
  • 网络trade effect
  1. FDI对内资企业间接贸易效应的实证分析&以高新技术产业为例

    An Empirical Analysis of FDI on Domestic Enterprise Indirect Trade Effect & Taking High Technology Industry as an Example

  2. 成长期和成熟期TBT的贸易效应分析及建议

    Analysis and Suggestion of TBT S Trade Effect during the Period of Growth and Maturity

  3. 广东省引进FDI的贸易效应研究

    The Research on the Trade Effects of FDI in GuangDong Province

  4. 以上述的目的为宗旨,本文内容分为两大部分:第一部分集中考察了经济学者们对于FDI与对外贸易效应的理论分析,并对以往的研究进行简略的归纳与评述。

    The paper includes two parts , one is reviewing economic theory between FDI and foreign trade effect , and has some brief summarization and conclusion on previous study .

  5. 本章从贸易效应、投资效应等其它经济效应方面,详细分析论述了CAFTA所产生的经济影响。

    In this chapter the author researches the comprehensive economic effects of CAFTA : trade effects , investment effects and so on .

  6. 当前有关TBT贸易效应的度量研究逐步突破了原先的简单粗糙分析框架,不断引入国际贸易新理论和计量经济学的新方法。

    Current studies on the trade effect of TBT gradually broke through the original simple rough analysis framework against the new field of international trade and econometrics .

  7. 通过本文的研究还搭建了一个连接细分与加总模型参数估计的理论桥梁,有助于进一步丰富和巩固TBT贸易效应研究的理论基础,同时也拓宽了技术性贸易壁垒研究的视角。

    Through this study also provides a theory bridges connection with aggregation and disaggregation model parameter estimation , further enriched and strengthened the theoretical basis of TBT trade effect study , but also to broaden the perspective of the research of technical barriers to trade .

  8. 从建立CAFTA的贸易效应来看,它不仅改善了中国和东盟扩大双边贸易和投资,挖掘发展潜力,创造了更有有利的条件和更广阔的空间,同时也符合最终实现全球自由贸易的发展规律。

    On the trade effect of establishing CAFTA , it does not only improve bilateral trade and investment of China and ASEAN , dig potential development , provide more convenience and capacious room , but also is in accordance with the developing law of realizing global free trade .

  9. 研究的贸易效应主要包括静态效应和动态效应。

    The study of trade effects includes static effects and dynamic effects .

  10. 人民币升值的贸易效应研究

    A Study on the Effect of RMB Appreciation on Trade

  11. 东亚地区对华直接投资的贸易效应分析

    The Trade Effects of FDI from East Asian in China

  12. 中国外商投资企业的贸易效应分析

    Analysis on Trade Effect of Foreign Funded Enterprisesin China

  13. 是否存在正向的贸易效应?

    Whether there is a positive trade effects ?

  14. 我国渔业经济增长的贸易效应显现分析

    Trade effects of fishery economic growth in China

  15. 日本对外直接投资的贸易效应及其启示

    The Effects of Japan 's Foreign Direct Investment on International Trade and Its Revelation

  16. 国际直接投资的贸易效应分析&对小岛清模型的扩展

    Analysis of the Trade Effect of Foreign Direct Investment & Extensions of Kiyoshi Model

  17. 人民币汇率变动的贸易效应

    The Effects of RMB 's Revaluation Trade Opportunities

  18. 中国对外直接投资的贸易效应研究&基于面板数据的协整分析

    The Effects of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on International Trade : Evidence from China

  19. 中国反倾销贸易效应的实证分析

    Trade Effects of China 's Antidumping Actions

  20. 我国服务业外商直接投资贸易效应的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of the Trade Effect of the Utilization of FDI in Chinese Service Industry

  21. 我国农产品标准化的贸易效应&基于引力模型的实证分析

    Trade Effects of Standardization of Agricultural Products in China : Emprical Analysis Based on Gravity Model

  22. 中日创新及国际贸易效应比较分析&以专利为例的实证研究

    Comparative Analysis on Sino-Japan Innovation and International Trade Effect : Empirical Analysis Taking Patents as an Example

  23. 三大区域集团的贸易效应比较及对我国贸易的影响

    A Comparison of the Trade Effect Among the Three Great Regional Groups and Its Impact on China 's Trade

  24. 我国纺织行业利用外资的出口贸易效应及技术溢出效果研究

    Research on the Export Trade Effect and the Technical Overflow Effect of Foreign Direct Investment to China Textile Industry

  25. 长江三角洲地区外商直接投资的对外贸易效应

    The Function of Foreign Direct Investment to Foreign Trade in the Yangtze Delta : A Study Based on Panel Data

  26. 第四部分:对外国直接投资所产生的贸易效应和影响经常项目的渠道建立了一般性的理论框架。

    The forth chapter depicts the trade effect of FDI and the channels of FDI influence on the current account .

  27. 在小岛清模型的理论基础上,本文构建了三个模型来分析国际直接投资的贸易效应。

    On the basis of Kiyoshi Model , this article constructs three models to analyze the trade effect of foreign direct investment .

  28. 并从直接贸易效应和间接贸易效应两方面给出了增加贸易效应的合理建议。

    And it has proposed a reasonable proposal to increase trade effect from the perspective of direct trade effect and indirect trade effect .

  29. 小岛清模型认为国际直接投资的贸易效应是互补效应,其实质就是贸易创造效应。

    Kiyoshi Model believes that the trade effect of foreign direct investment is complementary effect the essence of which is trade creation effect .

  30. 对这一问题的研究可以弥补已有研究忽略发展中国家汇率波动贸易效应的缺陷,具有一定的学术价值。

    Probing this problem also has its theoretical significance through enriching the research on the trade effect of exchange rate movement in developing countries .