
  • 网络Trading good;trade goods;HAWA
  1. 通过对品质标准概念的综述,关于国际贸易货物品质标准目前尚无统一的定义及分类。

    There is no uniform definition and classification for the quality standards of international trade goods .

  2. 海上货物运输因其运输能力大,运输成本低的特点,自古以来就是各国间贸易往来惯常采用的运输方式,三分之二以上的国际贸易货物是通过海上运输的。

    Since the ancient times , carriage of goods by sea is used as a usual transportation mode between international trade for its high transport capacity and low cost of transportation , more than two-thirds of the international trade goods are transported by sea .

  3. 目前,我国每年进出口贸易货物的90%以上是通过海运实现的。区域货物进出口对经济增长影响的实证分析:湖南案例

    The Effect of International Cargo Trade to Regional Economic Growth : Empirical Study of Hunan Province

  4. 因为,在上述两个领域工资水平是相同的,而不可贸易货物在穷国更便宜。

    Because wages are the same in both sectors , non-tradables are cheaper in poorer countries .

  5. 远洋船坞可以建造最为大型的船舶,并且可以吞吐大量贸易货物。

    Naval Drydock allows the largest ships to be constructed , and also allows the free passage of much cargo .

  6. 一般贸易货物集中申报手续不得跨年度办理。

    The formality of centralized declaration for the goods of general trade may not be gone through beyond the year .

  7. 敌基督赤字的也是一个结构性问题,归因于军工集团不能产生贸易货物的事实。

    The US deficit is also a structural problem caused by the fact that the military industrial complex does not produce trade-able goods .

  8. 航运业作为最国际化的行业之一,承担着超过90%的全球贸易货物运输。

    As one of the most international industries , shipping industry serves more than 90 percent of global trade by carrying large quantities of cargo .

  9. 据统计,百分之九十的国际贸易货物是经过海上运输完成的,海上货物运输从而得到了迅速的发展。

    According to statistics , ninety percent of the international trade of goods was transported by sea , the carriage of goods by sea resulting in rapid development .

  10. 然后仔细分析了加入WTO对双边贸易在货物、服务、投资和知识产权领域的影响。

    And then we analyze in detail the effects of WTO accession on trade in goods and services , investment and intellectual property protection .

  11. 服务贸易与货物贸易的替代性及差异分析有代表性的正当交易

    Analysis on Substitution and Differentiation between Service Trade and Merchandise Trade

  12. 服务贸易与货物贸易同是世界贸易的组成部分,两者共同构成了世界贸易。

    World trade consists of trade in services and trade in goods .

  13. 国际贸易中货物风险转移制度研究

    The Research on the Risk-transferring System of International Trade

  14. 全球服务贸易与货物贸易发展的协调性分析

    Analysis on the Harmonious Development between Global Service Trade and Global Merchandise Trade

  15. 一般贸易进口货物不允许存入保税仓库。

    Other goods and merchandise are not allowed to be stored in bonded warehouses .

  16. 让我们可以借到钱,而我们同意他们的国家的贸易与货物

    They allow us to borrow money while we agree to trade goods with their country

  17. 浅析对外贸易中货物风险转移问题

    On Risk Transference in Foreign Trade

  18. 但是,就我国目前情况来说,服务贸易对货物贸易的促进作用还不是想象中的那么明显。

    However , as China ' spresent situation , this promoting role is not so obvious .

  19. 海运的贸易、货物等

    Sea-borne commerce , goods , etc

  20. 一般贸易出口货物;

    Export goods under ordinary trade ;

  21. 服务贸易与货物贸易自由化对经济增长影响的差异性研究

    The Different Impact of the Liberalization of Trade in Service and Merchandise Trade on the Economic Growth

  22. 在国际贸易海上货物运输过程中,货差(货物短量)的现象司空见惯。

    The phenomenon of the shortage of maritime cargo in transit in international trade is common sight .

  23. 我国服务贸易与货物贸易的动态相关性研究&基于脉冲响应函数方法的实证分析

    The Dynamic Correlation Research on China 's Services Trade and Goods Trade-Empirical Analysis Base on Impulse Response Function

  24. 随着中国对外贸易中货物贸易的快速发展,中国运输业服务贸易也显示出较高的增长态势。

    With the rapid development of the international trade in goods , transport service trade of China keeps increasing .

  25. 只有建立完备统一的数据库国际保护制度,才能保证国际贸易中货物和服务的自由流动。

    Only to set up the complete and unified international protection system of database , the free movement of goods and services in international trade can be ensured .

  26. 公司主要经营业务范围:国内贸易、货物进出口、技术进出口;兼营:农机方面的技术咨询,物业租赁等。

    AMMC 's main business scope : domestic trade , goods import and export , technology import and export , sideline : agricultural technical consultation and property leasing .

  27. 汇率把国际价格与国内价格联系起来,并且决定了一国从事国际贸易的货物和劳务之间的相对价格。

    Exchange rate connects the price in the international market with that in the domestic market and decides the relative price the country engaged in international trade of goods and services .

  28. 鉴于服务贸易与货物贸易相比,具有无形性与多样性特征,传统的货物贸易监管方式对服务贸易很难奏效。

    Given the different characteristics between the trade in services and goods , due to the invisibility and diversity the traditional regulatory methods on trade in goods could not work effectively on services trade .

  29. 本文通过我国《合同法》中关于货物风险转移的有关规定与《公约》中的相关规定简单的比较,对我国对外贸易中货物风险转移问题作了分析与探讨。

    This paper puts forward some analysis and inquiry into the risks transference of cargo , having compared Chinese stipulation of risks transference of cargo with the relevant stipulation in United Nations International Merchandise Sales Contract Treaty .

  30. 本文指出边境贸易进出货物和人员的特殊性,分析边境贸易检验检疫存在的问题,并提出针对性的法律措施,保障边境贸易的健康发展。

    This paper points out the particularity of cargo and personnel import in the border trade , analyzed the inspection and quarantine problems of border trade , and proposed some legal measures to ensure the healthy development of border trade .