
  • 网络water quality objective;water quality index
  1. 列入“良好”及“一般”类别的泳滩,符合政府订定的水质指标,适宜市民游泳。

    Beaches in the ' good ' and ' fair ' categories meet the government 's water quality objective for bathing .

  2. 五天生化需氧量〔水质指标〕这重量和尺寸都要标准化才行。

    Days biochemical oxygen demand [ BOD5 ] [ water quality objective ] The weights and measures were standardized .

  3. 作者建议用总氨作为监控鲍养殖闭路循环体系的水质指标,推荐总氨警戒线为030mg/L,危险线为08mg/L。pH为辅助指标。

    It is recommends that total ammonia act as an indicator of recirculation aquaculture system .

  4. 最后对氮素、pH等水质指标在氨化反应过程中的的转化规律进行了分析,以期为肉类加工废水的生物脱氮处理工艺提供一定的理论指导。

    Water quality indexes in the course of ammoniation reaction was analysed to provide theoretical guiding for the biological denitrification of meat processing wastewater .

  5. 其中,紫露草平均微核率主要与水质指标中的COD、pH值两个指标相关,不同于污染水体;

    Tradescantia average micronucleus ratio is mainly concerned with COD and pH in water quality indexes , differing from polluted water .

  6. 最后通过MATLAB编程实现了以多元统计分析为基础的水质指标分析模块,并实现了该模块与GIS的集成。

    Finally , the water quality analysis module was developed using MATLAB and integrated to GIS , which is based on the multivariate statistical analysis .

  7. 并对氮素、COD、pH等水质指标在反应过程中的转化规律进行了分析。

    In addition , the transforming rules of the indexes of nitrogen , COD , pH etc. is analyzed in the process of reactions .

  8. 通过专家咨询的方式,确定了针对河蟹池塘养殖的最主要水质指标:溶解氧、酸碱度(pH值)、温度和盐度。

    According to experts ' advice , the most important indicators for water quality of crab ponds were determined : dissolved oxygen , pH , temperature and salinity .

  9. 本文借鉴美国环保署制定的毒性物质鉴别评价技术(TIE),直接从企业生产的原材料及工艺出发,结合废水的主要水质指标制定了一套毒性鉴别操作流程。

    Starting directly from the raw materials and process of the production , with main quality indicators of wastewater a toxicity identification operation process is developed .

  10. 其中,臭氧产生浓度的测量延迟和水质指标(主要是化学需氧量COD)的检测滞后是导致臭氧水处理系统自动控制性能指标不高的主要原因。

    The delay of ozone concentration measurement and the lag of water quality standard examination are mainly factors that result in lower quality of ozone-oxygenized water processing system .

  11. 论文对调试过程中各工段COD等水质指标的变化过程、系统中活性污泥特性等进行了详细的追踪和分析;

    In this paper , the change of COD in each stage and the sludge characteristic in the system during the debugging process are provided and analyzed in details ;

  12. 大型蚤24h死亡率主要与水质指标中的酚、Cr6+、As2+三个指标相关。

    And 24-hour death rate of large flea is mainly correlated with hydroxybenzene , Cr 6 + and As 2 + of water quality index .

  13. 通过工艺分析,确定6个进水水质指标即水量、PH值、温度、COD、硫化物、MLSS为输入神经元;

    Six data of water supply quality is determined after process analysis , which are water volume , PH , temperature , COD , sulfide , MLSS .

  14. 瓶装水中的一些病菌和微生物指标也被认为宽松于自来水,而诸如汞、银、四氯化碳、甲醛在内的毒理性指标,以及pH值、硬度等较为常见的水质指标,都没有出现在瓶装水国标中。

    Another problem is , while the most-used national standard for bottled water has 21 quality indicators , the standard for TAP WATER has more than 100.That raises questions of whether tap water has better quality standards than bottled water .

  15. 在污水处理站正常运行的2年期间,定期对景观湖水中总磷、总氮、叶绿素a、透明度、COD等富营养化水质指标进行了监测,结果表明景观湖没有明显富营养化趋势。

    During the two years ' operation the indices of total phosphorus , total nitrogen , chlorophyll α, transparency and COD were monitored , and no trend of eutrophication occurred in the landscape water .

  16. 从第12天开始,在超越初沉池的情况下AO池满负荷运转,且各项出水水质指标均优于设计目标。

    After 12 days , AO basin operated at full loading under the condition of bypassing the primary clarifier , and all effluent indexes were better than the designed ones .

  17. 因此,我们认为,丝状绿藻腐烂过程中引起的水质指标变化,尤其是降低溶解氧、降低水下光照强度、降低pH和使水体温度上升是沉水植物黑藻死亡的主要原因。

    Of water quality in the process of filamentous algae decomposing , especially the decreases of DO , light intensity under water and pH , and the increases of water temperature were the main reasons contribute to the death of Hydrilla verticillata .

