
  • 网络trade data;Trade Figure
  1. 有所改观的贸易数据给政府提供了新的有力证据。

    The improved trade figures have given the government fresh ammunition .

  2. 繁荣的贸易数据背后掩盖着贸易极不景气的真相。

    The healthy trade figures mask a much gloomier picture .

  3. 英国的贸易数据现在不能再从各港口的进出口单证中提取了。

    Britain 's trade figures can no longer be extracted from export-and-import documentation at ports .

  4. EDI标准贸易数据元的应用研究

    Study on Application of EDI Standard Trade Data Element

  5. 中国贸易数据弱于预期,拖累亚洲股市出现6周来最大跌幅。美联储(Fed)重要政策会议结束前,投资者也倾向于回避风险。

    Weaker-than-expected trade figures from China sent Asia stocks to their worst losses for six weeks as investors eschewed risk prior to a key policy meeting for the US Federal Reserve .

  6. 这些贸易数据发布之前,英国央行(BankofEngland)曾对英国经济前景做出悲观的预测,英国央行已经放弃长久以来的观点,即英国经济将在两年之内恢复到正常增长率。

    The trade data follow a gloomy assessment of the UK 's prospects from the Bank of England , which has abandoned its long-held belief that the economy would spring back to normal growth rates within two years .

  7. 他表示,尽管在G20峰会召开之前,中国可以攻击美国的货币政策,使美国处于守势,但新的贸易数据将转变辩论平衡。

    He said that while China had the US on the defensive ahead of the G20 over its monetary policy , the new trade data will rebalance the debate .

  8. 花旗集团(citigroup)驻上海的经济学家kenpeng表示,这些贸易数据显示,“外部需求疲弱的状况,正在产生更大范围的影响”。

    Ken Peng , economist at Citigroup in Shanghai , said the trade figures were a sign that " external demand weakness was becoming more widespread " .

  9. 由于台湾HS四位目数据较难获得以及所需贸易数据统计口径不统一等问题,使得比较大陆和台湾重点农产品的比较优势有很大的难度;

    Since there is considerable difference in statistic caliber and difficulty in data accumulation in Taiwan , it is not easy to compare their comparative advantage of key products ;

  10. 尽管传统贸易数据把在慕尼黑组装、之后销售至美国的宝马(bmw)轿车完全归为“德国”出口,但轿车的许多部件都将采购于德国以外。

    While traditional trade figures classify the sale of a munich-assembled BMW to the US as an entirely " German " export , many of the components will have been sourced outside Germany .

  11. 通过FAO世界油菜贸易数据分析,得出近年来世界油菜籽、菜籽油、菜籽饼贸易旱现出三个特点,一是北美洲是油菜籽的净出口地,亚洲是油菜籽的净进口地;

    By the analysis of FAO data on rapeseed trade , the characteristics of rapeseed , rape oil and rape cake trades were showed . First , North America was the net export area and Asia was the net import area .

  12. 星巴克进军高端市场的努力还显示出,美国的咖啡消费增长缓慢,磐聚网(Panjiva)收集的进口贸易数据也印证了这一点。

    The reach into a higher-end market is another sign that coffee consumption in the United States is growing only modestly , according to trade data on imports collected by Panjiva .

  13. 中国略有好转的贸易数据促进了股价的攀升。

    Slightly better trade data from China helped drive prices higher .

  14. 电传交换贸易数据统一行为规则;

    Uniform rules of conduct for interchange of trade data by teletransmission ;

  15. 不过贸易数据则显示,印度人对非洲的兴趣正在复苏。

    But trade figures point to a reawakening of interest .

  16. 美国统计局预定星期二(5月12日)发布了三月的贸易数据。

    The Census Bureau is due to release March trade data on Tuesday .

  17. 完善服务贸易数据统计:国外的实践与我国的对策

    Improve the Service Trade Statistics & Practice of Other Countries and Our Policy

  18. 周一,中国发布了疲弱的贸易数据。

    On Monday , China announced weak trade data .

  19. 中国不提供其黄金贸易数据。

    China does not report on its gold trade .

  20. 尽管如此,2月的贸易数据凸显了金属需求的疲软。

    Still , trade data released for February highlighted the weak demand for metals .

  21. 为什么一直没有出现更大的打击?人们从贸易数据中或许能够找到答案。

    Trade might provide the answer to why the suffering has not been greater .

  22. 这一点在简单的双边贸易数据中未能得到反映。

    Simple bilateral numbers do not capture this .

  23. GB/T15191-1997贸易数据元目录标准数据元

    Trade data elements directory & Standard data elements

  24. 让后来的世界贸易数据给我们答案吧。

    Watch those global trade figures with care .

  25. 这些贸易数据公布之前公布的通胀数据,突显出中国经济增长的减速。

    The trade numbers followed inflation data that underscored the downturn in the Chinese economy .

  26. 中国公布上述贸易数据之时,正值美国国会加大对中国施压,要求人民币升值。

    The trade figures came as US congressional pressure mounts for China to revalue its currency .

  27. 实际上,新的贸易数据显示,朝鲜对中国的依赖越来越强。

    In fact , new trade figures show the North only growing more dependent on China .

  28. 上周五公布的贸易数据显示,中国进出口总额连续第十个月同比下降。

    Trade data on Friday showed exports and imports falling for the 10th month , year-on-year .

  29. 联合国贸易数据交换目录

    United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory

  30. 近期主要通过双边贸易数据和引力模型方法进行研究。

    More recent studies take use of bilateral trade data and methodologies such as gravity models .