
  • 网络Myrica nana;Myrica nana Cheval;M.nana Cheval.
  1. 稀有植物矮杨梅种子繁殖试验

    Propagation experiment of the seeds of rare plant Myrica nana Cheval

  2. 矮杨梅果实品质的相关性及灰色关联分析评价

    Analysis Evaluation of Myrica nana Fruit Quality by Grey Related Degree and Interrelation

  3. 矮杨梅(MyricananaCheval.)实生苗栽培试验研究

    Study of Cultural Test on Seedling of Myrica nana Cheval

  4. 大理州野生矮杨梅生物学特性及驯化栽培研究深圳梅林仙湖苏铁野生种群遗传多样性ISSR分析

    The Biological Characteristics of Wild Dwarf Myrica rubra in Dali and Study on Domestication Cultivation Genetic Variation in the Endemic Plant Cycas fairylakea ( Cycadaceae ) from Meilin Forest Park in Shenzhen on the Basis of ISSR Analysis

  5. 矮杨梅鲜叶的酚性化学成分

    Phenolic Constituents of the Fresh Leaves of Myrica nana

  6. 汞在矮杨梅各器官内的分布和积累规律研究

    The Research about Mercuric Rule of Distribution and Accumulation in the Organs of Myrica Nana

  7. 贵州矮杨梅营养器官中总黄酮的提取及含量动态变化研究

    The Research about Extration and Dynamic Change of Total Flavonoids in Nourishment Organ of Myrica Nana in Guizhou