
  • 网络trade balance;Balance of trade;BOT
  1. IMF还预测,今年希腊的经常账户赤字(商品和服务贸易余额)将达到GDP的7%以上。

    Moreover , the IMF forecasts that the current account deficit – the balance of trade on goods and services – will be more than 7 per cent of GDP this year .

  2. 贸易余额或商品贸易余额

    Trade balance or merchandise trade balance

  3. 研究结果表明:实际冲击①是影响中国贸易余额的主要因素;

    First , the movements in China 's trade are largely the result of real shocks .

  4. 第二,增加值余额在绝对值上均不同程度地小于总贸易余额。

    Secondly , the value added balance of each category is less than the total trade balance to varying degrees .

  5. 人民币汇率存在一定程度的低估,但汇率变动对贸易余额影响不大。

    Second , the Renminbi is undervalued , yet changes in the exchange rate bear little on the trade balance .

  6. 商品交易的净余额称为贸易余额。出口记入贷方而进口记入借方项目。

    The net balance on merchandise transactions . is called the trade balance . Exports are entered in the credit side while the imports the debit side .

  7. 食品价格高企如今已成为一个严肃的人道主义问题,也是宏观经济不稳定的原因之一,影响到全球几乎所有地区的预算、贸易余额,当然,还有收入。

    High food prices are today a serious humanitarian concern . They are also a source of macroeconomic instability affecting budgets , trade balances and , of course , incomes almost everywhere in the world .

  8. 第2节分析了实际汇率和贸易收支余额这两类数据的平稳性,通过ADF检验,我们发现这两类数据都是一阶单整I(1)的。

    Section II analyzes data stationarity of the real exchange rate and trade balance , with the ADF test , we found that these two types of data are integrated of order one I ( 1 ) .

  9. 在美国和欧洲,经济学家和受他们思想影响的政治家必须摒弃这样一种虚假理论:人们可以利用汇率变化,以一种可预见的方式来控制贸易收支余额。

    In both the US and Europe , economists - and the politicians they indoctrinate - must discard the false theory that one can use changes in the exchange rate to control the net trade balance in a predictable way .

  10. 贸易合同规定余额以人民币结算。

    The trade contract stipulates for the settlement of balances in RMB .

  11. 如果退款未达到上述最低金额,苹果必须向美国联邦贸易委员会支付余额。

    If the refunds do not reach that amount , Apple must pay the remaining balance to the FTC .