
yì zhǒnɡ
  • xenogenesis;xenogeny
  • xenogenic;xenogenous
异种 [yì zhǒng]
  • (1) [xenoplastic]∶在远亲缘的个体间出现的

  • 在不同属的植物间异种嫁接的成功是稀有的

  • (2) [xenogenic]∶移植免疫学中提供者与受者不属同一物种

  1. 目的研究大块牛松质骨(MBCB)处理后的各种成分及高浓度H2O2消除异种骨抗原性的机制。

    AIM To analyse the components of antigen eliminated massive bovine cancellous bone ( MBCB ) and to study the mechanism of high concn H 2O 2 eliminating the antigenicity of xenogenic bone .

  2. 目的了解含银异种脱细胞真皮基质(Xeno-ADM)的多项生物学性状,观察其移植效果。

    Objective To investigate the biological characteristics of xenogenic acellular dermal matrix ( Xeno-ADM ) incorporated with silver , and to observe its effect in grafting .

  3. 可是,基本的异种化合物活性看来是由配基所决定的。

    However , basic Allelochemical activity seems to lie with the aglycone .

  4. 具催化活性的异种亚基杂合青霉素G酰化酶

    Catalytically Active Cross - species Heterodimers of Penicillin G Acylase

  5. 基于SOAP实现异种多Agent系统间互操作

    Implementing interoperability among heterogeneous multi-agent systems based on SOAP

  6. Fe3Al/18-8异种材料真空扩散焊工艺研究

    Vacuum diffusion welding technology of Fe_3Al / 18-8 dissimilar materials

  7. 利用TCP/IP网络编程接口开发异种机互连网络程序

    Develop internet Application Using TCP / IP Programming interface Among Different Kinds of Computer

  8. 异种合金与纯钛激光焊接熔焊区元素混熔分布及组织结构特征关于{x/n}的分布

    Element mixing distribution and structure feature of fusion zone in laser welding between different alloys and pure titanium

  9. 超临界CO2及超声波技术处理异种骨的初步探索

    Preliminary Exploration of the Use of Supercritical CO_2 Fluid Extraction and Ultrasonic Technologies in Processing Xenogeneic Bone

  10. UNIX中异种文件透明访问的方法

    A Method of Transparent Accessing Different Type Files in UNIX

  11. 目的研究未成熟树突状细胞(DC)在协调性异种胰岛移植中的免疫耐受诱导作用。

    Objective To investigate the inducible effect of immature dendritic cells ( DC ) on immune tolerance in coordination islet xenotransplantation .

  12. 延迟性异种移植排斥反应的病理特征及IgG的作用

    Delayed xenograft rejection : pathology and IgG role

  13. ATM与异种计算机网络互连

    Interconnection Between ATM and Other Computer Networks

  14. ATM网络异种复用业务信元丢失率快速估计的新算法

    A Rapid Approach to Estimate Cell Loss Ratio of ATM Network Multiplexed with Heterogeneous Traffic Classes

  15. HRP法对异种神经移植后再生纤维恢复的形态学研究

    Morphological Study on the Nerve Fiber Regeneration after Heterograft by HRP

  16. 结论SIS可作为修复肌腱缺损的异种材料。

    Conclusion SIS could be the material in repairing defect tendon .

  17. c-myc基因信使核糖核酸在异种移植超急性排斥反应中的表达

    MRNA Expression of c - myc Gene in the Hyperacute Rejection of Xenotransplantation

  18. 异种同源MMP-2细胞疫苗抗肿瘤免疫研究

    Immunotherapy of Cancer with Tumor Cell Vaccine Based on the Chicken Homologous Matrix Metalloproteinase-2

  19. XML技术被称为第二代Web技术,其主要特长是用于需要Web客户在两个或多个异种数据库间操作的环境。

    As one of the second generation technologies , XML can meet the requirements and adapt to the environments very well in operating on two or more heterogeneous databases .

  20. 目的用辣根过氧化酶(HRP)逆行追踪技术探讨异种神经移植后神经纤维的再生。

    Objective To study the nerve fiber regeneration after heterograft with HRP retrograde tracing .

  21. 异种表面角膜镜片术后外周血T细胞亚群和NK细胞活性的流式细胞仪分析

    Analysis of the peripheral T lymphocyte subsets and natural killer cell activity after xenogenic epikeratophakia with flow cytometry

  22. 在异种移植肿瘤实验中,HIF-1活性与肿瘤进展和血管生成相关。

    HIF-1 α activity also is associated with tumor progression and angiogenesis in xenograft assays .

  23. 采用补体介导的细胞毒实验检测异种肝移植术后血浆中抗仓鼠抗体滴度的变化;运用免疫组织化学的方法检测脾脏中大鼠抗体的产生、脾脏增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)的表达;

    The production of antibody of rat and the expression of PCNA in spleen were detected by using immunohistochemistry .

  24. 采用此最适条件扩增了15个羊-兔异种克隆胚胎DNA,结果表明PCR法可以用来鉴别哺乳动物胚胎的性别。

    Using the optimized conditions , fifteen goat-rabbit interspecies clone embryos DNA were amplified . The result showed that PCR could be used to identify the mammal embryo sex .

  25. 补阳还五汤和NGF对异种去细胞神经支架移植后神经再生和修复的实验研究

    Experimental study of BuYang HuanWu Decotion and NGF on Nerve Regeneration and Recovery in Xenogeneic Acellular Nerve Scaffold Graft

  26. 环孢霉素A(CyclosporinA,CsA)对穿透性异种角膜移植的影响&免疫学检测与形态学观察

    The Effect of Cyclosporin A ( CsA ) on Penetrating Heterografts : Immunologic Study and Histopathologic Examination

  27. 异种胰岛移植联合应用免疫抑制剂FK506和LEF的实验研究

    Pancreatic islet xenotransplantation with immunosuppressive drugs FK506 and LEF

  28. 结果表明:异种BMG具有一定的诱导成骨能力。

    The result showed that aBMG had inductive osteogenesis potential .

  29. 异种器官移植用血管内皮细胞特异表达人DAF重组基因载体的构建

    Construction of Recombinant Human Decay Accelerating Factor for Endothelial-specific Expression in Xenotransplantation

  30. 衰变加速因子(DAF)与异种器官移植免疫

    Decay acceleration factor ( DAF ) and immunology in xenotransplantation