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pí bèi
  • exhausted;weary;tiredness;tired out;run-down;become fagged
疲惫 [pí bèi]
  • [tired out;exhausted] 极度疲劳

  • 以明公之威,击疲惫之众,如迅风之扫秋叶也。--《三国演义》

疲惫[pí bèi]
  1. 如果你经历了一个疲惫的星期五晚上,星期六睡懒觉听起来很不错。

    If you 're tired out by Friday night , sleeping in on Saturday could sound wonderful .

  2. 天黑以后,他拖着疲惫的身子回到家里,并对家里人说:“今天可把我累坏了,我帮助禾苗长高了。”

    After dark , he went back home tired out , and said to his family : " I 'm so tired today , I was helping the seedlings grow . "

  3. 这些人背着补给品疲惫地往山上爬。

    The men trudged up the hill , laden with supplies .

  4. 把事实和数字硬灌输给疲惫的学生太难了。

    It 's difficult to pump facts and figures into tired students .

  5. 司机伏在方向盘上,疲惫得睡着了。

    The driver was slumped exhausted over the wheel .

  6. 他们冒着雨疲惫而吃力地走回家。

    They wearily plodded home through the rain .

  7. 她感到浑身疲惫。

    A wave of tiredness swept over her .

  8. 她的脸色显得憔悴疲惫。

    Her face looked strained and weary .

  9. 她疲惫得脸色发白。

    Her face was grey with exhaustion .

  10. 她看上去又伤心又疲惫。

    She looked sad and tired .

  11. 他疲惫地闭上了眼睛。

    He closed his eyes wearily .

  12. 她转向我时看上去憔悴又疲惫。

    She looked drawn and tired when she turned towards me .

  13. 出什么事了,我最亲爱的?你看起来很疲惫。

    What 's wrong , my dearest ? You look tired .

  14. 邦伯里重重地倒在了床上,让他疲惫的双脚休息一下。

    Bunbury flopped down upon the bed and rested his tired feet

  15. 她不得不疲惫地步行穿过伦敦,这让她相当生气。

    She was rather cross about having to trail across London .

  16. 他们或许会感到疲惫,虽然外表看似没事,但可能很容易发火。

    They may feel tired and though outwardly calm , can be irritable

  17. 他疲惫至极,扯下衣服,一头倒在床上。

    Totally exhausted , he tore his clothes off and fell into bed

  18. “还有别的吗?”科拉姆问。凯瑟琳疲惫地摇了摇头。

    ' Anything else ? ' Colum asked . Kathryn shook her head wearily

  19. 我们大家都非常疲惫,士气低落。

    We are all very tired and morale is low

  20. 你一定注意到他有时候显得特别疲惫。

    You must have noticed how tired he sometimes looks

  21. 他看起来消瘦而疲惫,却说没什么可担心的。

    Looking gaunt and tired , he denied there was anything to worry about .

  22. 长期焦虑带来的紧张而疲惫的神色从她脸上慢慢消失了。

    Little by little she lost the taut , strained air of perpetual anxiety .

  23. 你还好吧?你看上去十分疲惫。

    Are you all right ? You look dreadful

  24. 普丽姆罗丝因疲惫而显得有些迟钝,开始哭着说她饿了。

    Primrose , stupefied by tiredness , began to wail that she was hungry .

  25. 她看上去非常憔悴和疲惫。

    She was looking very haggard and worn .

  26. 他疲惫的心继续沉溺于自哀自怜之中。

    His tired mind continued to wallow in self-pity

  27. 她身心疲惫,压力很大。

    She was tired and under great strain .

  28. 我既疲惫又恐惧,就连那熟悉的承诺都无法让我感到安慰。

    I was too tired and frightened to find comfort in that familiar promise .

  29. 由于缺乏睡眠,他们非常疲惫。

    They were exhausted from lack of sleep

  30. 他看上去又疲惫,又邋遢。

    He looked weary and bedraggled .