
  • 网络Experimental equipment;experiment equipment;Laboratory Equipment
  1. 力学和电磁学实验相比较,力学实验器材使用率相对较高,电磁学实验器材使用率相对较低。

    Comparing the Mechanics and the electromagnetic experiment , mechanics experiment equipment utilization ratio is relative higher ; the electromagnetic experiment equipment utilization ratio is relative lower .

  2. 化学实验设计是指根据问题和条件设计解决问题的实验方案或调查方案并通过运用所学的化学实验方法,正确选择和使用实验器材,确定或调整实验步骤,捕捉相关信息,分析实验结果。

    The design of chemistry experiment includes : make a plan how to solve a problem , choose experiment equipment correctly , modify experiment process and analyze the experiment data .

  3. 该系统是以单片机和CPLD技术为核心开发的,解决了科研和教学中实验器材短缺的问题,具有非常重要的现实意义。

    The system which is based on the technology of MCU and CPLD will meet the great demands and makes very significant sence .

  4. 在第二章介绍了溶胶-凝胶(sol-gel)法制备薄膜的原理和实验器材、流程,并详细讨论了配制前驱液过程中的影响因素和注意事项,得出最佳的实验方案。

    In the second chapter , the principle of sol-gel method was introduced as well as the experimental equipment and process . The configuration process of precursor solution of factors and considerations were also discussed in detail .

  5. 电磁学实验器材配备优于力学实验器材配备。

    The electromagnetic experiment equipments equipment surpasses mechanics experiment equipments equipment .

  6. 由于无法弄到实验器材,实验停顿起来十分艰难。

    The unavailability of apparatus rendered the experiment rather difficult .

  7. 所有的实验器材必须在用过后归还到原来的位置。

    All apparatus and materials must be returned to their original positions after use .

  8. 他还在跟实验器材供应商谈判。

    He 's still interviewing lab techs .

  9. 实验器材使用情况是大部分实验器材利用率较低;

    The experimental equipment utilization condition is that the majority experimental equipments utilization ratio is very low .

  10. 实验器材是完成实验的保障,实验器材的管理是一项非常烦琐的工作。

    Experiment device is the complete guarantee of experience and it is a very trivial work to manage experiment device .

  11. 因此,我国教材在没有实验器材和教师指导的情况下,学生是很难真正理解其物理规律的。

    So it is difficult for students understand the physics law really without experimental equipment and the help of teachers ' .

  12. 周日,一艘无人驾驶的货运飞船承载着补给品、实验器材甚至圣诞礼物抵达国际空间站。

    And an unmanned cargo ship carrying supplies , experiments and even Christmas presents docked with the International Space Station Sunday .

  13. 公司各职能部门齐全,生产和实验器材先进,拥有雄厚的生产能力;

    The company has complete functional departments , advanced production and testing equipment , and thus has a strong manufacturing capability .

  14. 具体表现为实验器材和教学用具陈旧、经费不到位;多媒体课室配备不足;课外阅读资料陈旧不足。

    The specific performance : experimental equipments and teaching apparatus are obsolete , the funds are not enough ; Multimedia classrooms are less equipped .

  15. 系统为实验器材提供了合理、灵活、可扩展的机械支撑。同时使用数据采集卡,对电接触触点温度值进行多通道同步采集。

    The platform provides a reasonable , flexible and scalable mechanical support , and tests the temperature from multi channel using data acquisition card .

  16. 实验器材管理系统是一个学校重要的应用系统,它对学校的教学、科研与管理的基础环境有所改善,在一定程度上反映了学校的现代化管理水平。

    Laboratory management system is an important application of the school system , which greatly improved the school teaching , research and management of basic environment .

  17. 同时,我们根据教学需要将学习资料展示到计算机屏幕,并提供必需的实验器材供学生进行实验,促使学生积极投入到探究学习活动中。

    And we also show the information of study on the screen to the students for creating teaching context , provide essential experimental equipments for the students to do experiments .

  18. 这艘飞船1月底抵达国际空间站,向空间站的宇航员运送食物、氧气和水,以及实验器材等物资。

    The spacecraft arrived at the International Space Station in late January to deliver supplies , including food , oxygen and water to the crew along with equipment for experiments .

  19. 结合三坐标位移平台,光纤传感器和数据处理电路等实验器材搭建了钢球表面缺陷检测系统,对钢球表面缺陷进行了检测。

    The steel ball surface defect detection system includes three coordinate displacement platform , optical fiber sensor , data processing circuit , etc. The steel ball surface defects are tested by it .

  20. 本公司拥有先进的涂布机,电脑分切机,制胶设备,实验器材;分析测试手段完善,质量保证。

    Our company has advanced coating machines , the cutting machine of the automated , make the apparatus of glue , apparatus of experiment ; analyze that tests the means is complete , quality is guaranteed .

  21. 使用多功能电力仪表、电流互感器等实验器材,对圆锯机在多种不同工作状态下进行测试,得到了主电机的线电压、相电流、相电压和有功功率等实时数据。

    The real time data of the line voltage , phase current , phase voltage and active power of main motor were obtained , employing multi function power meter , current transformer , etc , by on-line testing of different working conditions .

  22. 本文介绍一种居里点演示实验的器材、装置与制作方法,并对实验的结果作必要的分析。

    A detailed analysis of the result of the experiment is analysed .

  23. 为了有效解决倒立摆实验教学中器材相对不足,设计开发了基于计算机网络的倒立摆远程控制系统。

    To solve the problem that the inverter pendulum apparatus is relatively enough in the teaching , the remote control system on inverter pendulum is designed and developed based on computer network .

  24. 本课程以内容广泛的实验手册及实验器材相簿为主。

    This course features an extensive laboratory manual , and a photo gallery of laboratory equipment .

  25. 本文介绍了导弹临近报警的实验原理、实验器材、实验步骤和方法。

    This paper presents the principle , devices , methods and steps of our experiments on the system of alarm for missile approach .

  26. 第五章中,我们给出了实验中所用到的实验器材,定性地分析了测量系统的误差来源以及减小误差的方法。

    In the fifth chapter , the experimental devices used in the system are given , and we analysed the sources of the inaccuracy and the methods of reducing the inaccuracy .

  27. 本文以霍尔实验为试点进行了实验器材的改造,将计算机技术、智能仪表技术与物理实验教学相结合,设计了霍尔实验数据采集系统。

    In this paper , as an experimental unit we complete the betterment of experimental equipment of the Hall experiment and design the data acquisition system of Hall experiment by combining physical experiment with computer and intelligent instrument techniques .

  28. 第三,在采集实验设备方面,针对实验器材短缺的现象,我们可以结合现有多媒体机房做简单的改造,为学生创造实验课环境。

    Third , in the acquisition of laboratory equipment , with regard to the shortage of experimental equipment , we can do a simple combination of existing multimedia transformation engine room , for students to create experimental class environment .

  29. 提高了实验成功率,减少了实验器材的损耗。

    The method improved the success rate , reduced the loss of experimental equipment .

  30. 特别是在经皮药物制剂开发前期,可以提高实验效率,降低实验药品和器材的消耗。

    Especially at the beginning of development of transdermal drug formulations , it can help to reduce the number of tests , improve test efficiency and reduce consumption of experimental drugs and devices .