  18. 粒状活性炭过滤可有效降低管道分质供水中净水余氯浓度、TOC与VOCS含量,明显改善净水口感,而对其他水质指标无不良影响。

    GAC filtration can effectively reduce the residual chlorine concentration , TOC and VOCs contents and improve the taste of purified water , and that has no any influence on other water indexes .

  19. 沙底质实验组ACP、AKP活力显著高于无底质实验组,两种不同底质对凡纳滨对虾SOD活力没有显著影响。两组实验各水质指标间均不存在显著性差异。

    ACP , AKP activity of sand substrate group was significantly higher than the group of no substrate , SOD activity had no significant effect between two different substrate as so as water quality indicators .

  20. 而后,选取BOD5、COD、NH3&N三项水质指标,对各太湖流域平原河网2000年的年平均水质进行模糊综合评价。

    Thirdly , three water quality indexes , BOD_5 , COD and NH_3 & N , are selected to be the factors , and the average water quality in 2000 of the river network is evaluated .

  21. 根据水质指标测试结果,3-NP、2,4-DNP和2,6-DNP均属于不易生物降解的物质;

    The water quality test demonstrates that 3-NP , 2,4-DNP and 2,6-DNP are all non-easy to degrade .

  22. 本文基于水库水环境质量监测的项目背景,研发了基于GPRS技术与嵌入式系统技术的智能环境监测平台,监测指标重点在于水库的水位、水质指标。

    Based on the background of reservoir water environmental quality monitoring project , we researched intelligent environmental monitoring platform based on GPRS technology and embedded system technology . Water levels and water quality indicators are the key indicators for monitoring .

  23. 结合工程实例,介绍了微滤技术处理电厂循环冷却水的工艺过程和所采用的装置,并重点分析了出水浊度和SDI两个水质指标。

    Taking into account the project instance , the technical process and equipment , which were involved in treating recycle cooling water in power plant by microfiltration , were introduced .

  24. 与单指标评价相比,SOM网络能兼顾对单个水质指标监测数据和整体数据的分析,客观反映水质在整个管网中的格局分布。

    Compared with the single-evaluation indicators , SOM method can take into account water quality monitoring data of single indictor and the overall data to analysis , moreover an objective quality distribution in the network was obtained .

  25. 方法对我国北方某市市区配水管网饮用水中TCM、自由余氯、254nm紫外吸光度(UV254)、溴离子(Br-)等水质指标进行了监测。

    Methods Detection was made on the parameters such as TCM , free chlorine , UV_ ( 254 ) and Br ~ - in a northern city distribution network of China .

  26. 其拓扑结构为:6-3-3-1前馈神经网络,输入延迟为6,即要求变量是此前连续6d水质指标,输入变量:叶绿素、浊度、氨氮、水温、pH、总碱度。

    Its topology , delay , and inputs are 6-3-3-1 , 6 and chlorophyll , turbidity , ammonia , water temperature , pH , total alkalinity . The trained model can simulate the volume of chlorophyll the third day by all data 6 days before .

  27. 为了开发和利用深圳市梧桐山风景区旅游资源,综合评价其环境卫生质量,1998年对该区内大气中可吸入颗粒物、SO2、NOx及17项水质指标进行检测。

    For the developing touring resource of Wu Tong Shan scenic spot of Shenzhen city , the environmental quality evaluation was carried out in 1998.The concentration of absorbable dust granule , SO 2 , NO x in atmosphere and 17 water quality indexes were detected in the spot .

  28. 通过在三峡大学校园沙河沿岸及沙河出口布点,在2004~2005年对校园生活污水进行了1a的监测,得出各个水质指标的时空动态变化规律。

    Through the monitoring along the Shahe River and at the drainage mouths of the river , we got the campus sewage quality one time per month from 2004 to 2005 , the peper discusses the space-time dynamic change rule of the indexes .

  29. 所测24项水质指标均满足现行国家饮用水卫生标准GB5749-85。

    Furthermore all the 24 measured water quality indexes of the DS filtrate meet the requirements of current national standards for drink water ( GB5749-85 ) .

  30. 分别用碱性过硫酸钾消解紫外分光光度法、比色法、重铬酸盐法测定了灌溉前后灌溉水水质指标总氮、总磷、化学需氧量(CODcr),同时测试pH值。

    The water quality indexes , including total nitrogen ( TN ), total phosphorus ( TP ), the chemical oxygen demand ( CODcr ) and pH value , were respectively determined by alkaline potassium persulphate digestion-UV spectrophotometric method , ammonium molybdate spectrophotometric method , dichromate method and pH meter .