habits of US commuters , say environmentalists .

  13. 一些环境保护论者认为,顺应变化要么意味着对全球变暖问题举白旗,要么就是反对派的权宜之计,他们蔑视人类活动引起了气候变暖这种广泛共识。

    Some environmentalists have viewed adaptation either as a white flag on the issue or as a refuge of contrarians who despise the broad consensus that human activity is warming the climate .