
shí yàn zhōnɡ xué
  • experimental middle school
  1. 温州市第二实验中学创建于1980年。

    Wenzhou Second Experimental Middle School was established in1980 .

  2. 无锡市运河实验中学改扩建设计随感

    An Essay about Rebuild and Extension of Yunhe Experimental Middle School in Wuxi City

  3. 本文以延吉实验中学初三学生为对象进行对体育课兴趣的调查。

    Based on the investigation of the9 th grade students'interests in P.

  4. 天津实验中学数字化校园建设的研究与实现

    Digital Research and Implementation of Campus Construction Tianjin Experimental High School

  5. 重庆涪陵实验中学高一学生陆生说。

    Chongqing Fuling High School high school students terrestrial said .

  6. 我是博才实验中学的新学生。

    I 'm a new student in Bocai Middle School .

  7. 我们来实验中学已经3年了。

    We have come to Shiyan middle school for3 years .

  8. 从使用这个模型所进行的实验中学到了什么?

    Was anything learned from experimenting with the model ?

  9. 东方实验中学高中生物理学习方式的调查研究

    Investigation of Physics Studying Methods of Senior Students in Oriental Experiment High School

  10. 在结尾的部分要用几个句子总结你在实验中学到的东西。

    Conclude your report with a few sentences summarizing what you learned in the lab.

  11. 目的探讨衡阳市实验中学学生龋齿患病的影响因素。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the incidence of dental caries among high school students Hengyang .

  12. 教育模式多元化下的中学校园设计&山西省实验中学设计

    Campus Design under the Diversified Educational Pattern & The Design of Shanxi Experimental School

  13. 洛阳市实验中学趣味运动开展状况及前景

    The Current Situation and Future Prospect of Fun Sports in Luoyang Experimental Middle School

  14. 研究性学习的探索:为学生的卓越发展创造更大的空间&北京师范大学附属实验中学副校长蔡晓东访谈录

    On inquiry learning & Interviewing with by-principle of experimental high school of Beijing Normal University

  15. 我在实验中学,在初二年级二班读书。

    I Experimental High School , in the first two days of second class grade reading .

  16. 研究对象包含来自五华实验中学的88名初一年级学生。

    The subjects under study included 88 first year junior middle school students at Wuhua Experimental Middle School .

  17. 有四年的教学经验,毕业后曾在望京实验中学担任英语教师。

    With four years of teaching experiences , worked as an English teacher in Wangjing Experimental School after graduation .

  18. 然而,裴多拉也提醒大家,从实验中学到的东西有局限性。

    However , Pedulla cautioned that there are some limits about what lessons can be taken from the experiment .

  19. 上海市启秀实验中学位于市中心思南路香山路。

    Shanghai Qixiu Experimental Middle School locates the city center thinks the fragrant hill path in road in south .

  20. 桂林实验中学2004年秋季进行第一次高中招生,共招收105名学生,分4个小班,开展高中小班化教学的实验研究。

    This research is being carried out in Guilin Experimental High School to 105 first year students in 4 small classes .

  21. 我们团队中的学生有五人来自山东省昌乐县实验中学,有一人来自福建省福州市。

    Students in our team from five Chang Le County , Shandong Experimental High School , one from Fuzhou , Fujian Province .

  22. 据了解,省实验中学国际部将开设美国前50名校精英班,美国大学学分课程,以及英国、澳洲大学本科预科课程。

    The international college opens elite classes with curriculum of Top50 Universities and introduces credit course and preparatory courses of British and Australian universities .

  23. 正是基于上述的考虑,笔者选取桂林实验中学105名学生作为研究对象,进行小班化教学条件下高一学生数学学习适应性调查研究。

    With the questions above in mind , the current survey has been conducted in Guilin Experimental High School to 105 students as subjects .

  24. 由实验中学与香港中华青少年历史文化教育基金合作创办了香港英才班。

    The Hong Kong Elite Class was established on the cooperation of the Experimental Middle School and Hong Kong History , Culture and Education fund for Junior .

  25. 事实通信包括报告你在教科书中所读的内容,你在实验中学到了什么。

    Factual communication includes reporting what you 've read in a textbook , what you 've read in a textbook , what you 've studied for a test .

  26. 该理论及其方法国内目前主要应用于重点中学和实验中学的课堂教学当中,并已取得了显著效果。

    This theory and method have been mainly used in classroom-teaching of key middle school and laboratory middle school in our country , and have already achieved good result .

  27. 从2009年二月中旬到2009年六月中旬,作者在自己任教的淄博市博山区实验中学的两个平行班级进行了为期四个月共计十六周的教学实验。

    The experiment lasted for about four months , from mid-February to mid-June , 2009 , during which 112 students of senior two in Zibo Boshan District Experimental High School served as experimental subjects .

  28. 第二,本文在阐述校本课程教学过程中以山东省实验中学教学实际为依托,从乡土史教学的角度来诠释校本课程的教学。

    Second , this article discusses the curriculum teaching process in Middle School of Shandong province experiment teaching practice as the basis , from the perspective of the teaching of local history curriculum teaching .

  29. 文中的主要工作是对烟台实验中学德育管理系统通过用例图和用例描述对系统进行需求分析,并提出了德育管理系统总体业务要完成的目标和德育管理系统应具有的设计原则。

    Based on system design goals and design principles , with moral education management system should have a high degree of uniformity and scalability design principles . Gives the overall system design , and major functional blocks detailed design .

  30. 最后,通过某实验中学教学楼的实际震后评价过程,展示了能量耗散法在客观评价震后框架结构抗震性能上的优越性。

    Finally , an experimental middle school classroom building after the earthquake , the evaluation process , to demonstrate the superiority of the method of energy dissipation in the objective evaluation of the seismic performance of frame structure after the earthquake .