
  • 网络truth;seek truth;Seeking Truth
  1. 五是要认识理论创新和求真的关系。

    Forth , understand the relationship between theoretical innovation and truth .

  2. 科技奠基了人文精神中的求真基石并给人文精神以理性的支撑。

    It gives Humanism Spirits the foundation of pursuing truth and rational knowledge .

  3. 基于这一原因,通过假定视震级(目录震级)围绕着真震级的正态分布,利用频率-震级关系式(古登堡-里克特公式)求真震级下的b值。

    For this reason , based on the uncertainty of the observed magnitude , i.e. , the apparent magnitude , the frequency magnitude relation ( Gutenberg Richter relation ) was estimated by assuming the normal distribution of the apparent magnitude around the true one .

  4. 他在近7O年的教学生涯中,形成了具有鲜明特色的教育思想,即:在教育目标上,提倡求真务实,培养创新人才;

    He has , in his teaching career of nearly 70 years , developed his thought on e-ducation with striking characteristics : His goal of education lies in advocating the pursuit of truth and down - to earth-ness ;

  5. 求真务实理念;

    The idea of seeking the truth and doing practical work ;

  6. 人人祈求真主使这座村庄免遭饥饿。

    Everyone prayed that Allah might spare the village from starvation .

  7. 每天晚上,我都会祈求真主赐给我力量。

    I prayed to God every night to give me strength .

  8. 中国传统史著编纂的求真原则虚静:中国传统文化对自由的理解与追求

    Principle of Seeking for Truth in Traditional Chinese Historiography Chinese Traditional Culture

  9. 构建和谐社会必须求真务实维护困难群体的利益

    Constructing the Harmonious Society , Protecting the Benefits of the Poor Groups

  10. 抢抓机遇求真务实大力推进广东生态文明建设

    Seize the Opportunity Vigorously Promote Ecological Civilization Construction in Guangdong

  11. 中外翻译界对于诗歌翻译中的真与美的讨论由来以久。译诗应该在求真的基础上求美。

    Poetry translation must seek for beauty on the basis of faithfulness .

  12. 我们的工作:求真务实,尽职尽责,追求卓越。

    Our job : practical , conscientious , the pursuit of excellence .

  13. 求真、务实、谋求果酒业的发展

    In Pursuit of Fruit Wine Industry Development with Practical and Realistic Attitude

  14. 要努力在全党造成求真务实的风气

    Strive to Create Realistic and Pragmatic Mood in Whole Party

  15. 求真&校本课程开发中的科学追求;

    Reality-seeking & science-seeking in the school-based curriculum development ;

  16. 我认为她提出这种要求真是厚颜无耻。

    I think she 's got colossal cheek to suggest such a thing .

  17. 医学不仅应当求真,而且应当求善。

    Medicine not only seeks to truth , but also seeks to beneficence .

  18. 行政合同中信赖保护原则的适用研究崔述《考信录》坚守的求真致用原则

    Administration Contract to Protect the Principle of Trust in the Application of Research

  19. 求真务实、克服思想政治工作中的形式主义

    Being Realistic and Pragmatic and Overcoming Formalism in the Ideological and Political Work

  20. 求真务实:真理和价值的辩证统一

    Seeking Truth and Being Pragmatic : the Dialectic Unification of Truth and Value

  21. 经营方针:做人做事,信守承诺,求真务实!

    Operating principles : how to get , keep their promises , realistic !

  22. 发展人文精神应把科学的怀疑、求真求实精神纳入其中,建立起人文与科学的有机联系。

    Scientific spirit should be connected with humanism organically .

  23. 脾阴溯源求真

    Research on the Origin and the Essence of Spleen-yin

  24. 求真求新,奋斗筑起通向理想大学的阶梯。

    Seek truth and innovation to make a ladder for an ideal university .

  25. 唐诗英译的求真与求美

    Seeking Truth and Seeking Beauty in the Translation of Tang Poems into English

  26. 发扬求真务实精神努力推进未成年人思想道德建设

    Carrying forward the Spirit of Reality , Improving Mintors ' Ideological and Moral Construction

  27. 求真务实是精确指导的理论基础

    Seeking Truth and Dealing with Concrete Matters is the Theoretical Foundation of Precise Guidance

  28. 构建和谐社会需要求真务实

    Building Harmonious Society Needs Serious and Practical Attitude

  29. 论求真务实是党的思想路线的核心内容

    On Seeking Truth and Pragmatism & The core part of Party 's Ideological Guideline

  30. 论在统一战线建设中的求真务实

    Discussion on Demanding Truth and Proceeding Reality in the Construction of the United Front