
  • 网络Wallet phone;EZ FeliCa
  1. 我们坐在客车后方,我开始把钱包、手机和ipod塞在座位之间的缝隙中。

    We were sitting towards the back of the bus , and I started pushing my wallet , phone and iPod down the crack in between the seats .

  2. 旅行的增加,航班上复杂的行李携带规则确实刺激了对于口袋数量多于平均水平的物品的需求,同样增加的还有被认为必不可少的个人日常用品的数量,例如钥匙、钱包、手机、黑莓和iPod。

    Increased travel and complicated airline carry-on rules have certainly boosted demand for anything with an above-average pocket count , as has the growing number of personal items considered essential for everyday use such as keys , wallets , mobiles , BlackBerrys , and iPods .

  3. 她昨天被抢了,并丢失了钱包和手机。

    She was robbed yesterday and lost her purse and cell phone .

  4. 那么他的钱包和手机也是你找到的喽?

    Did you find his wallet and his cell phone , too ?

  5. 没发现钱包,手机和挣扎过的迹象。

    No purse , no cell phone , no signs of a struggle .

  6. 不过,不可思议的是,我的手提包居然没被抢走,我的钥匙、钱包和手机也都还在包里。

    But my handbag , miraculously , was still mine , as were my keys , my wallet and my mobile phone .

  7. 拜信标技术所赐,让人们在各种移动应用上单击支付,或者说无需掏钱包或手机就能够买东西的技术已经存在。

    Technologies already exist that enable people to pay across mobile apps with a single touch , or make a purchase without even taking out a wallet or phone thanks to beaconing technology .

  8. 除钱包和手机外,游客不允许携带其他物品,不能穿高跟鞋,且必须在不借助扶手的情况下过桥。

    No belongings are allowed except for wallets or mobile phones with cover . Visitors are not allowed to wear high heeled shoes , and must cross the bridge without the aid of the railings .

  9. 有条理的摆放自己的东西也可以节省很多时间,例如,钥匙、钱包和手机都放在指定的地方,这样的话就不需要大早上找这些东西。

    Being organized with your belongings can also save you time keep your keys , wallet , and phone in a designated area so that you don 't have to search for them in the mornings .

  10. 他身上有钱包或者是手机吗?

    Did he carry a wallet or a cell phone ?

  11. 而钱包与(手机)的“沟通”则通过蓝牙实现。

    The wallets communicate using Bluetooth .

  12. 真不好意思打扰呃我被人袭击了呃他们好像…拿了我的钱包还有…手机也拿走了

    Oh , very sorry to disturb you , um , I 've just been attacked , um , um , and I think they , they took my wallet and , um , and my phone .

  13. 情人节那天,我出门的时候忘了带钱包,还有,手机。

    I left my wallet at home , and , and my cell phone in valentine 's day .

  14. 钱包、钥匙、手机这三样东西在人们的日常生活中似乎都是不可缺少的。

    It seems that three things are indispensable in most people 's pockets or purses at all times : keys , a wallet and a phone .

  15. 如何实现手机卡具备手机钱包、企业管理手机一卡通的功能,是非常值得探讨和研究的。

    Phone cards how to achieve not only the communication function , it also has mobile phone wallet , cell phone card and mobile phone Global Express business application functionality .

  16. Google钱包要想成功,运营商必需要推出支持钱包的Android手机,或者Google会通过协议“公开”迫使Android绑定Google钱包(硬件+软件)。

    For Google Wallet to succeed , carriers will have to distribute Wallet-enabled Android phones , or perhaps Google will " openly " force every Android licensee to carry the Wallet ( hardware + software ) .