
  • 网络Principle;experimental principle
  1. 先后用5种不同的PCR技术对已知保守区域的侧链基因序列扩增,并对其的实验原理、优点、缺陷进行了比较说明。

    The known flaking sequence was amplified by 5 different PCR . The 5 PCR for experimental principle , advantages and defects were explained . 2 .

  2. 介绍了一种用于高能推进剂新型键合剂BAG分子量和分子量分布测定的激光光散射法。给出了该方法的实验原理、实验步骤。

    A laser light scattering method to determine molecular weight and its distribution of a novel bonding agent BAG is introduced and experimental principle and procedure are given in the paper .

  3. 第二章通过对Hartmann微透镜阵列的主要技术指标和质心进行分析,确定了Hartmann微透镜阵列设计、实验原理及方案。

    Chapter Two makes sure Hartmann microlens arrays design , experiment theory and method .

  4. 文章概略介绍X射线形貌术以及其实验原理和方法,并对影响图象分辨率和质量的主要因素作了扼要分析。

    Briefly introducing X-ray topography and its experimental principle and method , and making a brief analysis on the main factors with the influence on the resolution ratio and the quality of the images .

  5. 本文介绍用Z80微处理机测定盖革弥勒计数管的坪曲线的实验原理和测定的软硬件,以及应用电路与程序设计。

    In this paper , Z-80 microcomputer is used for measuring even-curve of G-M counter . The theory of experiment and sofeware and hardware including applied circuit and programmes have been given .

  6. 本文论述了单片微机系统测量金属导体温阻特性的实验原理,实验装置及R/V转换电路,对一般实验的数据采集与转换具有一定参考价值。

    This paper states the experimental principle , experimental device and R / V transition circuit for measuring temperature resistance property of metal conductor by single-sheet microcomputer system , having a reference value for the collection and transition of data in common experiments .

  7. 在研究测温系统标定实验原理的基础上,提出了标定实验方案,研发了标定实验系统和基于CCD的高温场软测量系统,并完成了对测量系统的标定。

    Based on the research of calibration experiment principle of temperature measurement system , the calibration experiments are planed . Then the calibration experiment system and high-temperature field measurement system based on CCD are built . Finally the measurement system is calibrated . 6 .

  8. 根据实验原理,改变实验仪器装置来测定HAc电离平衡常数,使测定结果更加接近理论值。

    This article with the situation in which the measuring numerical value of ionization equilibrium constant of HAc is closer to theoretical value based on experimental principles and the improvement of installation equipment .

  9. 提出了用动态叠栅条纹光电信号的调制度测量Talbot长度的方法,并阐述了实验原理,给出了实验结果。

    The method of measuring Talbot length with the modulation factor of photoelectric signal of dynamic moir é fringe is proposed . The experimental principle is elaborated , and the experimental results are given .

  10. 本文主要研究TC-2型导热系数测定仪的改进方法,并从实验原理和实验数据上予以阐明。

    This paper discusses the methods how to improve TC-2 heat conduction coefficient , and expatiate on improvement 's principle and data .

  11. 综述了硼吖嗪聚合物先驱体热解法制备陶瓷基复合材料的研究进展,提出几种合成硼吖嗪单体的方法,并着重讨论了纤维增强BN基复合材料的实验原理,制备过程及其性能

    The developments of ceramic matrix composites prepared by borazine polymer precursor pyrolysis have been reviewed Several synthesis methods of pure borazine oligomers were proposed , and experimental principle , preparation process and mechanical properties of fibers reinforced BN matrix composites were introduced in detail

  12. 介绍了系统的实验原理,对应用了PMF和双频激光,具有光外差检测方式的全光纤温度传感系统从理论和实验上进行了原理性探讨,均得到相位读数与温度之间的线性关系。

    We have studied an all-fibre temperature sensor with heterodyne detection scheme theoretically and experimentally , in which PMF and double frequency laser were used . From that we obtained the linear relationships between the phase and temperature .

  13. 为此,对Jaeger法测定液体表面张力系数的实验原理、方法及仪器进行了分析研究;

    Through the analysis of experimental principle , method and instrument of the Jaeger we have studied the improvement of the Experiment device to measure the liquid surface tension coefficient , and designed the composite pistons .

  14. 分析和推导了阀控铅酸蓄电池(VRLA)的等效电路模型以及瞬间大电流放电法在蓄电池内阻检测中的实验原理和方法,随后的一系列实验验证了该模型的准确性。

    This paper analyzes the equivalent circuit model of the valve regulated lead-acid battery ( VRLA ) and the fundament and method of instantaneous high load current in testing internal resistance of the VRLA . The veracity of the model is demonstrated in the following series of experiments in detail .

  15. 实验原理建立在把渗透的液体进入玻璃管内粉末形成的多孔塞基础上,将Washburn方程用于毛细管内液体的流动用于计算液体和粉末之间接触角大小。

    Experiment principle was based on the porous plug when penetrative liquids went into the powders . The contact angle between the liquid and the powder was calculated by applying Washburn equation into the flow of the liquid in capillary .

  16. 第二章简述了实验原理,测定方法。

    The principles of the experiment aad measurement method ane concisely .

  17. 盐酸的盐析蒸馏实验原理与应用

    Experiments , principles and applications of salting-out distillation of hydrochloric acid

  18. 部分充满液体昆特管的实验原理探析

    Experimental principle of Kundt 's tube filled with a liquid

  19. 给出了实验原理和仪器配置;

    The experimental principle and the instrument disposition are presented .

  20. 声速测量实验原理的研究

    On the Experimental Principle of Measurement of Sound Velocity

  21. 加强实验原理指导,提高学生创新能力

    Reinforcing the Guidance of Experiment Principles to Enhance the Students ' Innovative Ability

  22. 本文简要介绍流动注射荧光分析的基本实验原理和装置;

    The basic principle and experimental equipment of flow injection fluorescence analysis are introduced .

  23. 简述了该法实验原理、实验装置和测试方法;

    The principle , experimental instruments and procedure of the test method are summarily accounted .

  24. 这种敏感性差异可能与实验原理有关。

    The likely cause of the sensitivity difference might be related to their experimental principles .

  25. 报道了用光声效应产生各种不同频率的声波,并用这些声波相干叠加产生声拍的实验原理、方法和实验结果。

    The sound waves and sound beat with different frequencies are generated using photoacoustic effect .

  26. 简要地叙述了实验原理,较详细地描述了实验仪器和设备,对实验结果和问题进行了讨论。

    The principle of measurement is mentioned briefly and experimental equipments are described in detail .

  27. 介绍了利用孪生光束制备亚泊松光场的实验原理、实验装置,并给出实验结果与分析。

    The experimental principle and setup for preparation of sub-poissonian light with twin beams are introduced .

  28. 实验原理是什么?

    What is the experimental theory ?

  29. 本文介绍了用单摆划痕法研究材料冲击磨损性能的实验原理、装置和冲击磨损性能参量。

    An method for impact abrasion test , single pendulum scratch method , is introduced and discussed .

  30. 本文简述了激光显微光谱分析二步法的实验原理与实验方法。

    This paper simply introduced experimental principle and experimental method of laser microspectrum analysis using two-step method .