
  • 网络Global tv;Global Television Network;Global Television;Global
  1. Mariliz希望这场献血运动能够配合即将于8月26日在巴西环球电视台公映的最新系列肥皂片《吸血鬼之吻》,在巴西掀起“吸血鬼热”。

    Mariliz hopes to tap in to a wave of vampire mania that will sweep across Brazil as the Rede Globo television network launches its latest soap opera , Kiss of the Vampire , on Aug.26 .

  2. 本文是环球电视系列节目的一部分。

    This article is part of a series on television round the world .

  3. 环球电视台报道说,至少有6人被送往医院接受救治。

    Brazil 's Globo news television said at least six people were taken to the hospital .

  4. 委内瑞拉对环球电视频道的所有者吉列尔莫•苏洛阿加发出逮捕令,控告他的商业不当行为。

    An arrest warrant was issued in Venezuela for Guillermo Zuloaga , the owner of the Globovisi ó n TV channel , charging him with business irregularities .

  5. 从美联环球电视实况转播中可以看到,平壤数千名群众在静观火炬传递的开始,一些人挥舞着中国旗。

    An attentive and peaceful crowd of thousands watched the start of the relay in Pyongyang , some waving Chinese flags , in live footage from broadcaster APTN .

  6. 当地运动团体告诉巴西环球电视新闻网记者说,至少有两名土著居民也受伤了。但目前受伤原因以及伤者现状尚未可知。

    Activist groups told the newspaper Globo that at least two indigenous people were also injured , though it was not clear how it happened or the status of their condition .

  7. 市场研究公司SNLKagan估计,2010年行业平均增速将为10.5%,2011年将为12.1%低于NBC环球有线电视业务近来的增速。

    SNL Kagan , a research firm , estimates that average will be 10.5 per cent in 2010 and 12.1 per cent in 2011 below NBCU 's recent cable growth rate .

  8. 一些日本和美国的电视观众已经可以通过他们的电视来上网冲浪,微软的子公司环球网电视计划在英国同样实行这一举措。

    Some viewers in Japan and the United States already can surf the Web via their TV sets , and Microsoft subsidiary Web TV plans the same for Britain .