
  • fatigue driving;drowsy driving;Pilot Fatigue
  1. 基于DSP多特征检测疲劳驾驶监测系统研究

    On fatigue driving monitoring system based on DSP multi-characteristics detection

  2. 基于DSP的疲劳驾驶检测仪研制

    Detecting Instrument Development of Fatigue Driving Based On DSP

  3. 疲劳驾驶会出人命的。

    Tiredness while driving can kill .

  4. 如果不得不疲劳驾驶,那就开得比平时慢一点。

    If you have to drive when you are tired , go a little more slowly than you would normally

  5. 出租车司机协会劝告那些工作时长不受限制的会员不要疲劳驾驶。

    The taxi drivers ' association is urging its members , who can work as many hours as they want , not to overdo it .

  6. 仅在美国,疲劳驾驶每年至少会引起10万起交通事故。

    In the UnitedStates alone , sleepy drivers cause at least 100,000 traffic accidents a year .

  7. 睡眠不足还会增加白天犯困的风险,这会影响工作效率和学习成绩,同时也会增加疲劳驾驶的风险。

    Sleep deprivation2 also raises the risk of daytime sleepiness , which can harm productivity and academic achievement while heightening the risks of drowsy3 driving .

  8. DSP平台上的疲劳驾驶实时监测系统的研究

    Research of Fatigue Driving Real-time Monitoring System on DSP

  9. 基于FPGA的疲劳驾驶检测系统设计

    Design of Fatigue Driving Detecting System Based on FPGA

  10. 基于视频图像和RBF神经网络的疲劳驾驶监测系统

    Driver Fatigue Monitoring System Based on RBF NN and Image Processing

  11. 本文研究了如何在DSP中利用计算机视觉技术实现全天候疲劳驾驶实时监测系统。

    This paper studies how to realize the all-weather system based on DSP by using the technology of computer vision .

  12. 把眼睛检测及跟踪算法移植到专用DSP上,最终开发出疲劳驾驶的嵌入式实时监测系统。

    Detection and track algorithm of eyes are transplanted the special-purpose DSP , develop the embedded real-time monitoring system of fatigue driving finally .

  13. Logistic回归(Forward:LR法)分析表明,交通事故与每周驾驶时间、疲劳驾驶、寻衅性驾驶、饮酒指数的关系密切。

    A logistic analysis ( Forward : LR ) showed that the driving hour , drowsy driving , aggressive driving , and drinking index were closely related with traffic accidents ( P < 0.01 ) .

  14. JLR在英特尔和视觉机器公司的支持下,已经开发了监测司机的脸和眼睛的遥感技术,以减少分心和疲劳驾驶。

    JLR , with support from Intel and Seeing Machines , has developed sensing technology that monitors the driver 's face and eyes to reduce distracted and drowsy driving .

  15. 基于眼部特征的疲劳驾驶检测技术研究

    Research on Technology of Driving Fatigue Detection Based on Eye Features

  16. 高速公路疲劳驾驶交通事故的控制

    Control of Traffic Accidents due to Fatigue Driving on Express Way

  17. 疲劳驾驶监控中人脸检测与定位方法

    Detecting and Locating Method of Human Face in Driver Fatigue Surveillance

  18. 疲劳驾驶一直是车祸事故的主要原因之一,因此对驾驶员的疲劳状态进行检测,减少由疲劳驾驶引发的事故,有着重要的现实意义。

    Driver fatigue is one of the chief causes of traffic accident .

  19. 驾驶员疲劳驾驶是公路安全的一个主要威胁。

    Driver drowsiness poses a major threat to roadway safety .

  20. 睡眠的重要性!请勿疲劳驾驶!

    The importance of Sleep ! Don 't Drive Tired !

  21. 睡眠不足是造成疲劳驾驶的主要因素。

    Lack of sufficient sleep is a main reason of fatigue driving .

  22. 监视疲劳驾驶匝道测控的模糊设定

    Monitor Tired Drivers Fuzzy Design of Ramp Measure and Control

  23. 许多国家正在积极对防疲劳驾驶预警系统进行研究。

    Many countries are very active to research an anti-fatigue warning system .

  24. 基于人眼检测的疲劳驾驶监测技术研究

    Research of Technique for Driver 's Fatigue Supervising Based on Eye Detecting

  25. 因此,本文设计了驾驶员在模拟驾驶器上进行疲劳驾驶的实验。

    Therefore , this paper designs the experiment on the driving simulator .

  26. 据资料显示,高速公路因疲劳驾驶导致交通事故呈上升趋势。

    Investigation indicates that traffic accident in highway is rising because of fatigue .

  27. 疲劳驾驶检测中人眼定位及跟踪方法的研究

    Eye localization and tracking method in driver fatigue detection

  28. 疲劳驾驶预警装置的实现与软件设计

    Realization and Software Design of Fatigue Driving Alarm Set

  29. 疲劳驾驶监控中的眼睛状态识别方法

    Eye State Recognition Method of Driver Fatigue State Surveillance

  30. 一种有效的用于疲劳驾驶检测的人眼定位算法

    An Effective Eye Location Method for Drowsy Driving Detection